What would it take to get you to buy a Vita?

What would it take to get you to buy a Vita?

Make it free and i'll buy all they have in stock


Already bought one. Would be nice if they finally cut memory card prices.


pay me first and i will start considering it

Good games

don't use my fucking name

One and done.

No need for the jealousy poorfag.

You can find a regular 32 GB for way cheaper. Amazon has that exact same one in that image for 9 bucks.


Already did. Wouldn't really recommend one since most of the few games it has aren't console exclusive anymore but I still have fun with it


Please let Vita 3000 exist with OLED and MicroSD.

Thats all I want. I need more space on my memory card.

The ability to use regular SD cards.

Piracy to get blown wide open for translation patches.

Dragon's Crown 2

Kek. Life imitates art

yo damn

32 gig vita cards cost around 60usd while the 64 gb cards are 90-100. I managed to snag a new one off ebay for 75 with free shipping and that's a steal.

Fuck those expensive cards

You can't filter me.

Non-weebshit games and turn based anime pantsu trash

32GB aren't 100GB lol, you can get a 64GB for like $80.

Just buy a used 8GB or 16GB vita memory card, you can find them for dirt cheap on EBay or Craigslist.

Store the rest of your vita content on your PC or external hard drive. You can buy a 1TB external for $60 and store anything you want on it. Just connect your Vita through wifi with the content manger if you want to transfer shit real quick.

A free scat sample disc or a midi port

If the Vita wasn't an unequivocal flop in the west I could almost imagine them doing that as a response to HEN and the other hacks that have been coming out recently.

Persona 4, Sly cooper games and Danganronpa 2

But now it's a lot more games than that.

Why would you want a sample of someone's stool?

It's a meme that OLED screens are good. The technology is still too young and there are a lot of problems with color accuracy and burn-in.

Would never, ever happen.
1: Costs too much. The device itself and storage media is far too much already. I'm not willing to pay such a large amount for something that...
2: Has no games. Or at least, very few. I'd like Gundam SEED Battle Destiny or Persona 4 Golden, but that's it. Two games is not enough for me to buy something like that. I'll wait 15 years and emulate it.
3: Homebrew scene is virtually nonexistent because nobody even has a Vita. Maybe if it was more robust and useful for more than just playing Vita games, I'd consider it. As is, no thanks.

PSP tier CFW/scene

How is an SDHC a microSD?
32GB are also like $60 atm, 64 is $80.

No way to justify it, but no reason to over inflate the issue either. No one lost their shit when apple does it with every product or Nintendo did it with the Wii U.

It has more Western support than the 3DS atm.

I think he means a Scatman album

CFW will never be that easy again, user.

Ne and my brother are going to get a pstv in about a month when we move, it's also hella cheaper than a vita at around forty bucks.
We're both gonna enjoy p4g and I'm gonna get ultra despair girls since I've already played both the DR games on pc.

I can't immediately think of any other games though.

You mean it has no games you like. What kind of handheld games do you enjoy from this gen?

I don't think you have eyes, nigga

Can games be pirated on it yet?
I haven't touched/upgraded mine in like two years lel

Too little, too late. They should just focus on catering to NEET trash at this point; it's all they have.

>You mean it has no games you like.
Shit, I thought I appended 'that I would be interested in' in there.
>What kind of handheld games do you enjoy from this gen?
Please don't try to recommend games I've never heard of to me, user. I know what I like, hence how I even know about GSBD.

You dont have to be NEET to enjoy it. In fact, the whole premise of this thread is it being too expensive, NEETs can't afford much.

That being said, how does a game focus on a jobless person?

I have a vita, and I want to get a memory card but it's so hard for me to pay out when I don't value it anywhere near the price, even though I could easily afford it.
If I'm paying 60 dollars for a 32 GB SD card, that shit better be god damned indestructible, and it's not.

I've had my Vita since release and I don't have any noticeable burn-in. The burn-in is a meme.

OLED is objectively better. Slim makes games look like blurry shit and it has a piss filter.

You like shit, I already know that. I just want to know what kind. Do you still play Pokemon and Kirby?

Can I pirate its games?
I want to play gravity rush

An ips screen with soft lighting trumps Oled. Oled is only good for its deep blacks in dark environments but the colors are oversaturated as fuck.

>I know what I like and wont try something new
>Don't recommend me something I may have not researched, i won't like it

You sound like a new age gamer that follows reviews before anything else.

If you can't even put two and two together you should just stop posting.

It kinda sucks because the slim has better buttons than the 1000 does, but the 2000 screen is pretty dick.

You basically offered no connection to poor people being able to afford consoles that cost money. You just seem to want to insult the console rather than offer any actual arguments against it. Pretty childish desu.

Are you new?

Unless your computer monitor is OLED then you can live without it. If you're a phoneposter then fuck off.

Sorry, I forgot anonymity means you have to act like a retarded monkey.

