ITT games you like that Sup Forums generally dislikes

ITT games you like that Sup Forums generally dislikes

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holy fuck, thats cool. thanks user

>games you like that Sup Forums generally dislikes
The Kane & Lynch games. Really enjoy them, replay them fairly regularly.

>inb4 50 replies telling me it's shit

i agree
i also liked the second army of 2 game, i liked the customization of the guns and how you could add bling and stuff, wasnt revolutionary but i liked it

never played a final fantasy game besides 7 up till golden saucer where i fell out of interest, should play another one at some point

Elite: Dangerous

>i don't care if Sup Forums thinks it's boring, I'm obsessed.

I like Resident Evil 6, I like the over-the-top ridiculousness of it all.

Yeah I know it's not a 'proper' Resident Evil, but instead I compare it to the typical TPSes of the past decade or so, and in that light I really think it shines.


Just don't claim it's anything but average faget

This game is super shit.

Looks pretty though.

HOTAS or Twin Stick?


neither, i use a weird keyboard/mouse setup.

i would say its above average :^)

Should Twin Stick at the very least, it's cheaper than a hotas, and even works better

That's one's a pretty solid main hand stick, and it's cheap

One of the few sonic games I played but I loved it, favorite game from when I was about 7-10 or so. The 2D platformer games were okay. The only other 3D sonic game I played was sonic unleashed years later which I thought was garbage.

thanks for the recommendation. i have been considering a flight stick, although i believe i am doing well without one. i think it would help the immersion, possibly.

does Sup Forums like any popular game for that matter

You won't be able to go back once you go twin stick

Anything Nintendo.

Metal Gear, Terraria, FF7

stick and keyboard all the way, the perfect mix of functionality and immersion. I hvae the 3D pro and it's a great joystick.

Two of those are shit.

i think you're right, i'm gonna pull then trigger. i like flight sims and space games so it is stupid for me not to have one.

fallout NV

Keyboard isn't as good for combat though, more so just immersion

all of them, because Sup Forums dislikes every video game

If only they made a left handed version, the extra buttons on the base are amazing, dunno about any newer left hand sticks though if you go that route


i'll get over it, i shoot on my right shoulder so i think it'll be cool.

I used to PvP regularily and had no problems with it. I used it for throttle, boosting, tab navigation and utility mounts (chaff, scb, heatsinks). Joystick was for movement (obviously), headlook, shooting and targeting. I tried to fly on my buddy's HOTAS (x-55 I think) and it was much harder for me.

Just try making a NV thread, and you'll get just as many shitposters as actual posters.


I like most stealth games. The storyline was fucking stupid but I got a kick out of it

Should really give twin sticking a try though sometime

It wasn't that bad. The city looks great and evie is CUTE

I'm pretty much done with this game, maybe I'll come back for a few hours to check out 2.2 when it comes out, but engineers has effectively made me quit. Fuck vision, fuck sammarco, fuck the grind

I really enjoy the Uncharted games, even the first one.
They're really fun if you play on Hard and go for as many iron fist takedowns as possible.

i'm w/e on engineers too, but i still enjoy long exploration jaunts.

Dark Souls 2.

The Last Remnant. (Granted, some people on Sup Forums does seem to like it, but far from all)

Path of Exile.

A lot of Sup Forums just had a knee jerk reaction when this game got constant 10/10 praise. It seems neat and I would probably buy it if it came to PC, but it doesn't look like the 10/10 game it keeps getting praised as.

Also I love CS:GO. I know it's flawed and has some really dumb design choices (notably the first shot RNG on the AK and the M4, along with a few other guns making the game much more spray friendly compare to Source and 1/6) but it's still a great shooter with a lot depth. Bought it for 15 bucks and put over 1000 hours into it so far, I'd say it was worth the price.

It isn't a 10/10. Not even close. And this comes from someone who played it and loved it.

I only ever got an adder, and bought the expansion but haven't bothered setting up my desk for my flight sticks since

Also fuck the witcher 3 and REmake, eats up too much of my time

that's probably the only thing in this game that isn't completely fucked, but it gets boring fast. I went on some short nebula trips, and every one of them was the same (except for the colour of the nebula, I guess). First time you see a black hole is super cool, then it just all becomes boring.

Been to Jacques yet?

>Dark souls 2
SotFS fixed mostly everything

Yeah. I love it to death, and I'd rate it at about an 8/10.

my brother really likes last of us, but i thought it was w/e. i thought the story was tryhard.

I really liked the ending to The Last of Us but the game itself was mediocre at best. Also, the way the characters facial expressions was portrayed was close to flawless. Only LA Noire did it better.

I honestly really enjoyed DaS2 despite the flaws. All of the Souls games are pretty damn fun.

Last Remnant catches some good praise around here for the most part, outside of the people crying about the rank system and how the game has a lot of sub systems that are just hidden from them. Still, I'd easily say it has one of my top favorite RPG combat systems ever. Every hard boss felt like a genuine challenge that could be beat with careful thought.

