When did you realize you are no longer the target audience for vidya?

When did you realize you are no longer the target audience for vidya?

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1994 to 1996, when 3D games were starting to take focus and the focus shifted more and more to ugly shooter games.

I don't care, there's 3 games coming up literally made for me

that's stupid, there were more RPGs and adventure games than ever before.




I never particularly felt like I was or cared about being part of the target audience. I just try to find whatever I think is fun.

The Wii U. I'm not sure who the target audience was but it wasn't me.

When Nintendo removed my head pats. That was the last straw.

Around 2009, when the damage from Wii Marketing, Facebook "Games," Bazinga Theory, Apple starting Mobile "Gaming" and Executive Suits craving more money from the rapidly growing casual audience was starting to become noticeable.

You never "stop being the target audience" you mongoloid. There are games made in every genre still to this fucking day, if you can't find anything worth playing, either you never liked video games in the first place, or you aren't looking hard enough.

When I became old enough to post on Sup Forums

When Front Mission became a third person shooter.

Never thought of being target audience.


Mass effect 3 killed my drive to play vidja

When mobile gaming became a thing
Freemium games
When females wanted more roles in games other than to break guilds apart in MMO's



When Anita became famous


Portal had the unfortunate fate of being tied in with the big bang theory.


Should be updated tbqh family

Since I stopped harassing my mummy for games and breaded chicken snacks many years ago I opened up my wallet and decided I'd rather spend it on more worthwhile shit than piecemeal DLC "season pass" meme bullshit.

Like Pirate packs at White Spot. The tendies are nautical themed, motherfucker.

Do you guys ever play games where you kind of have to grind and you're like "I could be working on my studies/actual job right now instead of wasting time doing this repetitive task simply for the sake of doing it."

I used to never think that as a kid, but now...

I mean, I didn't think of that as a kid, and if that thought occurs I just shrug it off because I enjoy grinding, meaningless grinds or not

>our culture

Like hell it is! I got bullied in school waaay too much for it to be your culture bitch! Go make a fucking sandwich

No, I'd rather be enjoying this passtime than be doing something in real life that could have dire immediate consequences if I fuck up.

>Playing vidya
>"I wish I was at work instead"

when ion storm made sequels for xbox

But I lived in Holland for a few years...

When I first played Gears of War shortly after 360 released. So polished and good game on the surface, but the surface is all it is.

Most games are like that now.

Nah its just, recently I've been playing San Andreas multiplayer, on an old RP server and I looked at my total playtime (I used to play when I was 14-15, I'm 19 now almost 20) and I see I have about 800 hours of doing "jobs" in that game to earn fake money...

Then again I see it as a glorified chat room so that keeps my autism at bay. I dont know man, I had half a bottle of vodka and I'm just thinking here.

so do u just never do somethin u enjoy cause u got work u can finish at a later date?

All the time, problem is that I don't want or am really lazy to read anything work related on my "free" time.

Learn to spell, dipshit

when console manufactures started to carry their console names into the next cycle just by adding another digit you knew they were catering to retards only

Saw this on the front page, 28 and don't remember the last time I even played a bideogame, last PlayStation I owned was 2

This is why I have like 150+ games on my backlog and very rarely decide to work on it. Honestly, that's not a bad perspective to have. You could also just be burned out on games. Do something productive instead for a while then come back to vidya.

Well friend, I'm not gonna say don't drink since it's hard to practice what you preach, there's no reason to think deep about it, anything and everything we do is pretty much useless in the end anyway, so if you enjoy SA:MP then go for it, stop listening to normies telling you that it's antisocial or whatever

You mean owned as in not pirated or what?

I know I know... But I saw this info thingy recently and it compares the amount of hours it takes before you can get a law degree or whatever. And the amount of hours, forget exactly was pretty much the amount of time I spent on one game. Made me think.

Why waste 3+ years on studies you might hate and hate the work afterwards, just go into a vocational training course into something that interests you instead of a useless degree you paid tens of thousands of dollars on to hang on a wall

What do you mean? Paradox grand strategy games don't have the same target audience as Mario games.
If you mean more like when did I feel like sort of zeitgeist of gamers shifted from what I was kind of tuned into then that would be around 2003-2006 when you stopped seeing companies making all the different RTS, city builder, and sim/theme xpark type of games.
Those sorts of games used to be some of the more popular games and today they're just barely clinging to life. You had more games that explored history in a fun way or sci-fi concepts and today if those things are still here at all then it's watered down.
It feels like most games at one point had more of an intellectual vibe to them and now they feel like action movies.

There you go.

>there will never be another Age of Empires


>tfw no WW1 to present day AoE
I love the way their campaigns tell history. And their game mechanics are god tier

gotta blaze it fgt

Nice work. Will probably get the autists enraged but hey - it's not their culture anymore XD

Which autists?
Everything is in quotation marks.
You know.

where did everything go so wrong

haha nice one tumblr

lol triggered

The image was edited after some sjw posted that pasta which enraged him even further.
The implication being that the same people who say that gamers are dead are currently invading Sup Forums.

See the 2006 change? That actually happened. If you weren't made fun of you must have been born since then kiddo.


