Final Fantasy XV

Is this the end of Final Fantasy?

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No, it's the end of Square Enix

ended a while ago ? didnt you get the memo


fuck off

I guess you could say it's their Final Fantasy.

The gameplay?

Is this your first FF?
You can stop with this fucking excuse
Graphics is literlly the only thing they've been advertising for 4 years now

>that comment about the driving

so choosing Ignis to drive you via the automatic option means he drives you?

holy shit

>shop PS4 buttons onto XB1 video
Have shitposters gone too far?

>Graphics is literlly the only thing they've been advertising for 4 years now

You're retarded


Despite this it still looks great and fun to play.

I still play nes games so this day so this is more than enough for me

One man army

What is SE's excuse, and why are console fags such SHIT?

Ever since 2013 they've been showing off how groundbreaking the graphics "were".

Maybe, but that won't change facts

Ok seriously why do they always do this? ALWAYS

>show nice graphics
>slowly tone it down more and more
>end product is ugly piece of shit

Can't they just say final product will look worse?
or are they all greedy bastards that hope people don't see the difference?

I kind of know the answer.

The answer is console fags slow the industry down and they need to die.

this comparison is stupid

se made an entire game

this guy hasn't made shit

I don't even care about graphics that much, but this downgrade is just too fucking ugly
It's one of the most incostent games in like 10 years when it comes to visuals

What about them showing action gameplay thst isn't turn based garbage

>hasn't made shit
>one guy made all this
>in 2 years
>it's nothing

Sure m8

good point

se made literal shit

Yeah look at our PC exclusive games, clearly better

What about the fact that even that got more and more casualized and now has huge as QTE propmts that tkae up 50% of the screen and the combat isn't good enough to make up for the shit graphics

literally who???

user it's not good to be this blatant with your shitposting.

It ended 15 years ago kid


>Final Fantasy X was the last FF
Get out.

>all this

all what?

It was.

More variety than empty big fields in green and brown with no vegetation

>pc shitters now trying to shitpost another exclusive game they cant have

DELETE THISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>posting THIS with SHILLARY


No they can have it.
4 years from now.
Port of the xbone version.


The game looks like garbage, but the PC people make me want to defend it

the part about night demons seems he encountered it while driving?

whats wrong kiddo, mommy can't afford you sli titan XP?

SE is releasing everything on PC lately.

The sad part is, the PC version will be a port of the PS4 version so still have shit graphics.

are you memeing? it's gonna have a same day PC release

going multiplat is what killed FF (and every other classic franchise)

oh you mean those default UE4 set-pieces he bought

>implying I don't have a Ps4 and WiiU
>implying I don't regret them deeply because of their constant nogames droughts, and when they do get games, they're usually mediocre

>going multiplat is what killed FF

Why does it look worse than the first demo?

>It's going to have a same day PC release
Nice joke.

>set pieces
kid go to bed

Yes, just because tehy're premade assets doesn't make them bad
All those years and millions spend and taking pictures of rock didn't help FFXV

>same day PC release

poorfags lol

Nah im good. Maybe ill buy it for $9.99 2 years from now on steam though. who knows.

This game is going to bomb and SE knows it. Why do you think the FF7 remake shows up now of all times?

now imagine FF7 remake with downgrade

I won't because it's not made on an engine that is made without hardware limitations in mind

>not being three years behind the PC release schedule on purpose so you only play fully patched, modded, DLC complete edition of every games you bought for 10 bucks during a sale on a mid tier hardware

MUH HYPE middle school redditors please leave

>action shit combat
already downgraded

Are you memeing me? Why are they all crying then?

>thinking Square Enix won't port a game for the shekels

yeah, right. they're just saying they won't port it to PC to get more people to buy the console version, knowing they'll just rebuy it for PC later. they'd be stupid NOT to double dip when they can. Square Enix puts EVERYTHING on PC now. they even ported 9, which i always thought would be a NEVER EVER.

they're going to milk every last dollar they can out of 15. an anime, a movie, game release, DLC, collector's editions, merchandise, probably a Neo remaster, PC version down the line, spin off games... we might actually miss Lightning by the time it's over.

