Should I play Terraria or Starbound?
Should I play Terraria or Starbound?
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Terraria has more SOUL.
Terraria for gameplay
Starbound for comfy building
Both have good music and exploration
I'll add that I have already played Terraria, and I'm thinking of getting Starbound, but I've heard alot of hate (it being early access for a millenia etc) but now that it's released I'm thinking of switching. Any big drawbacks of Starbound? I really like Sci-Fi
Terraria, no doubt
Terraria is 10x superior.
Performance nosedives when you're in any heavily populated area and the boss fights are mediocre at best. Too tired to think of anything else, goodnight Sup Forums
Terraria has more GRINDING.
>Most useful item in the game
>Must have for any build
>If you plan on playing solo you NEED it for boss fights
>Takes literally days of AFK summoner farming to acquire.
Just play Starbound.
You don't need to build a stupid house or colony in starbound since you can just put all your crafting tables/storage in the space ship and NPCs aren't vital to progression so you don't need to copypaste the same bullshit house 20 times just to continue to play the game. (Though you can optionally do both of these things if you decide to play with your girlfriend or something)
Literally the only thing Terraria has over Starbound is more content since it has been out for longer.
forgot pic
Both faggot. Terraria first because its been out longer and has more content, when you run out of terraria starbound might have some content patches out by then.
Optimally you should play terraria then wait for the last starbound content update to start playing starbound. You will get the best experience that way instead of being slowly fed bits and pieces of content over the course of multiple years.
Stardew Valley.
Terraria has a shit ton of pointless grinding and boils down to busy work in between bosses that all fly and go through walls.
Starbound is a quickly boring universe with slightly improved, but still bad bosses.
Terraria is great if you like grinding, then grinding bosses over and over just to say you got the top tier sword that you now no longer need as you've killed the final boss 40 times.
Starbound is great if you like building for the sake of it and nothing else.
Both games really don't have much actual content, Terraria pretends to by just piling on higher numbers to the grinder, Starbound is just an empty universe.
This guy knows his shit.
>not linking strawpoll
why do you do this to yourself, OP
I'd say I personally prefer Starbound now that it's reached release version.
>Rod of Discord
>Must have for any build
Since fucking when? I've beaten the game on expert and still never seen the damn thing drop which annoys my collector tendency but the item is in no way required for anything.
I'm fighting Moon lord now on my game and I haven't used this item at all. although I do have it in a chest, never realised it was that rare.
This. Terraria from beginning to end is a whole lot of grinding just so you can match the enemy power creep. Whole lot of digging, whole lot of killing very very simple enemies. You can narrow down about 90% of its enemies into things that just run straight at you.
The only real fun part of Terraria is the dungeon after you kill the skeleton head since it's the closest thing to an actual designed environment with hazards and navigation and a few enemies that aren't just dumb melee mooks. After that, shit just ramps up in the damage output and the need to grind for special gear to survive as you advance to the next few bosses. Once you beat the Wall of Flesh, shit becomes pretty aggravating. Get to the Moon Lord and it's just fucking dumb.
Besides a bit of mandatory digging to get some ore and build up your crafting stations, Starbound gives you different shit to do as you go along. A lot of shit was actually hand designed and almost any location is worth exploring to find a facility/town/whatever and scavenge potentially good loot.
Combat was shit over the past several years of Early Access, but after many changes they eventually hit a good spot and most creatures are interesting to fight given that they have randomly assigned behaviors and a small selection of attacks from a large list of abilities that give fights a lot of variety and unpredictability until you see what the local wildlife can do.
Also the building, Starbound has a shit ton more things to use to make your fancy houses, and the ancillary gimmicks like the wiring system outperform Terraria's versions.
Three years ago, Terrara would be the recommended title hands down.
Now, Starbound has shaped up into something much better.
Also Starbound has the Umihara Kawase grappling hook, makes it infinitely better.
its more fun
Terraria is a boss rush metroidvania.
Starbound is an exploration interior decorating game.
I feel like Starbound doesn't have enough content
Also it's way too easy
Have some random Terraria builds.
Terraria is the better game
Starbound has better porn
Terraria doesn't BSOD my computer, so terraria.
Terraria doesn't have developers that lied about content being implemented in the game (Even if the terraria dev did lie about cutting support for the game).
Also the grind in starbound feels a lot more apparent to me. It's not as bad as terraria, but you immediately notice it, and you're aware you're grinding. There's no break from it.
Buy star bound it's way better
If places like that were commonplace then Terraria would be better.
The joy is in exploring. Its not exploring if I built it.
>Terraria dev lies
"Sorry guys I think we're done with the game it was a fun ride"
"Oops looks like we accidentally made ANOTHER content patch"
>Starbound dev lies
"Oh hey guys check out this neat thing we all spent weeks of development time working on"
"we took it out because we said so"
1.0 Starbound was a downgrade. Prove me wrong.
Honestly though, I could be talking out of my ass there. I looked for terraria porn one time, didn't like what I saw at a glimpse, and haven't looked again. Starbound's got the upperhand just on diversity alone, pleasing furries/robutts/salads/vanillas.
I feel like the game could be fairly engrossing if it got the TES game treatment for porn mods. I'd kill to be an intergalactic sexbot trafficker.
Which do you like more: Exploring or dungeon crawling?
If exploring, then Starbound. If dungeon crawling, then Terraria.
fuck off tiy
This completely
Terraria if you give a shit about your game having content.
Which one let's me have a gf, in game?
Like really.
I want a customizable female follower. Does starbound do this?
If she's a crewmate yes. Just grind out NPC quests for a tailor so you can dress her up and she'll follow you anywhere.
Give Terraria the custom musical instruments Starbound has and it would easily be my GOAT Steam games.
The only reason I has fun in Starbound was playing music while me and my friends hung out in underwater bases.
Its actually pretty repetitive and extremely easy.
I would imagine this only appeals to the kind of loser who likes to have a digital relationship as the farming aspect is total shit.
There is a very obvious best crop to grow each season and the only reason to deviate from that is to fill out those lists for the forest spirits.
Wow really? That's disappointing, i was planning on playing that some time in the future
Terraria on expert mode.
Terraria, easily.
Starbound, despite covering more shit thematically is probably even more shallow of a game.
No Man's Sky™ of course!
It depends. Do you want to play a good game, or 2D No Man's Sky?
Starbound was a good idea but is pretty shit in practice.
There are all these planets but no reason to explore them. Having a single main base on one world, and shipping everything back to it, is pointless because you can already dig up everything you need from one planet.
Also, you'll half-build your main base and then find a prettier planet that you wish you built your base on instead. But you don't want to build two bases or take one apart.
Really? Because the music shit novelty wore off real quick for me and my friends
Now I'm ashamed of the places I built in Terraria that I thought looked good.
Terraria is a game that requires a lot of investment. It isn't something you can play casually because you'll forget what you need and not be able to focus enough to progress.
It's a fun game, specially in a group of idiots who don't care about "meta". Lot of farming, but I can only think of a few items that aren't actually fun to hunt down.
Most of the game problems fix themselves if you mod it into 10x drop chance.
The main problem with Terraria for me is how one thing is a direct upgrade from another, usually, and how expensive reforging can get (but everyone clones money so whatever).