What the fuck is this company doing?

What the fuck is this company doing?

Is Sony going to start buttfucking Playstation players with micro transactions and subscriptions so they make up the losses?

Monthly online PSN subscription was a great sign of things to come, I can't wait to see what they come up with next to really make our assholes sore from all the fucking.

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>being a nintennigger
KILL yourself scumbag

Should have joined the PC Master Race instead, kiddo


>What the fuck is this company doing?
Trimming the fat?

>make up the losses?
Huh? How are they losing money by getting rid of divisions that lose them money?

>Huh? How are they losing money by getting rid of divisions that lose them money?

I agree, the Vita should be discontinued immediately.

user has it right here, the current big thing in big corporate in the tech works is to cut down on lavish expenses and to maximise cash flow.

Sony have decided to focus on the playstation brand at a consumer level whilst cutting away their poorer brand

The vita has never lost them money, it's sold at a very high markup and they make boatloads from the royalties

>the Vita should be discontinued immediately
But how would the Vita be actively losing them money? They don't develop games for it, so the only money that is truly being invested has already been spent. All that is left is the money put into replacing hardware that has been bought, which has the right idea. Nothing about the Vita is currently losing them money.

Production of the Vita has been discontinued in the US.

I want to be clear that I LIKE Sony, I want them to succeed, but the problem that i'm seeing is they constantly nickel and dime the gaming market in subtle ways.

I did not like the big fuck you when they made Vita memory cards """"proprietary"""" and prevent you from using generic cards.

I did not like the fact that they adopted Xboner's pay to play online bullshit.

I did not like when the library of the Vita moved to Japan import only, then:
this shit happens. It makes me think that any day now they're going to go full retard.

Is there secretly a huge stock sitting in a warehouse somewhere then? Every time I see one bought, it magically gets replaced. Also, when looking on google all I find is a rumour about it getting discontinued. You have an actual source saying it has been discontinued?

Sony is smart to get out of laptop business. Every single company in Japan including Hitachi was found out bloating their sales figures even HP is in trouble in the laptop business.

I will miss the VIAO line though theyre sturdier than GATAC Laptops

>tfw bought the launch console with no plans on upgrading
>haven't bought ps plus once
>Will continue enjoying all the first and third party games/exclusives on my $350 console for the rest of the gen

Man I got ass FUCKED SO BADLY by Sony dude. It hurtzzz so muccch xbot bro do u feel me bro?

My butt hurtz bcuz Sony fuckd my ass n stole my moneyyy broo u feel me mane? u no dat feel xbots bro? please send help

>launch console
How's it feel being caught in a lie?

Launch model I mean to say. I bought mine last year the day BB came out.

Sony had to sell the PS3 AND PS4 at a loss. They're in deep shit. They need to make more money.
I don't honestly mind PS Plus and what not due to the games usually being fun and worth playing.

they are not selling ps4 at a loss

Not that guy but do you think should I buy PS+ to help them? I only have a PS4 though

They were selling it at a 60$ loss, retard. Google it.
>should I buy PS+
you should buy PS+ if you're going to play online or if your tastes are diverse enough to enjoy the kinds of games PS+ usually puts out
from what i've heard this month is shit, last few months were pretty good with Tropico 5, Tabletop Racing, Gat out of Hell, Furi, and Paragon.


Just because they sell it at a loss it doesn't mean they're in deep shit. It's a strategy.
Look at the PS Vita, I'm sure they made a lot of money with those stupid memory cards.

They are

sony is at its best when it does nothing.

When it just allows the competition to fail.

Sony is at its worst when it tries to '' innovate''

they had to sell their japanese fucking headquarters
their movie division is going out of business
they're selling up software

PS4 had slight profit. And consoles are almost always sold at a loss you stupid fucking nigger, are you 12?

>people actually defend PS Plus being required for online play

not nintendo consoles :^)

No, the original model was. The 3 other SKUs are still produced. The fact that almost a year later people are still parroting this is insane.

I don't know about that and I honestly don't care, I just wanted to point out that selling at a loss is a strategy and Microsoft does it too. It doesn't necessarily mean that the company is dying

I might buy some PS+ just to support them on some months when I can afford it. I don't think I'll be into those games but I will try to help sony

Pretty much this. There isn't much room to innovate as far as the hardware is concerened anymore. Just make a solid console, get devs to make solid games, and let the competition work themselves to death trying to reinvent the wheel.

The main problem is shareholders, who want to constantly see change, then bitch when it causes the stock price to drop.

>on some months when i can afford it
b a i t
thank god i still have my (((me)))

sadly this is true.

mini discs, betamax, portable tv's, AIBO, floppy disks, walkmans, discmans, portable video recorders, transistor radios, blu ray format

No I like sony first party gams and I wil try to support it when I can. That's what I meant

Then just buy the games, not ps plus. That's supporting cancer

If Sony Vegas has been acquired by another company will it finally be updated to support newer GPUs? CPU rendering is cancer.

No. Sony has a lot of movie studios, just not named sony, they even have a movie studio with Coke.

And movie business is very weird. You can have a straight 10 year loss and recoup it with a single movie

I already buy the games but if sony is going bankrupt I will try to help it a little more so they don't and I know its not right but I want to help sony

>deliberatly losing money and letting your company suffer is good way to get money
>when someone else does it then I should do it too
>implying Microsoft losing money


MS is bleeding money definitely. Even Office and Windows is leaking money.They are just being propped up by patents and royalties Google uses for android

I'm pretty sure that if they are going bankrupt then your 50 dollars won't do much. Buy the games that you like

Games, controllers, ps plus, extremely expensive memory cards for vita and now all that vr shit.
I'm pretty sure there aren't many people just buying a console and then not getting anything else for it. It worked for the PS2.
Again, I don't know and don't care if they're going down, but selling ps4 at a loss is not the reason of their failure

What timeline is this?