What the fuck is this shit?

What the fuck is this shit?

The first heist was fucking 10/10, great shit

second heist was full-on retarded faggot shit because it was just flying a fucking shitty helicopter and driving a fucking submarine

the third heist was even fucking stupider

this is the worst shit yet

i was so excited for a fucking bank heist and they made it a fucking hold-down-left-click-for-ten-minutes "cinematic experience"

i'm so close to dropping this fucking game because these heists are fucking dogshit

wait until you play the online """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''heists""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''

Wew lad I wish Trevor got to sell the nuke. Could of been cool to add more influence/pressure from merryweather

not a problem, i pirated it

damn happy i didn't pay for it at this point

>lol nice heist no pay tho gg

>oh you want millions of dollars? insider trading, better start over LOL

shit was blue balls

The first heist was needed for the trailers. Why bother after that when you already raked in profits from fucking PREORDERS.

Can you get the armor anywhere else? Or online?

GTA 4 had a better bank robbery.

Vice City too.
RIP Fat guy.

Nice blog fag.
Drop it or don't, nobody cares.

I fucking loved that mission. It got so spectacularly out of hand.

> First heist
> Pick subtle approach
> "Oh hey, i wont need the expensive gunman. I'll just pick the cheap one with the best get-away guy."
> Cheap gunman dies and loses one third of the total cut even with best get-away
> Good gunman lives even with the worst get-away

I am always going to be mad.

Director Mode

Really felt like they were pushing a "crime doesn't pay" moral, while making you keep committing crimes to get paid.

It was all so this faggot would stay motivated. I liked Michael's character, but they painted their asses into a corner when it came to just how long his story would last. He was great for a two-hour movie. Fucking terrible for a 20+ hour video game.

this just happened to me

>train stick-up mission
>driving next to train on bike
>game glitches out, i crash the bike and fly ten feet in the air on top of the train
>"oh fucking sweet i can run to the train car with the gold in it now by jumping from car to car on the roof"

fuck all these goddamn failure states
fuck landing at precise locations in aircraft
fuck "the car was damaged" missions

fuck this game so hard
don't make something so amazingly complexly open-world and then call the player a faggot for doing anything other than your linear mission work

The way they blue-ball you until the very end of the game, which itself felt rushed, pissed me off to no end.

Especially that douche you steal the sports cars for. Why the fuck did they let him get away with not paying them? Death was too good for him. I would've rather tortured him than that random brown guy.



You could have drove over the bag next to his body to retrieve the money lost

>the weapons on that one car don't work outside of that mission
Fuck you too, Rockstar.


It's hard to realize and react in time on the first attempt.

The entire torture mission/PSA was the most cringeworthy shit I'd ever seen in a video game.

The three character gimmick was a piece of shit. All they needed was for Tommy Vercetti, as Tommy Vercetti this time goddammit, to come out of retirement. That's obviously the story Houser felt like telling. Add some actual creativity and some decent fucking heists, and you got yourself a game.

If you don't want to get creative, take a look at a fucking true crime book for heist ideas.

You dont actually kill him, user. After Michael neats him up, he fires Franklin (And by extension, Lamar) and is never seen again.

Instead, in the obviously canon ending we kill Some guys from the chinese triad, Steve, the rich asshole and some nigger you only see like 3 times over the game.

What was the point of that mobster that was cheating on his wife anyway? Trevor kidnaps the wife, and then intimidates him into disapearing from the game.

Yeah, thats true, but..

What i am pissed about is how stupid that was regardless. It is ridiculous that picking the best gate-way only serves to make the driving section slighty easier, even when you picked the version of the heist that involves absolutely no violence.

No, not that jew. I mean the rich guy you steal the sports cars for. He gives you a mission where you use a car with mounted machine guns and spike dispensers.

I dont think theyd be able to get ray liotta to come back and voice tommy for another game

Would be sick af hearing his voice as tommy vercetti again though

you mean a better cut scene, right?

I'm sure they had plenty of money to get him back on board. Failing that, sure, bring in Mike McFuckface as a replacement. Don't shoehorn in two other protagonists who aren't that fucking necessary. The nigger was almost literally a third wheel and Trevor was a goddamned idiot who could easily have been a supporting regular like Lance Vance.

GTA IV is superior in every way aside from vehicle customization and storage, clothing options, and graphics.

>GTAV online heists
>fly around in a slow ass plane for 10 minutes while fuckwad down below dies several times because he "doesn't want to be the pilot and is good at shooting"

I fucking hated Michael and his awful family.

CJ would've been okay if his skin wasn't such a weird shade and he had some goddamn personality.

Ah, right, my bad.

I completely forgot you had to steal cars for him.

