Is a PS4 worth getting? I play on PC, but the PS4 has a bunch of exclusives that I want to play...

Is a PS4 worth getting? I play on PC, but the PS4 has a bunch of exclusives that I want to play, and I can get one 25% off right now. I don't care about some new version coming next year, or some smaller one or whatever, plus I'm sure those would cost more anyway.

Go for it

If you can get one for ~250 dollars, go for it. A lot of its good games aren't really out yet but Persona 5, Nioh, etc are coming soon.

>coming next year, or some smaller one or whatever, plus I'm sure those would cost more anyway.



>I don't care about some new version coming next year, or some smaller one or whatever, plus I'm sure those would cost more anyway.
The slim will be cheaper and the neo better, but whatever, it's clear you've already made up your mind.

Anyone think the slim version is just redundant? Current PS4 is already just so small.

Well, I'm in New Zealand, where it's normally $570NZ, but currently $428. Or I can pay a bit more for a 1TB one.

Will the slim version be 25% cheaper or more?

By the end of this year there's little reason not to get one.

You'll have : Nioh, Bloodborne, Gundam Breaker 3, World Of Final Fantasy, Uncharted 4, Gravity Rush 2, FFXV, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Gran Turismo Sports, The Last Guardian, Ratchet and Clank, Untill Dawn

And for 2017: Persona 5, Yakuza 0, Horizon Zero Dawn

I wouldn't miss out on these games if you paid me a large sum of money

just don't. most of the PS4 exclusives I've played have been incredibly underwhelming at this point I just expect to be disappointed

>already just so small
I disagree, and feel if they're to sell us the same product years after release the console can be re-sold with a cosmetic change and then be worth continuing supporting at whatever price Sony wants.

They make slim consoles cause over time they find new methods to produce cheaper units

Yeah if they are sony published exclusives with no chance of a PC port like Bloodborne or Uncharted 4 go for it.

Don't own one personally since the only games I would like to play is Ratchet and Clank and maybe the crash remaster when it comes out. Don't care for the souls series so bloodborne does not interest me. Probably just going to wait until PS4 games on PS Now on PC if its any decent to play the few exclusives I want to play.

Slim consoles are to be expected, Sony has made a slim variant of every playstation.

what exclusives dd you plan on getting OP?

>inb4 people start laughing at you

What do you think of Gravity Rush 2? Just curious here

looks dope AF

wait a while, hopefully til november.

>original will probably be discounted
>possible price drop for the default ps4 in general, including the new model
>maybe its actually worth getting the neo

>mfw Deep Down is coming
>2 more FromSoft ips
>a new JRPG from Japan studio
>more unannounced games from Naughty Dog(hopefully Jak 5). I'll take TLOU simply for the graphics and feels though.

I'm kinda excited, this is counting what PS4 has secured already. Dam daniel.

Not really.

Bloodborne uncharted 4 is the only exclusive I can think of worth buying.

But if all you have is a 360 or ps3 and a PC that cant play modern game from 2012 the sure buy one.

>inb4 people start laughing at you
Honestly as a PC user I'll even admit there are exclusives worth playing on it. Most people here's idea of an exclusive is ITS MUST BE 10/10 GOTY BEST GAME EVER or its not even worth mentioning as an exclusive. Bloodborne is named so much because it mostly fits that and Sup Forums has a massive boner for the souls series. Uncharted just gets the LE MOVIE GAEM meme treatment and people don't want to admit its one of the best looking games out currently.

A few that come to mind are the Uncharted series, The Last of Us Remastered, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Until Dawn, the new God of War might be interesting, I'll probably enjoy Detroit, Bloodborne, The Last Guardian, and probably a bunch I can't remember or don't even know about.

Yeah, I'm assuming there'll be a price drop, but who knows how much that might be.

>Horizon Zero Dawn

I completely forgot about that game, this one looks good.

Only get it if there are games out right now that you want to play. Don't be a fool and buy the console because "there are games coming out eventually"

last year it was 300 dollars.

what are you getting 25% off? a used one? one with no bundle?

>a lot of good games aren't out yet

Kek the fanboyism

It's 25% off the normal 500GB one, or a 1TB one with the Force Awakens bundle, or 19% off the Ultimate Player Edition.



Make a list of games you plan on buying for the system first. Unless you own a really underpowered PC and plan on playing multi-plats / are obsessed with Bloodborne there isn't much reason to buy a console this gen.

With that said, the PS4 makes for a great multi-media device, I get most use out of it simple from watching twitch streams and browsing youtube from bed.

Im selling a brand new one without box on ebay for $300 op. Dont have time for vidya with my new job, decided to sell it