Come to me, you sinners!

The lobby is:

100% Orange Drank

Password is : rage

Other urls found in this thread:

Big Peepoop never appears when I play as Little Peepoop.

But do you appear when there's a lobby?

Wan more!

Le what le game?

Goldeneye Source

How painful is a natural death

I don't get how that links to orange juice.

Haven't you seen the movie? Boris says it, look here he is now.

Bathe the bunny

>"You may come and visit my house someday."
What did she mean by this?

Nothing. It was a completely innocent invitation.






That turnaround.

Do the Poppo!
Te le port
from side to side
come on it's time to go
Do the Poppo!

Are the DLC packs required or can I just buy the base game?

The DLC characters have fun gimmicks but you're fine with the base game first. Play online to see the other characters so you might buy them later if you like how they play.

Okay thanks.

Old lobby was overfilled, so I made a second one.
add more poppo please fruitbat


can this event end already

i'm completely sick of pooper


The summer is burning a hole in my heart
Stripping me down to hot temptation
It's OK to give in be beaten by lust, summer wind,
Burning air a scandal affair

Even if the event ends, Poppo will always be here.

But she won't be on my main menu, be in every lobby and overtake every goddamn thread.

Her hyper is called Ubiquitous for a reason.

> overtake every goddamn thread
She'll always do that.


ded lobbies

ded game

requesting Harem of Poppos

Any lurkers want a free copy?

Syura is best girl. Not even the Poppo can compete!


Rolling for the best.

tell me what 100% orange juice is first before i decide if i want it

Enjoy having your husbando bullied by little girls.

animu rng boardgame fun to kick the shit out of your friends.

Rollin' for hell girl

It's the best game of all times. It might not look like much but honestly it's one of the best boardgames you can play online with friends and anons. Just don't insult the Poppo - She's very popular around Sup Forums.

Board game with lot's of bullshit, fun bullshit tho.

Sherry's not that bad. 420 blaze it!

so it's mario party but with anime? sounds great

besides rolling dice on a board with 4 players it's nothing like mario party

so who's dick do i have to suck for that free copy?
can i play with you guys while i learn?

No mercy for beginners, prepare to have your ass fucked.

post steam id

Eh, kind of. You have to try it out for yourself. It's small part deck-builder, large part boardgame. Technically the game COULD be played in real life just as well as online - Everything makes sense, but you need some dice luck to win usually. (Though tactic and strategy is also important!)

is there anything i need to know when starting it up?

Official Saki Fanclub

Marie Poppo is best girl, don't let anyone tell you otherwise


Knew you would lie to the poor guy, but that's going way too far.

Yes - You can only select one of the four starting characters, so choose carefully. You can unlock the others later though, but in the beginning I really recommend Marc if you want to play aggressive, or Suguri if you want a balanced playstyle (Can be really good both offensively and for just collecting stars - Both are viable ways to win!) - QP sucks so avoid picking her, and Kai is alright but has too much sausage.

There are values for Atk, Def and Evd
depending on the character some have different stat values. Make a deck of card that would be good for them, in case of this bitch, get attack and evasion boost cards.

You might want to try out the singleplayer a bit to see what's going on and unlock some extra characters, but it's entirely optional and will get incredibly salty in the later stages.

In multiplayer, pretty much everyone is going to run at the maximum speed because anything less is painfully slow if you've played it before. This means that the field events will usually happen really fast and you can't catch them immediately, but there's a little Events mouseover tab in the right that lets you know the currently active ones. Also secret tip, on your turn press Info and hover over the deck to see all events chosen for the current game.

This is good advice. Also, each character has their own special ability called their Hyper Card. Only you can draw your own special power. (Though there are ways to steal it) - You want to stack the deck so that many of the other cards in there support your intended playstyle. And if your Hyper card is the best part about your character, then add other cards that increases your chance of drawing a hyper card. For example, a card that simply does 'draw 2 new cards', allowing you to 'mill the deck' for those Hypers!






Joined the room, there is so much going on.
there is an imp in a tophat, all the cards and spaces are flying past a lightning speed

Get used to that, this game can get really crazy

There is a little 'history' bar close to the bottom right corner where you can see the previous cards that have been played, if you want to read on them properly and learn what they do. I recommend you check that out! Also, some maps have 'events' that will trigger from time to time (usually every 5 turns) - These are also listed. (For example, Regeneration Event will heal +1hp to each character every fifth turn.)

one more for new lobby

>tfw LV1 and everyone just kick you when you try to join

Stop playing on public rooms. They're awful.

>Getting kicked

Bullshit. You can't get kicked unless you don't ready up within like a full 60 seconds.

in the end qp is the best girl but nobody would pick her because shes a beginner class and you are all hipsters

>that poor Sugu

Saki is a boy! A CUTE BOY!


So, who did you pick and why?

Pudding is hope

I mean that they just decline when I try to join.

Kai because I play the demo before buying the game. A friend recommended it to me, didn't even know Sup Forums love it at the time.

Seem like I only notice the threads after I get the game. It was the same way for Risk of Rain.

wait, is there a contest?

Oh, that? Yeah, a lot of people in public lobbies are like that.

They refuse anyone trying to join mid-game because they don't want people to get "easy" wins or experience.

Don't you get less exp for joining late though?

daily reminder saki's a shota

>Actually suggesting someone start off with one of the worst characters in the game

I'm guessing you're not doing it on purpose, since you also suggested Marc, but don't ever tell someone to pick Suguri. Even if for some reason you actually think she's good, you don't want her for story mode 100% sure unless if you plan on playing through on easy.


I think Kai just because he was supposed to be the main protagonist.

Suguri because I played her game before.

>Finally get a chance to use Princess's Privilege
>3 Saki's Cookies


>QP (Dangerous) is the only character I don't have
>Don't want to buy QP's game because I know I'll just not play it like Mixed and Sora
>Probably wouldn't play as QP even if I did get her
That one blank spot is killing my OCD though.

Needs 1

Sumika when?

After AoS2 has been released.

AoS2 when?

>it's mario party
not every board game is mario party you fucking retard

Dokapon Kingdom then. Happy now, faggot?

judging from steam's upcoming games list

between March to April of next year