Is it just me or does the game just feel forgetable as hell? That rich asshole had a shit ton of car missions and i completely forgot about it until this thread. I dont even remember his name and he is literally the last person you kill.

By the end of the game i felt nothing when he finally dies because the game did nothing to actually make me care.

Even the heists were forgetable. Only ones i actually remember were the first, last and OP's picture.

Meant Franklin (aka CJ Lite)

I don't remember his name either. I felt jipped that he got such a quick and almost painless death, then there's the FIB prick who you don't get many options in killing since he's on the Ferris Wheel

>I fucking hated Michael and his awful family.

I didn't hate Michael (in fact he was the only character who felt like an actual character for me), but I'm with you on his family. Houser turned those pieces of shit up to ridiculous levels, like he forgot that the radio commercials were stupidly over the top strictly for the sake of comedy and tried to insert that ridiculousness into the actual plot.

It made for three horrible fucking people in desperate need of rewriting, and that rewriting time could've been spent on not focusing on muh 3 ways to play nonsense. Of course it probably wouldn't have anyway.

>people still play GTAO

What the fuck

The problem is i don't think its about money for ray
The reason he didnt keep doing voicework after vice city is because tommy vercetti was overshadowing his own fame which would lead to him being typecasted as the same character in any role he would be offered
You can see this happening right now too with the guy who voices trevor, any roles that he gets offered, like that one in better call saul, hes literally just playing trevor in a tv show

Although now ray has already made a pretty big name for himself and he is getting quite old now so i guess it could actually be a pretty damn good idea for him to go back into voicework

Would love to see it, but i doubt they could convince him to return

The family wasn't supposed to be likeable though, you realise that GTA's story and characters are pretty much always intended to be satirical in nature, right?

Mostly kids who get their shitty parent(s) to buy them Shark Cards™. Also, niggers playing music into the mic.

Every time I see Jimmy on his bike, I put him under my wheels. That'll teach that fat fuck to drug his own dad.

Same with Amanda whenever Michael drops her off somewhere to shop. It's a shame that Tracy doesn't leave the house.

The problem here is that the satire was too heavy-handed, which can, does, and did happen.

>CJ lite
More like skim CJ decaf unsweetened zero calories

>First heist
>it's a tiny starter bank heist, ok good enough
>second """heist"""
>it's a prison breakout
>third """""heist""""
>It's just a bunch of fucking shooting
>fourth """"""""""heist"""""""""""
>it's just a bunch of spec ops bullshit
>fifth heist

He'd been typecasted years before Vice City. In fact, Tommy was a result of such typecasting.

Pride isn't really a big deal to him either. A few years back he was an antagonist in Wild Hogs, where his character ended up getting humiliated by John Travolta and Tim fucking Allen. He also semirecently played a character in Cowadoody Black Ops 2.

Yeah, I suppose you could argue that for some, but it's always been the case in GTA. IV was just as bad if not worse.

He was good in that shitty movie.

Settle down.

He was, but my point was he accepted the role and didn't seem to give a shit. Reprising a GTA role would be a few steps up from getting beaten by Tim "The Toolman" Taylor.

Were you expecting payday 2? Hell, even that game has plenty of non-bank heist missions.

Not really. I don't think there was a single character in IV that was completely insufferable who you didn't end up killing.

Then why are we supposed to care about what happens to them?
Look at the difference between him and Roman from 4 for example
Despite being a massive fuckup he's still relatable and if he dies it feels like something is actually lost, so much so that i hate that ending simply because it means no more roman

How would you feel if Jimmy died, or any other member or even all of the de santa family? Cause i know i certainly wouldn't feel compelled to go back and try to save them, in fact it would probably have made the story a little more interesting if that did happen

we were expecting heists that were heists

not fucking armored up machine gun slaughterfests and submarine endless ocean adventures

I don't trust Rockstar to make a good GTA after V. There's too much of a focus on Online.
>Online-only updates
>overpriced shit to sell Shark Cards™
>features only available in Online from fucking launch, such as actual real estate and car delivery (mechanic)
>still no use for the race track or casino
>Rockstar made it so the newest cars (most Lowriders, the Proto, and all stunt vehicles) cannot spawn in singleplayer

Even without these issues, the game isn't that great.


GTA V is so polarizing for me. I loved the world, the details, the flashy style, the music the effort put into presentation and technology. The game absolutely shits itself at being a game though.
>You dont do any real planning
>you cant fail missions, theres no penalty and you can even skip shootouts if they are too hard for you
>gunplay is fucking weaksauce. So much effort put into a realistic world but guns are pin point accurate and make the game so SOSOSOSOSOS easy
>story falls apart after first heist, there is no main villain, they set up the mexican and then drop that hard, they set up the fbi sorta but it all just shits itself at the end
>Last mission is the worst last mission for a gta. Think how hard and satisfying from 3 to 4 were for the last missions, they were tough. This one was literally just driving around town doing quick drive bys. Worst shit ever.