>Wii U
no regrets

What idiots didn't know all this? The car has never been shown ripping up the countryside, the demos have looked like mid-PS3 years, and guess what? Combat is one button.

Are you fucking retards buying that the trailers are accurate? Screenshots? Because the demos you can play prove that wrong. When Platinum came out and looked worse than screenshots released a week earlier you should have known.

I regret not buying splatoon, those splatfests looked fun.

If I get a NX and there is a Splatoon 2, I'll get it then.

t. pedophile

this would've been a flavor of the week 10 dollar downloadable game if it was on PC or any other console

Knew this game was all hype. Enjoy your shit game.

delete this

A sequel to Splatoon is certain because of how well it did.

octoposter get out

>tfw fell for the hype and tricked my dad into getting a PS4 for this instead of an Xbone like he planned

Games are sold on marketing, not quality, and showing excellent trailers for years will get lots of sales. People will deny the downgrade until it is too late.

Both are bad choices at hits point


How many times are we going to have this thread?

Different time of town

Looks like it's set to be this way until release day.

remember all the "witcher 3 downgrade" posts?

gee, that sure ruined that game!

>He'll keep making these threads until the game is released

Tortanic and NMS really did a number on this board

I hate to say it but the game actually doesn't look too bad

>Son, I am

Until the game is out, the game deserves it

They gave up duscae already and showed us hours of pre beta gameplay. They also showed bullshit so its been a mixed bag.

I'm an optimist though and I believe Square will bring up the fidelity to what was shown to us in Duscae and while not perfect, the game looked fine to me in Duscae. So yeah.


ITS A WELL KNOW FACT, that these screen shots are from the Xbox one version which Japanese devs aren't quite familiar with.

Game was made for the PS4 and PS4 will be the defenative version.


I really want to know what motivates someone to post like he dose. I just don't understand why or where the energy and dedication comes from.

>console shooter without KBM, no mods, no custom maps, or even voice chat

Oh, I feel regret alright.


oh my GOD tower control is such a fun mode... havent played in a little while, are rollers still a good all around choice for most maps?

>mfw even after the """crown jewel""" of JRPGs, THE tojo game of the decade is revealed to be a fucking mess in ALL aspects including story, characters, visuals, gameplay mechanics, pacing, voice acting, and so on, weeb faggots will STILL refuse to accept that japs are just fucking unable to keep up with western developers (including fucking poles and ukranians earning 300 bucks a month) and instead just voluntarily move on to the hype train of the next big weeb release


Nah it's shit

>10 years in development
w-wait what


>style yourself the savior of Final Fantasy
>end up killing it forever
Seppuku when?

ITS A WELL KNOW FACT the 50 minute video of gameplay was both xbox and playstation

holy fuck


Wait, you actually believe Witcher 3 was good?


the sidequests are all mmo tier fetch quest trash. It looks hideous, like an uglier ffxiv. The driving is on rails despite constantly being marketed. Its gone through 10 years of development hell and all the unique ideas in versus were replaced for the mainline game. its trash.

Can I ask what motivates you to do this everyday and every night? You spend hours here posting these webm's but, why? What compels you to do it?

Everybody and their mom already knows theres been a downgrade yet you continue posting your folders every night and every day. Why lol

XI was a MMORPG that didn't last terribly long.
XII was a MMORPG made singleplayer.
XIII-3 were bullshit
XIV was pretty good from my understanding, but not a Final Fantasy proper.
XV is five years too late in my opinion, but I have hopes.

He's right. X was the last real final fantasy they bothered to make.

I always preferred the more niche "AA" games anyway. That's the sweet spot of gaming imo desu