So you're new.

I can live without it but the thing is I don't have to. That's the point. I have a 1000 and swapping to the 2000 isn't worth it.

Literally nothing

Why would my monitor matter? PCs are not for playing video games.

The OLED is just so good on the vita. especially for PSP games. Tactics ogre is so gorgeous.

All it takes to buy one is not being underage or poor.

I got one on release and since I love weeb games I have far more titles for it than any other current-gen platform

I also buy an average of two new Vita games per month and have shit preordered til next Jan.

The problem is not that I can't buy one. I can. I can buy a 64 vita GB card and have it delivered tomorrow right now. The problem is I don't value it at anywhere near the price they're asking for it. It has nothing to separate it from a normal SD card other than it only works on a vita. In fact, that just makes it worse. Spending 80-100 dollars on a memory card that cannot work with anything else I own. And when you can say without exaggeration that it costs quadruple or even more of what a regular 64 gb SD card costs, it's just dumb. I can find much better uses of 100 dollars.

On the contrary, you must be eternally underage to buy one.

Same i got a used OLED model for 75 bucks with 4 games and an 8Gb card. I just shuffle games from my PC when i beat them or want to play it's not that big of a deal...


60fps Migu vidya


wouldn;'t mind playing some pokemon romhacks on it.


So many uninteresting games on the vita


Why is vitagen so defensive? No banter allowed

If you bought a shitty handheld with nogames you'd have nothing to do but shitpost on the internet too

Already bought one. If they stopped porting the games to better systems, like PS4 and PC I might actually buy a game for it.

That and the kind of people who buy games like are known autists.

Don't waste your time. No one ever listens to us gold members.

For someone to devise a workaround for SD cards.

PSvita memory cards are much higher quality than Sandisk. If Sandisk's cards were good the wouldn't charge you 9 dollars for 32GB. Sony charges $90 dollars because they are quality. Don't be an idiot. If you want Sony quality, you pay extra. That's a good thing because poorfags are retarded. If you weren't a retarded poorfag you'd realize that if something is $9 then that means it's a piece of shit. Based Sony.

>buying the same game twice

Sony supported cross-buying for what, like a week?

If you're going to bait, make it sound less retarded.

They gave away pretty much anything decent on plus or have been massively discounted. If you missed out on plus and don't want weebshit don't even bother with retail games save once in a blue moon. Just use it as a god tier psp/ps1 machine that's also very good for a handful of good indies (hotline miami, banner saga etc)

Did you know that Sony itself also makes SD/Micro SD cards? Did you know that you can get a Sony brand 64gb MicroSD card for 17 dollars?

Those 17 dollar ones are only the ones that they deem unfit for the Vita because they were too far from the die when being made. The Vita MicroSDs are the ones closest to the die, so of course they cost more.

That picture in OP is about as old as the vita

How are you so fucking stupid that you don't realize that retard was clearly baiting? He fucking ended his post with "Based Sony".

The vita is shit.

I have my phone for psp games, and there isn't a single game worthy of being called a seller.

The saddest thing is you're not even getting paid to defend this piece of crap.

>plays games on his phone

I'm sorry user.


Why? I even got a neat ass little bluetooth controller and games run at 100% all the fucking time.

Plus I have SNES, NES, GBA emulators on it.
So no, I guess I'm the one who is sorry for you.


Why is my vita's screen full of darker black blotches when showing a very dark image? It's only noticeable in low light conditions but still looks strange.

user... You're a mobile gamer, and for that i'm sorry. Sorry that you'll never be able to tell the difference between a good game and a bad game. And for all the other social consequences that come with being a person who plays video games on a mobile device. God bless you. You will need it.

CFW with piracy.

So I guess I'm buying it soon enough

It needs more good games like the 3DS. And I dont mean weebshit. Like real games with real gameplay.

I'd love to get a 64GB card for my Vita to hold more PS1 and PSP games but fuck paying $100 for one.

Gravity Rush and Soul Sacrifice, almost 4 years ago.

Got EDF in the flash sale. It's fun.

I havent touched my 3ds in 3 years and not taken a look at what games came out for it

Recommend me some real games for the 3ds

Dont recommend mh since i already have unopened copies for 4 and generations

I sometimes wonder if people who say things like this have ever paid attention to a handheld that isn't the PSP. Handhelds are traditionally Japanese as fuck, they're a paradise for weeb games.

3DS has shit all. At least vita has some great ports like rayman origins. I've got a sky3ds and still never play it. It has so many games that should be good but end up being mediocre as shit.

No, it was PC until the DS where the weebgames are japan only and mainly Visual novels. Before the PSP handhelds rarely got weebshit, because really weebshit hardly existed.

Because the organic LED screen is rotting. Welcome to the downside of the whole 'organic' part.

I already have a PSTV. For me to get a normal Vita, the price would have to drop pretty hard.