>bring my Warcraft II manual to school
>all the other boys crowd around and read it with me especially for the cool artwork
>girl sees it and calls me a weirdo
>all the boys agree and laugh
>they go back to their circle jerk talking about whatever stupid thing they're talking about
That's fine. At least I can read in peace now. Q_Q

I wasn't made fun of for liking video games because I wasn't a complete spaz and didn't make it my sole defining feature - I also was into music and rowing. If you were made fun for video games, it wasn't because of video games, it's because you were a douche, just like all the little future frat boys you hated. Born in 85 come at me bro.

Never. Stop pretending that vidya is some kind of monolith. Oh boo hoo some mainstream game is streamlined and casual, so what? 99% of everything is shit, you find the diamonds by having something called taste.

It's not about beind made fun of, it's more about girls never liking videogames to begin with, but then suddenly they wanted videogames to cater to them when they learned how to use the internet and normies coming in droves around 2004


Jesus.. And you spend your fucking time on Sup Forums? Don't you think maybe it's time to move on, grandpa?

>It's not about beind made fun of
look at the post hes replying to dumpshit

>people liek something that I liked but they aren't real fans

Jesus, you sound like a fag. Not every game needs to appeal to you personally, and developers don't have to heed the call of a new market. That being said, games are made for money, so if there's an untapped market offered of course they're going to appeal to it.

I quit Sup Forums for years, checking it out again. I found that everyone's got their feelings hurt like a woman. Pathetic, play some goddamn games.

And you call us pathetic. Maybe you should get back to watching Wheel of Fortune. I'm sure your grammy is getting lonely.

Gunna have to subscribed to Hawkhalo on Ifunny

''''Metroid'''' Federation Force

When Skyrim came out and turned out to be a shallow lazily made sack of shit but the dudebros made it an absolute hit.

Either that or MW2 making it acceptable to charge extra for a shit game

just you mate.


You read like a teenager pretending to be 30.

only one of those is me

This is pretty much it if you move over to movies,comics etc. the vast majority is always meh. You gotta lookfor the good stuff THAT YOU enjoy. No matter what it is.

Meh. I stopped going on Sup Forums because at some point the aggression is just boring. You want to enjoy a conversation about STALKER or some shit, and 5 idiotic kids who just learned about trolling start spouting shit.

I'm getting old.

Here's a (you) for being entertaining. Fuck off to Reddit.

Literally never been on tumblr in my life. Dudebro used to be used here to denote the COD/Halo/FIFA/Madden players

2006 is where everything went wrong, if you grew up in a family that loves video games and passes them on, then 80% of the time everyone in the family realises that it was the worst thing that happened to gaming. My grandma refused to buy the Wii and PS3 and continued playing PS2 JRPGs until she died in 2012.

>pretending you were entertained
you seemed ass-flutered as fuck the whole time you guys were going at it.

Funny thing is I was born just a few years after you and I'd say a much higher percentage of people here than you think aren't "kids", but I think your original point is an overgeneralization and I think you're trying to act superior. You talk about aggression, but you say things like
I don't see how you can read that and think anyone here is a douche except you. As if everyone who was made fun of for liking video games is someone who was completely autistically obsessed with them. Fuck yourself, sir.

The xbox 360 winning its gen was probably the beginning of the end. It changed industry standards for the worse whilst pushing even more exclusivity over IPs, charging for what is essentially p2p online networking, bringing more casuals in whilst shifting the focus to multiplayer games. That and companies like actiblizz hiring more business oriented CEOs who's main onus was milking as much profit as they could rather than selling a quality product to keep consumers entertained. Shifting to a new release every year model became the norm, too.
online on consoles made it acceptable to release unfinished games and just patch them later at which point they can already point out their massive sales despite the game being a buggy mess. It was always going to go this way once Americans got involved


cinematic singleplayer
persistent progression multiplayer
the first time i saw dlc (neverwinter nights)
world of warcraft abducting all the online game players off irc and making them play one game exclusively

>tfw we'll never get another RTS Front Mission game ever again

Well I'm sure you'd fit in great there because you sound exactly like them

When all Japanese games got anime as fuck and all Western games starting trying to bring in the CoD audience.

Pretty much, everyone in my family was so disgusted at the 360. Also making me pay for live when I already have an internet bill, thanks M$. I was already playing Tony Hawk online for free on my PS2. They ruined the expectations of games and now every company has gone down the shitter.

Never. I still play and enjoy videogames, and hate this "true fan" elitism.

On the other hand I no longer play multiplayer shooters because they are esports-pandering timesinks with no clear end goal. Dropped Overwatch a few weeks ago and haven't looked back

I dont play games like that anymore. I dont play any games that are too time consuming or energy consuming like competitive games or 'git gud' games.

when flashgames went from free to microtransaction only to be slowly replaced by freemium facebook games.

preorder bonus becoming mandatory.

Gears of War

>mfw I was on the original thread where this got posted for fist time befor turning into an image macro

what are those

wow you are one special snowflake

And yet you were the target audience of the Wii?

more like when flash games where made for shit and gigs before turning into "indie games"


I think it was 2012, mostly because of Guild Wars 2 but not only.

>Guild Wars 2
>Diablo 3
>Assassin's Creed 3
>Mass Effect 3
>Far Cry 3
>Borderlands 2

2011 already paved the way with Skyrim and BF3.

After these two years, a lot of people (including me) started shitting on AAA games not necessarily because they were shit but because they simply weren't catering to us anymore.

now thats a awesome grandma
im sorry user