Does Notch deserve to be the richest Game Developer on Earth?
Does Notch deserve to be the richest Game Developer on Earth?
No, but he got lucky so, God bless.
>got lucky by making the most influential game in the last decade
>John Blowjob
damn I chuckled
What about Will Wright?
Don't be so naive. That's not how it works. There's plenty of people who work hard for their wealth but there's also a lot of luck and bullshit involved.
Sup Forums is the reason it took off talking and shilling about it constantly with creative mode and making pixel art and raptures.
Solo built the best survival game to date, in a market foaming with thirst for survival games.
Seems he deserves it.
I've never played mine craft though, looks fucking shit. Survival kiddies are demented, the genre is a complete waste of time.
>richest game dev
>cant make another game
Proof he was a hack tbqh
that's right comrade. when do we seize the means?
yep this is pretty much all the proof one needs to prove that capitalist ideals are basically all just total bullshit
Toby Fox is not worth that much is he?
it's true, reddit
>Toby is worth $4
you know what, he earned it
He made that game Scrolls didn't he?
...and that's it. Everything else he attempted he abandoned.
i forgot the million
wow Sup Forums youre so influential! you once TALKED about a game, you are so amazing!
this game had constant bump limit threads up from early creative - late beta, Sup Forums was absolutely influential
He's getting a cut from all the Homestuck albums sold, which is a surprising amount. That contributes to it.
Underale costs $10 and has sold about 1.8m copies with a two person dev team, so it would be somewhere around that mark.
I thought Undertale made him two million not four, but I could be wrong.
>being this new
It was him and some other guy I think.
No. Minecraft is neither unique nor original and Notch owes most of his fortunes to Sup Forums for shilling his game that one night. And as we all know, Sup Forums's autism can sometimes make or break a lot of things.
>perfect example of why capitalism is awesome proves capitalism is bullshit
Well alrighty then.
minecraft has a lot more sales
undertale is close to 2 million in sales, and its a $10 game
What is Joostenfu's net worth?
It was funny, Minecraft had about 1000 people at the time I joined up. A friend from high school who's into game dev sends me a link to check it out.
>Spend a bunch of time dicking around with water in the multiplayer map
>want bigger worlds so I pay for the survival mode
>Mess around some more and have a good time buildan
>Notch gets featured on the TF2 blog
>huge influx of people inc
>Notchdollars continue to grow
>The in progress multiplayer finally gets added
>Money raining down
>Development pretty much stops for a long time aside for a few features
I watched all this shit unfold with excitement for it to grow. Now I'm kind of ashamed to play it.
Jonathan Blow probably isn't wealthy at all. I heard he spent almost all his Braid money making The Witness and I don't think that game is as huge as Braid in terms of sales, so if he makes another game, he will perpetually be mediocre wealth. Which is a shame because he's pretty clever and makes interesting stuff.
The other people on that OP image are cunts and faggots and I'm jealous of all of them. Especially Kojima who not only produces shit made by a huge team of artists and programmers but he gets away with taking all the credit as though hes some god. MGS3 wasn't that good guys.
This. Whether they """""""deserve""""""" to be rich or not is irrelevant. They wouldn't have gotten rich if people didn't buy their shit.
Considering Undertale's sales I wouldn't be surprised if he was worth more.
She's priceless m8
how exactly does someone who does hardly any work (and certainly not any kind of work that helps keep our civilization stay afloat) yet gets filthy rich basically by the luck of the draw and piggybacking on others work prove that capitalism is awesome?
Because he produced a work people like and consume. He didn't fucking rob a bank to get his money, he made it fair and square.
And what is it that you do, user? This man has provided mindless entertainment to millions. Can you say the same?
He made a game that millions of people wanted.
Wanted enough to pay him millions of dollars.
League of Legends and Dota were more influential by a mile, it doesn't mean either are good or worth while.
oh you guys are right
I guess millions of people just don't like eating thats the reason why every farmer isn't a billionaire
I never realized how simple this was I sure am stupid
He got rich by refusing to work for someone else and doing it on his own.
THAT, more than anything, makes him worthy of his money.
Different issues entirely.
Systemic poverty is indeed a problem with capitalism, but luxury goods being heavily profitable is an advantage of capitalism rather then a flaw.
Nice bait image.
Inafune didn't create Mega man. He had very small role in MM1's development. Akira Kitamura is the creator of Mega Man.
Gaben is a businessman, not a game creator. He never created Half Life.
Most of the others are probably wrong too.
>half of them are jews
There are millions of farmers filling the same niche and selling their product through suppliers. In addition, their products are perishable and take a long-ass time to produce with a lot of maintenance and a fairly high failure rate.
Minecraft, at its conception, was one of a kind and filled a unique niche, sold without any middleman like a supermarket, and is a permanent product that once you buy, you own. In addition, it's a luxury item, which are naturally more profitable than bare essentials. And Minecraft is a comparatively novel concept, too. Everybody in history has seen the need for agriculture and filled it in some way, but Minecraft was a relatively innovative concept. This comparison couldn't be a more false equivalency.
I bet you think grade school teachers should be one of the highest paid groups, too.
You sure are stupid.
No one farmer produces enough to make millions. Because they can't, and because there are loads of them.
Were you deprived of oxygen in the womb?
being a farmer is much less valuble than being an intelligent, talanted indie developer. any idiot can be a farmer, and they will be replaced by machines any year now
yfw when Sean and Murray are richer than Pewdiepie.