VC>SA>4>V>3 thats my order. 3 is lower because it has aged a bit too much for me and VC can be swapped with SA but i love the 80s feel

The Jamaican dude was completely overdone, as was Roman, off the top of my head.

You don't have to, which is why you can kill Michael if you want.

Roman was fucking unsufferable, don't do that zelda cycle shit where you pretend people didn't hate stuff from the last game.

So you were expecting payday 2 then, cool.

Sure, the armored up part was kind of dumb, but it's not a bank robbery game, it's GTA with some missions where you plan for stealing bigger scale shit.

If you want to rob banks and be able to be sneaky and have proper heists, go play payday 2.

This shit was the real major issue with V, there was no reason to cut content from single player to put it in multiplayer only.

Not him, but I hated Roman. The Jamaican guy was cool, though.

>there was no reason to cut content from single player to put it in multiplayer only
Bad goyim. Go play Online until we feel guilty enough to add a new weapon or two to singleplayer.

As if they feel anything but greed.

>so you were expecting payday 2 then, cool.
you're a faggot

the first heist had choices
the first heist had setup
the first heist crew members
the first heist was supposed to set precedent for many heists to come over the course of the game

instead every heist becomes no russian without any planning or player input whatsoever

it's like you booted up call of duty and got to play one mission, then the rest of the game was just cutscenes

>xD if u wanted to play a real gam u shuld have been playing other game instedd XDD

GTA Online failed at everything.

SAMP/MTA is what they should aim for, not MMO shit

you're right. the heists were a big let down that just devolved into killing a bunch of shit. i really wish there was some good mini games you could do and if you pulled it off and got the timings right the heists would go perfectly. if you fucked it up then you would have to fight your way out of it. nope, instead it's kill hundreds of people every time. instead of supposed professionals you feel like some schmuck nigger. there's just a huge disconnect from the story and game play

Don't know why, but I get the urge to play V every once in a while, then when I spend 2 hours free-roaming, I realise how shallow everything is and uninstall.

Just hop into TBOGT for a while then or spend sometime in IV with Journey FM and the beach.

Did people really hate roman?
I understand being annoyed with the bowling thing but as a character i don't see what the problem is
Him and niko played pretty well off of each other

What the fuck is up with the overly complicated procedure for unlocking the werewolf in Director Mode? It was bad enough getting to 100% but this shit is utterly ridiculous.

I would have been more disappointed if payday 2 hadn't already turned me way off heists at the time.

I liked that I disliked Roman as in he seemed like a real character that I could meet in real life and I wanted to protect him because of how retarded he was. I did not want to protect any of Michaels family really since the game never really fleshed them out or put them in too much danger. 4 just had much better characters.

I occasionally fuck around in Director Mode usually playing as that hacker woman from the heists.

IV is a lot more enjoyable. For me, nothing beats cruising through LC with the jazz station on.

I liked Roman. He was such an annoying idiot, but he was one that you definitely start to care about. Mostly because if you stick through the story, he sacrifices mostly everything for you (Niko).

Liberty City felt alive, that's what I loved about IV/EFLC. Loved the atmosphere, whether it's club life in TBOGT or walking around in Coney Island when it's raining, just soaking up the sights.

Jamaican guy was cool, but pretty heavy handed was what I meant.

Pretty much all of the heists have set up and choices user, I think the one with the armor is the only one that doesn't have choices honestly, and if I remember right, it has set up too.

And as I said, this is not a bank robbery game, it is GTA with some larger scale thefts that you plan for through other missions. If you want a bank robbery game, you're looking in the wrong place, and should try payday 2. Putting something in greentext with an ecks dee face doesn't actually count as a reason why it's wrong.

Roman was pretty annoying, just felt like they tried way too hard to write a character you'd relate to, but in reality he was just a complete moron who fucked up at everything and didn't really have any redeeming features, as well as being way to heavy handed on the whole "Dude I'm an average immigrant" shit.

Its the same for me but with Fallout 4

Definitely. Both can't hold a candle to their predecessors.

Meanwhile in LS
>UFO and jetpack "mystery"
>murder "mystery" on the newer versions
>collect 50 sequined dildos
>get punished for switching to Trevor
>a wanted level and/or get punched for standing next to people
>animals that call the police on you

>but in reality he was just a complete moron who fucked up at everything and didn't really have any redeeming features
You're telling me you can't relate to anyone who fits that description?
Cause i can think of several

Almost forgot about yoga and the mission that forces you to do it.

