Will No Man's Sky have multiplayer?

>Will No Man's Sky have multiplayer?
>Can you join factions and battle others?
yeah you can
>can you battle your friends?
>Can you grief others?
yes you can

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>Will No Man's Sky have multiplayer?
It has multiplayer, because multiple people play online on a server. That counts desu ;)
>Can you join factions and battle others?
You can befriend one group of aliens (a faction) and gun down other groups. It counts ;)
>can you battle your friends?
You can race your friends to the centre and post it on facebook™. It counts haha ;) ;) ;)
>Can you grief others?
You can name monsters after your friend, Tim, and call them dummy penis heads. Or call a planet Tim's mom's vagina haha. Counts.

OK, buy my game now thanks.

Man l was on Sean's shoes right now l would totally do that with the biggest shit eating grin in the proceduraly generated universe.


>call them dummy penis heads

This is FALSE, because wordfilters.

Fucking REKT


I meant that the monster looks like a penis head, did you not see that epic post on reddit™?


He has a scary face, should've seen it coming.

Has Sean surpassed Todd? Or does he have a ways to go. The lies and half truths are now expected of Todd, but it seems like Sean managed to truly pull a fast one in a lot of people's eyes. Maybe the student has become that master?

Why couldn't they have been as clear about it as ThatGameCompany was with Journey's multiplayer?

Can you regurgitate angry joes video?

Yes you can.
Make your own opinion sheep.

Maybe you shouldn't dig too deep into it kiddo.

>No man's sky
>everything look's like a penis

He somehow got away with being unclear and vague about the game, which I simply don't understand.

Though they did make a big mistake, saying 'you can do ANYTHING' will make people curious and ask you questions.
>can you do this or that?
>will there be multiplayer?
>can I become death destroyer of worlds?
You want to sell a game so you can't tell them "no" and you act like it's a secret or you lie.
But somehow people accepted that.

>He somehow got away with being unclear and vague about the game
No, he got away with flat out lying during major network interviews. Go fucking watch the interview he did on the Colbert show, a hugely popular fucking show.
>So can you see other players in the game? Can you play with them?
>Yes you can, but our universe is so big you'll probably never find them :^)
He answered "yes" to the question "is there multiplayer" in several different interviews. He wasn't fucking vague, he lied.
And he should get fucking sued, this shit is false advertisement

>it's a Sup Forums is outraged because le jaded jalapeno is outraged episode

I pirated this piece of shit, and just got to the center of the galaxy.

And just some thoughts.

Sean Murray should be fucking executed on camera. This game is such a fucking joke, such an abomination, that he should not be allowed to live. Compounded with the fact that the entire game is essentially a farce and 90% of it is a fucking lie, this guy needs to pay for what he did.

He needs to seriously get his throat slit and anyone who defends this garbage is a fucking mongoloid and deserves the same fate.

The center of the galaxy is nothing, you just reset, you can't destroy trade ships, the animals and generation at the center is literally the same. Nothing in this game is unique, or worthy of praise.

I repeat, someone should fucking beat this numale cuck within an inch of his fucking life, and slit his throat from ear to ear. And fucking videotape it.

If this guy tries to make another game again I would fucking puke, this faggot seriously is such a liar it's unreal that he still hasn't responded to allegations to this. He is so fucking guilty and he cannot get away with it.

>He somehow got away with being unclear and vague about the game, which I simply don't understand.

What I'm getting from this is that you've never been around for an apparently (never saw it for this) really hyped up game before. Devs will craft lies from their shit-fibre if it will help them sell copies, this has been going on for eons.

you know what the biggest problem is?

That people still pre-order videos games.

People have to be literally retarded. In the old days you pre-ordered a physical copy at you local corner store gameshop because they would only get 10 copies the first 2 weeks.
These days you can buy a game and have it downloaded to your system within a few minutes.

People pre-ordering are supporting scammers like sean.

Fuck you.



I think people are quick to say he was lying.

He wasn't a liar, just an idiot who had no idea what the fuck he was doing and rushed out a piece of garbage.

He's pretty much an idea guy that hit it big.

But you'll miss the exclusive pre-order bonuses of the day 1 DLC.

Just because it's happened before doesn't suddenly make it excusable.

That's a cute dick :3

>But you'll miss the exclusive pre-order bonuses of the day 1 DLC.
>pirate nms and get pre-order dlc setup with it :^)
god bless GoG

fuck you

>pirate nms
Dude, you'll miss all the multiplayer features!

It's a fucking pathetic dick, don't try to curry any favor you faggot


but its GoG version, will get multiplayer features too :^)

>Sean Murray should be fucking executed on camera.
>He needs to seriously get this throat slit
>someone should fucking beat this numale cuck

Holy shit man, its just a game, calm down. I mean yes, he lied about a lot of stuff and the game doesn't live up to expectation at all, but he doesn't deserve all that.

