Should I buy a 1070 for 1080p 60FPS
Should I buy a 1070 for 1080p 60FPS
if you want
Lots of people say its overkill and Id waste my money etc. and that makes me unsure
it is a bit overkill for most games. what card do you have now?
Guys how do i make easy money
nobody wants to let me suck their dicks
It is overkill, but you'll be investing in an extremely powerful GPU.
you need a gtx 1080 to play at 1080p
just buy a fucking ps4k which will play games in 4k
Future proofing, my man. If the trend of shit optimization continues, you'll need it. Speaking of which, what the fuck does this mean? Is the fluctuating power draw symptomatic of problems with the PSU or the software? It happens regardless of GPU or settings and makes the framerate garbage. I've used a 660 and a 1070; no improvement either way.
i have a 1070 and it's more like a 1080 144fps card. Alternatively a 1440p 60fps card
I only have this problem with XCOM 2, btw. Can run TW3 at a near-stable 1080p 60fps fully maxed out (including fucking hairworks).
970 atm
I want to play games on the best settings possible and that card doesnt do that anymore
It's too early to upgrade dude. Just wait for the generation after this. 970 is was us getting cucked, but it's still more than enough for most games.
>Future proofing
Is dumb
XCOM 2 is poorly optimised.
I have a GTX 770 and I get ~24fps maximum in combat on high settings. It's a bit jarring.
if you get a 1070 i'd recommend getting either a 144 fps monitor or a 1440p monitor.
It can't just be optimization, though. I got stable framerate back at launch with the 660. Unless they broke something broke between then and now, anyway.
Thats two years tho
Nvidia destroys its own cards in patches
Become a pro Gambler
Even the 1070? I have the problem with both cards.
I honestly don't know what else it could be. I should be able to run it on ultra at 30fps minimum.
I seem to recall that I had issues even before I installed the Nvidia update, so I don't know.
Oh fuck. Yeah, nevermind, I missed that. I don't know then. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to run XCom 2.
But it does for most games. From Alien Isolation to the newest Resident Evil, the 970 can run games at max settings. The only game that I'm not able to do that with is Rise of the Tomb Raider.
Keep telling that to yourself kek 970 is a box of shit
still playing dx11 games on ultra at 1080p 60fps on my gtx680 4gb
The 970 is a good card. If youre not hitting a stable 60fps you just have to turn down the shadows from super duper ultra to high
Ah well, thanks anyway. It's a real shame, since I can't actually play the DLC. That, and the thing took me 2 days to dl again on my shitty internet.
No. Not worth it. It's overkill for now at 1080p60.
Don't upgrade yet fool. It's still a good card. Unless the planned obsolescence meme is true. But then again if it is, you can just buy a new card (when your 970 doesn't cut it anymore) then for a lower price than now.
>want to play overwatch at 1080p 144hz
Buy 1070 now and get a 144hz a month after or get a 1060 and 144hz now? 1060 vs. 1070 is like 220$ difference in my third world country
>30 fps on deus ex md
yea ,well memed nvidia
>tfw trying to decide if a 1080 is worth the extra $300 AUD over the 1070
we've been trough this already
if day one it still runs like this then we'll talk some more but as of now it's inconclusive evidence
if you have a 1440p monitor then yea , its worth , but not on standard 1080p
There's an upcoming 1060 3G, which is great if you're not into modding. MSRP @ 199. You could also wait if AMD will unveil their response (they haven't yet released all their cards I think).
A 980 would be enough
i can run overwatch 144fps with all maxed with a gtx780
Processor? I have a 6500
What is this, 1997?
60 fps isn't enough.
