Humble Bundle

Why haven't you picked up the best bundle in months yet?

Cringe thread?

You mean the bundle with Dawn of War, Rome:TW and CoH for 1 dollaroos?

Yeah i picked that

>Best bundle in months
Fucking kek. Did you forget the 2K one just recently?

wow, its fucking nothing

>this is what passes off as good games for PCucks

It's all just gimmicky low budget indie shit!
my fucking sides!


I might have gotten the 1$ deal if STFU or Octodad was in that tier.

2K one was shit. Last one I enjoyed was prolly the THQ bundle...

>low budget games are shit


you should get Galak-Z

was on ps+ a few months ago and it's pretty good

>pay $10 to get the only decent game there

Suck my dick humble bundle,this is why you're so shit

Also the EA bundle from years ago is still the best one

I assume you're trolling, but Nuclear Throne is actually pretty decent.

yes but just for nuclear throne

He is right you know... I am sick of these shitty indie games getting so much undeserved hype. However about 2% of less of them are actually decent and exceed my expectations.

So that's 2% more than AAA game.

The bundle is worth it alone for Nuclear Throne. That game NEVER goes on sale.

Octodad is also a fun couple hours of play, so there's that.

Nah, with AAA games the % is about 10... it is just 4chang has this hipster attitude about certain games.

>le all AAA games are bad meme

How about you start having an opinion of your own instead of copy & pasting what shitposters on Sup Forums are saying?

>opinion happens to match the general public's

go outside

>game NEVER goes on sale
It is on sale RIGHT now friends
3.looks pretty bad
4.not paying $10 for nuclear throne friends
6.goat simulator: octopus edition. also short as fuck
7.only decent game here, but the central time rewind mechanic is complete garbage. would have literally been a better game had it been a straight up action platformer, with healthbars/lives

For more than the entire bundle costs, and barely less than full price.

Bigger point is that anyone waiting for it to even hit 10 bucks again on plain old steam is going to be waiting a long fucking time.

>goat simulator: octopus edition. also short as fuck

I don't think that's entirely fair. Yes, Octodad is in no small part about the clumsiness of the character and interacting with the various objects your collisions can cause, but it does actually have a game to play through rather than being a total sandbox.

Granted, it is fairly short. Even if you did a second playthrough for #1 dad you'd only add a couple more hours on.

>Not paying $10 for Nuclear Throne

I'd call it worth it, but I really enjoy the game.

>Sup Forums sucks the dick of Lethal League when it was a flashgame

>Becomes popular

>"Gimmicky shit for redditors"

Well I guess it's better than the last three bundles/literal nothing.
Still shit tho

Best Humble Bundle to date was the Star Wars one. I'm still working through it

Wait, there are people that think Lethal League is shit?

Divekick > Lethal League

I don't know why I'm still subscribed to the monthly bundle

Most of my friends have burned out on it at this point, but I don't think that counts.

>The Walking Simulator's Guide
>Shill's Throne

Best bundle indeed.

divekick is one of the shittest games I've played.
It looks and plays like a garbage flash game, the art is so poor I have to keep myself from throwing up when I even think about it.

The last good AAA game to come out was Overwatch

You forgot Doom.

>decent game a hotline miami clone

Enjoy your ban.

Not worth money.
Played it and didn't like it.
>Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Great fucking game but I already 100% completed it on PS4.

So basically, is Nuclear Throne, Lethal League and Shut The Fuck Up worth 10 dollars?

You mean the 2K bundle? I don't play on PC.

Honestly. PCfags brag about being able to play exclusives well and getting """""cheap" games on Steam but then they only ever end up emulating old games and playing indies.

I'm enjoying PS4 way more because any day of the week I can pick up a year old AA(A) game for 20$ and walk away happy. Some days? I can get it for 10$. The same game will be 40-50$ on Steam. My PS4 library is all AAA games and JRPGs. Good fucking shit. Meanwhile I have 300 steam games and most of them are indie garbage because, like everybody else on Steam, I got baited into the "well, this indie game is worth two dollars... and that one... and these twenty five other games... i'll just wait a week for that game i actually want to play!"

>PC players can't play MP GOAT of all time of all time Battleborn
>they're going to have to wait months until Gearbox gives up waiting for consoles to die and takes pity on PC

Nuclear Throne hardly goes on sale and I personally really like it so I'd say it's worth that much. I don't know about Lethal League but people here seem to like it.

I thought the game in your webm was the game you got that month and as I was watching it I thought "that's not bad actually, I haven't played an Xtreme sports game in years.

Alright, I'm leaning towards getting it but I'll wait and see what the other games in the bundle are when they're announced.
If it's something really deadly, I'll definitelygo for it.

its a meme