>He is so fucking guilty and he cannot get away with it.

But he's going to get away with it this time. That's the key phrase though, "this time." Next time, people will know not to buy into his sales pitch. Interviewers will bring up No Man's Sky and ask if its going to be a repeat of that. People often remember things like this and his idiocy is going to come back and bite him in the ass with his next project, trust me on that.

Seriously though, calm down. Its just a video game. Also...

>numale cuck

Its time to go outside, man. Get away from Sup Forums for a while. Its just time.

>yeah there's totally multiplayer but our universe is so big you'll probably never see each other haha :^)
>oh wow two people popped up in the same place but couldn't meet wow I'm so excited you're playing my game haha :^)

Nah, he's a fucking liar.

ISIS pls

I want to see Murray get a bullet to the head. He deserves it.

What's to excuse?

A shit game is a shit game and how it's advertised is a massive tell. NMS gave a series of them so at this point all we have is a mob of casuals crafting a storm out of their own buyer's remorse

wtf i love sean and murray now.

Except lying about features like multiplayer being in the game when it's not is not acceptable at all. This isn't even common, this is lying about a massive feature, not even half assing the feature, just not even including it at all
>What's to excuse
Lying about multiplayer in the game is not acceptable

fuck (YOU)

Shaun Murphy is the hero we deserve.

I meant the fact he probably did plan all that shit at the time he said it but realized there was no way to do it.

The entire game feels like a teenager said he was gonna make the best game ever after watching tutorial videos on Youtube, and was handed a full dev team.

It's standard indie dev bullshit, but everyone acts like he was lying just for sales, which probably did happen at some point near the end when they were rushing the game out, but it's not the full story and the entire problem.

>believing his lies

>games change over years

Fuck all this noise. There's no better game to get absolutely smashed and high to. It's bliss.

Did sean say something about all this ? And all the negative publicity his personally receiving? I wonder if sony will work with them again

>Will we be able to build space station and hang out with friend?
uh.. yes
>Can we have female companions we can engage in relationships?
yeah, yeah
>Will there be a planet that looks exactly like Skyrim?
Yea why not

Still piggybacking Todd



fuck you

But you actually played with other people in Journey, you could see them.

I'm trained with facial recognition and lie spotting. When he answers the "yeah" his body and facial expression are showing he believes his answer will be a lie. that's actually a pretty easy one.

You really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?

I have trained you well

This, face collapsing in on itself and mouth bloating to twice the original size is the clear sign of a liar

>when he says yeah he avoids the interviewer and looks at the ground instead

He's not even that good at lying, how did he trick so many people?

Killing is a bit much, but I must say developers should be held more accountable.

You can rarely get away with this kind of fraud in other lines of business.

Sean is a prime example of someone who should face a courtroom over false claims.

Guys lying to your customers doesn't matter, its 2016 who cares?


t. nu-males lie shill

>I pirated the game, visited two planets then cheated with a trainer to the center and I saw everything the game has to offer.

Yeah right, sure buddy, we value your opinion.

>and was handed a full dev team.
A small dev team.

I'm debating dropping some acid after I've maxed out everything (including protection), fill up the inventory with Warp Cells and just go explore.

I did not use a trainer. I had 50 hours in it you fucking cuck.



I'd feel bad the guy if he hadn't lied but I suppose that's where all the hatred came from.
I felt it was pretty obvious from its first showing at the VGX awards that No Man's Sky was just another shitty indie game with a gimmick, which is all it ended up being.
But if the guy had just said no to some of the questions he was getting, then no one would care and most people probably wouldn't have even bothered with the game.

The worst part is that once I maxed out my tech I couldn't die, not that I could even when it wasn't. Space battles are fucking pathetic, when I was fully upgraded I got 5 stars to see the ship that the sentinel would send at you, and then I realized you can't even destroy freighters, only their turrets. This is when I realized just how bad this game actually is, the game before that point was fun, I enjoyed maxing out my tech, but then you actually apply it and see just how shallow this game is. The game does a good job at hiding just how little they gave a fuck though.

Sorry you paid 60 dollars for this trash.

>50 hours
If you pirated it, I'd say you got your moneys worth, especially when you consider how rare 50 hours from a game is nowadays.

Even then, considering that it released ten days ago which means you averaged around 5 hours per day and yet you're still saying it's the worst shit ever created. If you really had hated it, and thought it was a very bad experience I have a hard time believing you would sit 5 hours per day in 10 days in a row.

And even now, you're saying that the game up to that point was fun, which I guess was at the end of these 50 hours, right?

So, let's sum it up. You had fun playing a game for at least 5 hours per day for 10 days straight and then suddenly it's shit.
Okay buddy.

>Can you grief others?
He didn't lie on that one. He griefed all of us.