Can't hurt. But all depends on your budget. The cheaper the card is the easier it is to recover cost later when you sell it typically as it depreciates less. Assuming you plan to upgrade within a few years again. 1060 or 480 is probably your best choice for 1080p. Followed by 1070. But it's really a 1440p card. Remember though, maxing everything out usually isn't a good way to run games, many settings cause massive diminishing returns for minor IQ improvements.
with a 970 you cant run witcher 3 at max
with hairworks on it goes up to 45fps and without it at 55-60 fps
in 2017 a 970 wont run anything at high
Well Hairworks is a massive waste of performance.
agreed , but it makes geralt and mostly monsters look awesome
i suggest to everyone before upgrading to 1070 or 1080 card to overclock your card , you can get a nice graphics boost for no money
PC is a bloated multiplat machine with no games
Youve summed up every console for 8th gen.
I have a R9 280X and play 60 fps.
>morons keep wasting their money in high ens cards games are not even optimized for
Lol cucks, midrange gpus is where it's at. Keep throwing away your money LOL
Just grab a 980(ti) if you're only gonna play 1920x1080 60FPS. If you're willing to dabble in 4K go ahead with the 1070
a 980 ti is more expensive than a 1070 in my country
>tfw still running a 560 ti
You can go 1070 1080p 144fps
could get a 1070 for 304€, new
Then either buy a regular 980 or come over to burgertown
680 nvida *cough*
Fuckin where
750 here
Should I get the 1070?
>alien and resident evil
>the best optimized game in a decade and an upgraded xbox 360 game
No your silly, you get the 1080 for 1080p.
1070 is for 1070p.
Given how this generation been so far, if you spend money on anything faster than let's say a Geforce 580 (PS4 included), you wasted your money.
560M. Beat that fags
Thank god I'm getting a 1070 strix soon
Challenge accepted.
jesus how do you do anything on your computer
I have no fucking clue, but it holds up surprisingly well.
Anything that don't belong into the DX11 mob just fucking werks at around 30 fps/900p, when not just plain delivering 60 like DD/DS2.
The only issues are when i actually use too much ram and dolphin emulator.
So the only games I do on PC is currently DaS and emulators. What is currently my weakest link? I've been thinking about getting more RAM, but not sure if it will actually do anything for my PC.
My second question is, why haven't u fkin upgraded yet??
Because i'm poor.
Why else would be?
Go to bed Mike
why are you poor?
Because brazilian and stuck on a small city from hell.
Yes, then upgrade your monitor to 1440p whenever you can.
My 1070 is doing 1080p 144hz like a champ
it's not at all
no modern game runs 1080p @ 60 fps on ultra
Why not 144fps? It runs almost everything like that if you drop from ultra to very high
They always say that it's overkill now but in a few years 1080p will be the only resolution you can run at 60fps at mid to high settings so don't listen to them and just do it
excuse me?
just because there are some poor ports recently doesn't mean most games can be run higher then 60 on ultra
If you're on an EVGA card using Precision X OC, try resetting to default settings. Even if you're already on default settings, shit seems kind of buggy with the 1080s and performance. Might be the case with 1070s too.
750ti 2GB reporting!
it is overkill
it will be years until the time the 1070 can't do 1080p 60
future proofing is a meme
go for the 1060
>future proofing is a meme
>what is the 780ti
>1080p 60fps
when will this fucking meme die? Only consoles have target resolutions and target frame rates.
On PC the frame rate varies massively depending on the game and you choose your own graphics settings to balance the frame rate and graphical fidelity to your preference.
Not to mention "1080p" is a TV standard, not a PC standard.
The standards died with the CTR monitors unfortunately.
a god awful card, the entire gtx 7xx series was dogshit in comparison to the architectures directly before and after it and the new pascal cards are the exact same despite some neat new features like SMP and that stellar efficiency
the people who bought the 7870 or gtx 660 struck golden for a few years and after that the people who bought the 390 or 980 ti struck golden, everything else and in between wasn't worth looking at
>Should I buy a 1070 for 1080p
Your not very good at maths r u
1070 and 1080 were meant for 4k or 1440p, but just because they're more powerful, doesn't mean optimization will be the same. Devs will "optimize" games for 1070 but to run them in 1080p 60 fps instead of 4k instead.