Game Crash

Does Sup Forums smell another vidya game crash coming?

there's no possibility of a gaming crash. not that we have so many talented indie developers (like myself) who can make whatever is in demand

You fags have been smelling a game crash for years, you just need a shower.

Maybe for AAAshit that has gotten way too bloated

There won't be a crash, all the companies will swap to mobile games since that's where the shekels are at. Video games will die a silent death.

Indie games are already oversaturated as a market

I agree

Most already have

>talented indie
Those two words rarely go together. The only indie game I've played that didn't feel deeply flawed was Shovel Knight. Everything else has been obvious shovelware that gets protected by the name "indie".

I always wonder why people don't know what shovelware is anymore. Did cell phone games corrupt everyone's intelligence? Is it some attempt on a massive scale to like shit games as hipsters or something?

Flash Games aren't indie games user

there will be just cash grab multiplayer games and indies, every traditional genre will be wiped out from vydia

no it´s like music now which means it will forever be mainstream. shoo shoo, off you go hipsters

what do you think the vidya crash will smell like? Do you think it'll be embarrassed?

I just think it'd be funny to know, haha.

When did you realize you are no longer the target audience for vidya.

>implying music is oversaturated

might I suggest taking a visit to
you'd learn a lot

I can only personally name a few. How many companies do you know are making mobile games?

>asking a loaded question

Are you a child?

>talented indie developers
>(like myself)

>when someone like the beatles, the who, or anyone else made a song, you remembered it for ages
>anything from maybe the 80's onward becomes "oh I kinda remember that song, damn its been forever"
Yes, the market has been oversaturated. Good songs are supposed to last forever, not get thrown to the side a week later.

Also what are you supposed to learn from Sup Forums? More songs to forget?

ID software
Infinity Ward
2K games
TellTale games

Thats just a few

How is it a loaded question? The only ones I know of that make cell phone games are possibly Square, Nintendo (in a way), and possibly something like EA. I don't pay much attention to cell phone games, so I honestly don't know if anyone else is making cell phone games. You make it sound like it is a lot, so I wouldn't mind knowing which others have taken this path.


Define a "good song"

>anything from maybe the 80's onward becomes "oh I kinda remember that song, damn its been forever

This only worsens your argument and proves your ignorance imo user

Damn that is a lot. Guess it is worse than I thought. Now the real question is, do any major companies look like they may be going fully mobile? That is when we know it is all over.

Not that I know of, It hasn't gotten that bad just yet

muh "born in le wrong generation"

fucking kill yourself normie fag

What, ignorance as in I don't know awesome non-mainstream songs? If anything, that proves that the market is oversaturated. Great songs should be easy to come across and remember.

>muh strawman posts
Learn to debate better and have a wonderful life.

There has to be a rise in order to crash.

> Sup Forums autists are smelling a crash all the time
> there will never be a PS4 they said
> consoles are dead because the WiiU sold like shit thy said
> PS4 is going to bomb they said
> PC gayming was supposed to take over

vtards pedicting shit is always good for a laugh

Just like the race war that Ben Garrison wants. There will not be a vidya game crash anytime soon.

>The only indie game I've played that didn't feel deeply flawed was Shovel Knight.

Hotline Miami
Axiom Verge

You anti indie autists have no idea what you´re talking about.

> Sup Forums autists are smelling a crash all the time
Funny enough, the Wii U's release made AAA companies "smell a crash" too. This generation probably wouldn't be quite as shitty if it wasn't for that.

AAA companies listen to the garbage spewed in the gaming media and among gamers way to much.

It was very obvious from the beginning why the WiiU would fail, ist was a horrendous product.

no pelase

First I didn't say I've played every indie game. I haven't played the games on your list, but I have played a few highly recommended indie games. For example, the cash grab that is Brothers, or the game with non-stop shitty "puzzles" La Mulana EX. When I keep trying indie games that are supposed to be so good that they can put AAA to shame, and they end up being worthless, then I start losing hope in indie games and start playing less of them.

I think Hollywood is more likely to crash.

This is really just an issue with the way games are being produced. Things are getting so crazy expensive that your game has to be a fucking massive monetary success to keep your studio doors open.

I think we'll see a trend to cheaper games that have more of a focus on gameplay.

Indies are just like AAA games, there´s lots of shit but also lots of good games. It´s also more important than ever to ignore the gaming media and form your own opinions.

When i imagine i may have spend 20 bucks for garbage like Gone Home if i listened to reviews.....

>waaaaaaa I no like vidya so it DYIIIIINGGGGG

You should probably play more indie games before you call all of it "shovelware"

How many years has this been repeated by now?

>>anything from maybe the 80's onward becomes "oh I kinda remember that song, damn its been forever"

Of course there's not gonna be a crash you fuckin' memer. If anything, there's going to be a massive shift in dynamics as we shy away from this mindset that studios must always find that golden egg.

This mythical goal of "FIVE MIRRION" is just a pipe dream. The game industry is just like the movie industry. .. I.E, mostly run by execs that have no idea what they're doing either because they're out of their element and think they know whats best, or a brand of nepotism so profound it makes Zack The Hack Snyder look like small fry.

You ever notice how today's games are not that much bigger in scope or reality? Everything just looks "prettier". I dunno about you, but I don't want be able to see all the pores ona persons face. I'm perfectly fucking fine with shiny pudding people if it means better gameplay or direction.

Take Arkham Knight for example. The amount of design decisions hoisted over itself there is abysmal. You've got half the costumes looking like trash because they had to design around the cowl being all mechanical in certain scenes, to aritificual difficulty with those damn medica and shields with Bamham going durr as if it so much as breathes on you. Everything except the games epic™ writing®©™ has taken the wayside.

But that's okay! You can SEE THE SWEAT IN HIS PORES.
My point is, sooner or later someone is gonna break away from the fold and do something new that everyone will wanna do. It'll be the next CoD level of follow the leader. Only instead of bland military shooters, it'll be better art direction.