I had fun for 15 hours getting my tech upgraded. The other hours were literally me going to the center after I completed the atlas path. The game is awful and the worst part is that the ending completely leaves a bad taste in your mouth because you made this long trek and journey just to spawn in another galaxy and have all your gear broken. The game's cracks were already visible by 15 hours, once I realized I couldn't destroy freighters and literally couldn't die and explored blue stars, I only finished it as a formality because I wanted to see the center. This game is shallow, uninteresting, half baked trash that should not get a free pass, and the worst part is that Sean Murray literally lied about all the features in the game that were major selling points. This is an awful game and for anyone on the fence for this trash save your money, it isn't worth it.

Then you'd just had looked up a youtube video about the center, stop fooling yourself. If you really hated it that much, I doubt you'd spend an entire week playing the game 5 hours per day just to see the center.

If it had been a few hours, sure, I'd buy it, but 35? Come on.

I don't like to spoil games for myself. Come on man, you know this game is fucking awful, really think about it, look at my gear, it was way to easy to upgrade it all to max, and once I did there was literally nothing to do, the trek to the center is tedious, there isn't any competent space battles, money is meaningless considering I got a 48 slot ship for free using transmission towers. The game is frustrating because it could've been god tier, but we were lied too and got served a broken, awful mess of a game. Sean Murray should be sued for this bullshit.

>If you pirated it, I'd say you got your moneys worth
I can buy a cookie clicker clone for $5 and it's virtually infinite

>tfw NMS could have been a cute animu but they decided to make a broken game


god that inventory is so fuckin ugly when you get to that much slots

I'm still holding out for updates that will make the game a lot better, but I can't for the life of me disagree with most things you're saying either, but you're overreacting considering you did get a 50 hour game for nothing, that means there is something there that can evolve into something amazing imho.

And honestly, 80+ hours in I can't really figure out why I keep playing, I'm on my way to the center just for shits and giggles but I usually just warp, check out a planet, change a multitool if I find a nice one, maybe change ships if I find a decent crashed one by mistake and when I do find a Vortex Cube world I use the glitch to make four stacks of 100 each and sell them later at a 100% markup.

Honestly, I have no idea why. The game, as in gameplay, is really shallow and especially when you do have everything upgraded (which I agree, was way too easy) but man, when my kid goes to bed and I pour myself a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, it's just a fucking spectacular timewaster, and a nice change from real life.

I'm not going to lie I honestly loved the game for those first 20-25 hours. But then it became boring once I upgraded everything and I felt duped, like I wasted my time and once I got to the center I got seriously fucking upset. Like I was livid.

And there are some nice sights in the game too, especially with mods (most of which added after this screenshot was taken)


I had a nice planet that I never saw one like it again, it looked nice.

Yeah, I've been close to that point a few times but then I find a lush planet that I just love walking around on casually and I'm in love again. Although I'm very sure that I'll hit a harder wall than any Bethesda game ever had in a bit and when I do, I'll just put the game on hold until it's gotten a few updates.

i'm about 20 hours in myself and it occurred to me now how boring the game is

i was on a planet with so many pod landings that i got a massive inventory and thought that would make the game slightly less shitty

now every fuckin planet i have been to today was all iron/emeril/plutonium, no fuckin animals, completely empty with no plants


The sad part is this game just needed quests, or actual space battles and factions and nobody would've give a fuck besides multiplayer. I just wanted to use my fully upgraded ship in a galactic war, but all you can do is fire at mosquitos and it gets so boring.

When I got 5 stars from sentinels and that massive ship warps in I got super hyped, then realized I couldn't even destroy it, I killed all the turrets and then it just sits there. Doing fucking nothing. God damn why can't you destroy large shiips.

how did you not see this coming from the start? the dev process was rushed and a disaster. he basically showed the possibilities with a tech demo. people rushed to fund it and push it out. and there you go, a pretty game that can randomly create millions of planets and aliens on them, with no actual content or reason to play the game other than to explore and look around. a game like this would need years to dev into something fun and useful. its just a glorified tech demo.

>you'll never make shitloads of money by lying to gullible manchildren and tricking into buying an obviously shit game

feels bad man

On the plus side, it seems they are still working on the game, i'm not cynical as most of Sup Forums so i'm hoping they'll add more features over the next few months.




The entire internet is going bonkers over this faggot and how he kept mechanics purposefully vague to get people to feed into the hype. He has been labled a sociopathic liar in the mainstream, he's fucking done for.

I still think the game is fun but only in split game sessions. I learned the hard way that playing it for 10 hours straight makes it seem like a constant grind




Will you trust a man with no socks ever again, or has Sean ruined the chances for trust for billions of sockless persons?

He's a thief, he stole $60 from countless children and hard working parents.

Thieves should be executed to deter repeat offending.


>that fake LOOK AT MY TEETH smile
why the fuck do so many people forget how to smile