Under rated games general

Under rated games general.

Ah, i remember that game. I spent hours on that game, too bad you never see anyone talk about it.

Gonna keep with the samurai western theme I guess. Controls just aren't responsive enough though.

best worst game ever.


With how silly it is, I agree.

I still have the Playstation magazine that was giving this game away in a competition. How is it gameplay wise?

>Black female protag
What were they thinking?

This game is so flawed, but I love it so much.

How's this one?
I read some notes and all said how it's too hard since you can't grind.

>What were they thinking?

Wrong game.

Shoot, you're right.
I just saw the title and thought it was alt cover.


Its pretty good. The gameplay has a Doom vibe in terms of using both police and riot weaponry with satisfying brutality. The atmosphere is similar to Olympus has Fallen.
It has its drawbacks, and can be repetitive near the end but worth checking out if you liked FPS shooters from that era.

You play as pic related, certified BLM enemy #1

Might emulate it.

For all the shovel wear we get in these generations of games, sometimes gems find there way in there.

>Might emulate it.

Good luck.

No good roms or something like that?

Playstation All Stars

Well, not quite.

You'll need 4gb patch just to run it in software mode and even then, it'll probably run slowly. Better off buying a cheap chipped PS2 and burning the game instead.

That or wait and see what the 1.5.0 version offers.