Anyone can farm, dumbass. Minecraft is a product that requires skill to produce.
Mainly I just don't like the animations, especially for combat. Tilesets can be changed easy enough, but that limpwristed swing will always be there.
yeah wtf, gaben didnt Create capital C HL even if he had a hand in development
Farming is a skilled labor same as software development.
Maybe any idiot can be a fruit picker but being an actual farmer is a little more involved than that.
You know he used to post here, and ask people their thoughts and how to improve the game, right? This board had a big role getting the game going, but you're too new to know this.
>ashamed to play it.
why though, it's not perfect but i dont think its a bad game.
The produce is fungible and farming has been worked out to a science. They're not really comparable.
Anyone else /poverty/ here?
I don't really agree with this
luxury good being heavily profitable is not an advantage or a flaw in fact I don't think its even an intended effect of a capitalist system at all
its actually just an unintended consequence of having a population with mediocre average intelligence and less than adequate education
stupid people just need stupid things to waste their disposable income on
Considering that the whole list consists of hacks? Yes, because he's the hack who made the most fun game with the least effort.
>Does Notch deserve to be the richest Game Developer on Earth?
Minecraft as an IP is still in top-ten game lists. Regardless of whether he deserved to be rich or not, his game was definitely worth what Microsoft paid for it.
Actually, not really. I work in an agricultural company, and these days it's mostly outsourced. They hire a company to plant the rootstock, they hire a company to cut the rootstock down to size, they hire a company to maintain the rootstock, they hire a company to bud the rootstock, they hire a company to eventually harvest the crop. The actual farmer doesn't do much beyond paperwork if they don't care to. At most, they can be involved in 3 of these processes, and most don't bother to even be involved in one.
>its actually just an unintended consequence of having a population with mediocre average intelligence and less than adequate education
>stupid people just need stupid things to waste their disposable income on
you realize that every single video game, movie, artwork, piece of music, sport, and even this website could be classified as a luxury good?
>tfw make just enough to split an apartment, afford my motorcycle, and buy vidya every now and then
perfectly comfy
no obviously that honor belongs to the guy who comes and picks up your trash in the morning first
I mean do you have any idea what you'd do if that guy just stopped showing up?
he definitely deserves it
they can maybe be like fifth highest though
That's literally what disposable income is. Let me guess, you think everyone should be working on how to feed the hundreds of millions of useless mouths in Africa day in and day out?
>Arin only 500k
How is that even possible?
yeah exactly
amazingly though Sup Forums is perfectly free despite being the stupidest of all those things
Luxury goods aren't heavily profitable anyway. A lot of the time the margins are actually quite slim and when they aren't slim it's because so few people buy them they have to sell at huge mark up in order to survive.
The most profitable goods in a capitalist society are the goods people need, not the goods people want.
Remember, Notch isn't actually that rich from selling his product to consumers, he's that rich from selling it to microsoft and microsoft are not infallible.
>Let's Play Artist
>Sup Forums is perfectly free
You realize how this website operates, right?
The equivalent is every video game being F2P with microtransactions and selling ad-space to companies. Except 100x more obnoxious then Sup Forums cause the cost of making vidya is more then hosting a website.
Anyone have any of his fucking insane twitter posts? Some favorites of mine are his armpit fetish one with the anime girl and him telling jontron WWII was unavoidable.
Considering he actually sold his IP, yeah, probably.
If Miyamoto sold off even Mario he'd be RAF
>Lands in a comfy position
>Potential to expand the game more and more
>Squander potential entirely
>Microsoft also fucks up by buying him out for entirely too much
>Then proceeds to not have the Team get off their ass and start actually fixing up/improving the game as other offshoots have done already
>Dude who did Optifine was asked by Mojang to join/sell his optimization dealio
>refused for whatever reason
>Mojang just doesn't optimize the game themselves
I mean its free for me
of course I know it costs some money for the person who owns a website to keep it up but hey it must be working out otherwise it wouldn't still be here right?
this one is more sad than insane
>waah i have so much money but i'm too much of a shithead to give friends a boost
He actually did just that.
They're pissy because of how sudden it was without any talks whatsoever with them, which is understandable.
Also means they work for Microsoft instead of him, which means they have to get up off their asses and make shit for the game now instead of doing a bad yearly update.
Got my manifesto ready
It's more like, I've become old enough now to know I don't have all the time in the world to play games anymore. Because my youth is finite and i'll die eventually accomplishing nothing.
I'm poor even when I'm working. Maybe it's just because food is pricey here, or I'm a slob and eat too much takeout. But it's always been living month to month for me.
Just quit my job after having my supervisor act like a cunt to me every night. When I complained to management about him they gave him one of those asspat recogntions and told me since I was the only one who had an issue with him it must be me and not him.
I worked hard at that job and still felt inadequate and shit. Every job is like this, I'm starting to think there's literally nowhere for me in this world and I should just an hero.
>or I'm a slob and eat too much takeout.
Depending on where you are it's probably this.
Takeout is expensive and generally shit for satisfying hunger.
He capitalized son. Git gud
I live in eastern Canada, so all food is overpriced here. Jobs pay less and everyone's scrounging for them. When I do buy fast food, I typically just go for whatever's cheapest like value menu shit.
>I live in eastern Canada, so all food is overpriced here.
Commonwealth feels user.
But yeah you can make a lot of meals for really cheap.