I liked the combat

nope not yet, but that is my next mission. i was initially hesitant because i thought there might be a dead star wall and i didn't want to get stuck, but now i have heard otherwise.

i have a maxed out cobra mkiii because it is a very fast and balances ship. it holds up well in combat but then if i have to flee i am able to.

I like OverWatch.

I don't agree with the 'takes no skill' meme - Some of the ultimates are very simple to use but you still have to position yourself correctly and if you're playing against a good team then they'll shut you down before you can 'Press Q to kill everyone'. I also think that aiming with a somewhat slow-firing character like McCree is arguably more difficult than aiming in Quake or CS:GO.

It's shit

If you like to explore and have the cash, get a diamonback explorer or asp. The difference in jumprange is noticeable

i have about 20 mil, i think i am going to buy one right before i leave for jacques. have you used both? which do you prefer?

Shadow the hedgehog

Yeah. If you have 20 mil, buy the asp - it has a slightly longer jump range and bigger internals, which means a bigger scoop. If you can stand the engi grind, you can get like 40ly range out of it, which is insane.

That being said, I flew the DBX more, just because the cockpit looks better to me...


Dark Souls

it's settled then, 40ly is excellent.

What's the difference between vanilla and battle that makes people shit all over battle and prefer vanilla more?

>Dark Souls 3
>Call of Duty Black Ops 3
>Metal Gear Solid 5
>Stardew Valley
>Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars

Vanilla is what comes out of my dick and a shit-covered battle is how I have sex.


i enjoyed the characters a lot in TLoU, but the gameplay is downright terrible, controls like aids, the amazing AI is dumb as shit, the graphics on the 'remaster' are shithouse, too many shitty push this thing over here puzzles.

i dunno, 7/10 at best.

The Last of Us
A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
A Link Between Worlds
Watch Dogs
Deus Ex HR
ME Catalyst (somewhat)
Final Fantasy 8
Tomb Raider 2013
Uncharted 2 & 3
GoW series

Final Fantasy VIII is the best game in the series, in my opinion. I feel like only stupid people don't like it because it's 'too complicated'.

Bioshock Infinite
Max Payne 3 (favourite MP)
Dark Souls 3
Mass Effect 3

>games Sup Forums doesn't like


i dont get it why everyone hates witcher 3
its the best game i have ever played


Saints Row 3 & 4

Witcher Walking Dead and mass effect or used

I just got to my first bloater or whatever.

Does it get better? Because desu it's fun but meh so far. in all areas.

The Last of Us is a 10/10 media experience for sure, it just isn't a good game.

Nuclear Throne, for example, is a shit media experience (no story, stupid music, etc.) but a fantastic game.

Both are really 10s in my book.

It doesn't get much harder, no.

Brace 4 them feels though.

Winter is the best part

I liked mass effect 3 so much more than mass effect 2 the ending wasnt as bad as 2 ffs

>metroid prime (people on here say it killed the series and don't say why)
>paper mario ttyd (Sup Forums says theres too much backtracking and it kills the whole game)
>mgs 2,4, pw,and 5 (Sup Forums says the stories are too retarded, and in 5's case, the gameplay is boring. imo it actually had the best gameplay of 2015)

Sup Forums has shit taste, don't listen to them.

Far as I know battle only adds chao karate and I think the black market. It really only adds to the chao stuff.

>Sup Forums ISN'T ONE FU-
>f-foiled again...

>Fallout 4
>Last of Us


Which Hitman-game is this?

>Sup Forums doesn't like 2
At this point I'd say its more popular than 3 with the recent big boss blowback.


Dark Souls and Bioshock

Last of us was decent game but it suffered from severe overhype

Honestly, I really want to say nice things about it, but I just fucking can't. Every boss devolves to spamming the same combo for 15 minutes until you kill it.
Like, why the fuck does it take so obnoxiously long to kill them? Should a boss REALLY take 22 minutes to clear when it doesn't involved anything but running the same routine?
I tried giving it the time of day, but after a good 14 hours I just got to the point where the game just got boring. Nothing to do other than go from point A to point B and fight the lazy excuses that are boss fights.

Which game in pic-related was the

best of 2013?

will be remembered on Sup Forums 5 years from now?

Its definitely above average



It is way above average. It is twice as good as Uncharted 4 which was only slightly above average because you got a lot of content.

If I wanted to watch a movie, I'd watch a fucking movie.


>the movie meme
Only people who have not played the games call them movies because they look cinematic.

Cinematic is what we call movies due to the fact that they spend a lot of time making each camera shot look as good as possible.

You are literally calling the game shit for looking good.

Ones that come to mind:
Dark Souls 2
Assassin's Creed series
Borderlands series
Telltale games
Fallout 3
Life is Strange
No Man's Sky
Bioshock Infinite

Had to play this in very small bursts.

Loved the end game, but the rest of the game was absolute trash.