Guess I'll just reinstall EFLC and piss around with the ragdoll physics. I'm just getting sad now.

Well to me, relatable doesn't mean likable. He was heavy handed as a stereotype, and not likeable really.

I honestly think that the way people go "Oh, GTA IV was so much more subtle and the city was so alive and great!" is just proof of the zelda cycle.

So uh, what's the Zelda cycle?

>switch to trevor
>he's has a three star wanted level XD
>he's in his underwear XDD
>he's drunk on the top of a remote mountain where you have to run for five fucking minutes to find a car XDDD
fuck gtav. this game was so terrible with so many questionable design decisions. the game just wasn't fun. the only compliment i can give it is that it the pc port was phenomenal

The idea that whenever a new game in a series comes out, that people will always shit on it and talk about how great the last one was. Then when another one comes out, the one they said was shit is now great and so much better than the new one, which is of course irredeemable shit.

>this game was so terrible

Why is Sup Forums so contrarian? A couple little annoyances doesn't really make a game terrible user.

>spawn in any of those situations
>kill self, call taxi

you really think that's the only issue? there's plenty more problems listed in this very thread, wow!

>a couple of little annoyances
Way to skip straight to that one criticism and disregard the other legitimate complaints in this thread.

Humor me for a second and assume that people arent just lying when they say 4 had a more lively city and better characters

I don't think anyone is saying that 4 was a flawless game by any means,in fact i would say it is deeply flawed

5 feels as though they made effort to fix all the flaws in 4, while simultaneously forgetting any of the good parts that the game actually did have, thereby ironically making it flawed again

Instead of being a total triumph, you have these games now where 5 beats 4 in some regards, but comes up short in the things that 4 really did do right

>wasting money on hospital bills
>wasting grenades, sticky bombs, rockets, etc.
>wanting a loading screen

>boot up online for the first time since launch
>oh god the loading screens
>haven't fixed them at ALL
how did they fuck it up this god damn bad

>people will always shit on it and talk about how great the last one was

Yeah, over the last 5 years I've seen an abundant amount of people praising Skyward Sword as the pinnacle of the series after the TP remaster.

Zelda is the most divisive series that I've ever come across which near enough everyone has a different opinion of. The amount of times I've seen people unexpectedly list Link's Awakening as the best Zelda is beyond belief.

Your first mistake was trying Online again.

You mean the ones that are mostly just bullshit and an example of that zelda cycle I said? I see people bitching it isn't another game completely and that some of the characters are heavy handed.

>Instead of being a total triumph, you have these games now where 5 beats 4 in some regards, but comes up short in the things that 4 really did do right

Yeah, I can agree with that much, but have a look at this thread for an example of what I mean. GTA V was overall a better game than IV, it has less massive flaws than IV did (though still has some flaws, don't get me wrong), yet people just go "it's complete shit and IV was so great, rockstar will never release another good game". Which they did for IV too, said it was complete shit and irredeemable.

They're both good games with some flaws.

You've never seen people going "skyward sword wasn't that bad, it had all these great features to it"?

almost forgot to point out the redditor buzzword

>tfw Rockstar won't bother with new GTA because GTA:O is making them mad dosh

it's over bois, meme-spouting kids, glitchers and cheaters killed this franchise and Rockstar doesn't give a fuck.

I think they mentioned that most of the team that worked on single player features are now absorbed with GTA:O.
We won't even get any DLC for SP.

>b-but R* has many divisions!!!

Only capable divisions to make GTA are either North or San Diego

>skyward sword wasn't that bad, it had all these great features to it
Never ever have I heard anybody say anything like that.

Look here
Also, I assume you've already seen the "GTA IV is better than GTA V" video.

ur mistake mwas bieng a fuckng fagot

the punctuation goes inside of the the quotations, reddit

>thinks the amount of money from GTAO is comparable to the sales from GTAV

I really wonder how stupid some people are who come here.

Only commas, I think.

>GTAV was overall a better game than IV

>Heists are supposed to be a major feature

>like 5 heists

But then again the first play through of that game was fucking magical for me.

Stephen Ogg needs to come back to better call saul. irl trevor is great.

Contrarian isn't a buzzword you fucking retard.

Well, maybe you've just not been browsing that much, but people definitely did. Either way, even if we assume it's an exception (they do exist), most of the series was that way.

Literally only two of those are criticisms, the being punished for switching to Trevor (which is minor) and the wanted level from standing next to people.

Collectathon shit was in every GTA game, and the animals was just a bug.

And I have, yes, and the V is better than IV one.

Not in that context where I'm asking him if he's never heard anyone saying that. If a put the question mark in the quotations, it would be me asking if he's ever heard anyone asking that question, from how I get it.

What the fuck does grammar have to do with reddit though?
