How long is this game if I take my time +expansions?

How long is this game if I take my time +expansions?

I got to 30 hours and got bored, but i hadn't finished either of the expansions, and I was close to the end. Depending on how many side quests you do including gwent and such i think you could easily get 70 hours on a playthrough with both dlcs

dont bother its boring and the best part is coming as a standalone game later this year

60 hours it took me, thats just taking my time doing the main quest. havent tried the expansions yet

150-200 hrs (w/ exps)

4-5 hours 8 if you take your time

Short if you rush through it.
Pretty long if you do the side quest, contracts, treasures, and other shit. I already beat the game, but I'm still finding shit that I haven't found playing a new game. Like saving the Baron's wife and saving the children from the witches.
I haven't got to Skellige in the new game yet. Saving that after I find all the shit in Velen first.
Blog post

How do I combat good, im eating tendies after every fight.

I think I've dropped a hundred or so hours into this game here and there in little 2-4 hour spurts

I still haven't beaten it, though I think I'm at the end, I just don't feel like it, and also fuck Kierra for being a manipulative bitch and giving me a failed mission on my record just because I killed her in self defense after she attacked me like a psychopath

I've got 220 hrs. I did all the expansions and just about every side quest. I didn't do all the question marks. I guess I'm pretty slow.

That's about how long it took me with minimum level scaling and such. I left no stone unturned though.

As someone who despises fantasy in general, should I avoid this game?

I've heard it's really good but I don't know if I could handle all the nomenclature and hardcore escapist bullshit. I don't necessarily prefer realism, but for some reason that whole medieval genre of fantasy really grates on me. That scenery looks pretty sublime though.

original 100 hours

after that probs another 60 for expos.

im about 35 hours in and only 1/3 through main story. I try to do every contract and sidequest tho. Expect gwent, why the fuck does that exist in the game

took me 110 hours with both expansions
But I rushed through skellige and didnt finish every side quest in novi/velen

just buy siegemeister foltest its ez pz

Scenery is shit until you get to Skellige or if you have the expansions. Velen is shit scenery.
You can avoid this game or pirate it so you won't have buyers remorse like some.
To me it's a pretty good game with some flaws (like the combat, glitches, and when you reach the end of the map you might get stuck at some point).
Just watch some gameplay at this point.

I'm near the end of the main story and about half way though the final expansion. Without finding everything but doing some decent exploring I'm 120 hours in.

About 20 to 40 hours if you ignore the copy-pasted "find the note then follow red line to useless treasure" and "clear out this bandit camp on the other side of the world" quests, so like 80% of the game.

the game is story driven. it's somewhat like medieval europe with it's folklore.

it's a good game. can't tell if you'll like it

its too boring. Im a fucking witcher, I want to solve crimes, slay monsters and shag wenches, not play shitty trading card game

128 hours. Around 10 - 20% through Skellige. Haven't started the main Skellige questline.

Velen 100% complete. Novigrad around 90% complete. Only stuff that's left are those around Oxenfurt's side of the map, level 30+ stuff I can't handle yet.

It's got elves, dwarves, halflings, dragons, and pretty much every other fairytale creature you can think of. Every trope is painted over with eastern European grimness and cynicism but at the end of the day its still escapist high fantasy,

Same as this guy, but took me ~200 hours.

I didn't touch gwent though, because it's utter p2w shit, if you ask me.

i rushed through the main story in 80 hours, 100 with the dlc

i want to newgame+ and complete everything but i feel i would burn out on repeated content pretty quick

You fucked up son. The side quests are good but without the driving force of a main quest it'll start to drag.

hit, back step, hit, back step. repeat.

max upgrade the shield and mind control spells. then everything gets to easy.

>actually playing wrestling games

ciri kind of had priority nigga

Play on Deathmarch first. u'll get stomped over and over again, but u'll get supa invested in the game. thats what i did.

Quen sign. Side steps and parries when fighting humans. Mostly rolls when fighting monsters.

When fighting a boss monster, check monster's info and use appropriate signs/oils/bombs.

never even used oils or checked monster weakness's. their not to helpful. except for them ghosties. use the trap spell. Thats it.

I once managed to kill a griffin twice my level thanks to using signs, oils, bombs and elixirs. But yeah, normally they're mostly useful for killings ghosts.

damage potions + oils shreks everything. Though you really only need them if you do content way above recommended level

At least 100 hours

How long are the expansions and where do they fit into the story?

I like how fucking gross these peasants look and sound. I can't remember another WRPG who didn't have the models of everybody and their mom attractive. Hell, in dragon age 2 they just slapped old lady heads on young lady bodies.

Will there be released a GOTY edition or some shit so I should wait for that?

Yeah, announced about a week ago.

>50% damage buff isn't helpful
You serious nigger?

This is the correct answer

Fuck these games are too long to hold my attention. I've tried twice, got 60 hours each time about, and stopped caring

i just started what should i do combat make it easy possible , just playing for tits and story

Took me 200hr for basegame.