Thanks to Nixxes, Tomb Raider ran like total ass on PC

Thanks to Nixxes, Tomb Raider ran like total ass on PC.

Why are you surprised they fucked up again with Deus Ex? They're incompetent hacks.

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>Thanks to Nixxes, Tomb Raider was well optimized on PC.

Benchmarks are always shit

>8x MSAA
>Contact hardening shadows
>Surprised it runs like shit

Just disable those 2 and FPS will skyrocket

If you don't want jaggies you gotta play with at least 4x msaa

I agree with the shadows though. In nearly all games you can't tell the difference between ultra and medium shadows but there is like a 20 frame difference

>Tomb Raider was well optimized on PC.
>35fps in this fucking area with AA turned off and shadows/textures only on high

Tomb Raider runs 50 fps on my 670 set to medium settings. Could've been better but I've seen worse.

Both TRs ran fine on my PC (i7 4.5ghz, 980sli, 32GB RAM, SSD). 1440p on mix of ultras and highs at 144hz solid

I expect this game to do the same.

it does help if your pc isn't shit

Get a better PC.

MSAA is still shit, there's way better AA to chose from

They normally do good jobs, though I haven't played MD yet.

>i7 4790k

No problems with other games, this is the only game that runs like crap, especially in this area.

Kill yourself

secretly if you have a good 1440p monitor you can just throw on fxaa and it's fine

Jesus christ why do you care so much if the game doesn't run at over 9000 fps all the time? 40 to 60 is perfectly fine.

Or is it that the industry convinced you to drop your mom's cash on a $1000+ gpu and you are buttmad you fell for the meme and need to justify it somehow?

But FXAA looks like someone smeared vaseline on your monitor

>inconsistent framerate is totally fine
On your PS4, maybe

>970 meme

You fucked up

Since you apparently have never experienced games higher than 20 fps when your fps is actually really inconsistent it's noticeable and choppy/stuttery. Stop projecting, you're probably underaged.

Msaa was off in gamegpu benchmarks nigga.

No it wasn't, there was no indication of that in the image. Even so, contact hardening shadows can take up to 40 fps

is this game with denuvo?

Yes and not surprisingly it ran like shit

shitty i was hoping for a pirate, guess that wont happen

This may be the first decent game released with Denuvo. Meaning there may be adequate incentive for someone to crack it.

>No it wasn't, there was no indication of that
In the settings menu it was set to off you fucking retard.

So what it shit or not

Isn't this shit getting a Day One patch, as well as DX12 support?


Your life is a meme.

Manchild divided

Every game should use the AA Doom has. No jaggies in sight, sharp image, 90FPS at 2560x1600 on a 980ti. Magic.

>All Denuvo game has same problem
>Buyfag shill pretend its never related

>hurrdurr 970 meme

Like I said, every other games runs fine except this one. Fuck off wannabe memers.

The game runs like ass, Nixxes is incompetent.

The 970 was a budget meme people fell for, new ports are unoptimized as shit and you should have spent a bit more on a better card to compensate. It's only gonna get worse from here with that gpu.

Nah, shadows and lighting are super important for me, i'll usually turn down post processing shit and be fine for fps

Like I said, every other games runs fine except this one. Fuck off wannabe memers.


>The game runs like ass, Nixxes is incompetent.

I have a 960 an i'm confident i'll get 60fps if it tweak it good.


Yeah, like 800x600

>they run fine once you spendo 500$ on a GPU LOL

pcfags everyone

Can you stop being underage for a while and then come back? We're discussing hardware and shit unoptimized ports.

I'm fucking done. Buying ps neo and fuck this pc shit.

Sure you are buddy.

it won't come to that but even then it would still be better than the console version

Or just go full retard like myself and buy a 17" 4k monitor. Anything at 1152p needs no AA because the pixels are so goddamn tiny that you cant see the jaggies.

>should have spent a bit more on a better card to compensate

wasn't the point of pc being able to 1080p 60fps for the same price or lower than consoles?

that's what you've memed since steam became popular, plenty of videos with a wooden plank as a case, new pentiums paired with a 750 or shoddy amd apus builds.

>good goy, should have bought a 600€ 980 instead of a 350€ 970

thanks buddy, that solves everything
let's just sink 400€ for each new gpu gen and we're done.
PC gaming truly is a meme, piracy stopped by denuvo, steam catalog flooded by meme and shitty indie games, badly optimized aaa titles

it's just as bad as consoles

I'm not a yurocuck so no a more than optimal gpu doesn't cost $400+ you freaking retard. Shouldn't you be getting fucked by some muzzies right now.


let's disregard a large market such as europe and the VAT burgers don't openly display on the price.

shouldnt u be choking on some greasy lard or taking care of your sharted pants right now, american pig?

2x MSAA with MFAA enabled is pretty great at 1080p

You clearly haven't seen Nvidia's MLAA then - it is a straight up blur filter that doesn't actually stop aliasing at all.

MLAA is AMDs thing.

Whatever nvidia's post process AA is called then, I forget the name.


Blurry shit

your mom is blurry shit

i swear to fukk that's what i type every time and then have to correct it