If I had a boner for Team Fortress 2 in its prime, but I hate the Tumblrina Fanbase who's never even touched this game, would I like Overmeme? I didn't really have an interest in this game at all, but I'm somewhat interested after watching the gameplay trailers.
If I had a boner for Team Fortress 2 in its prime, but I hate the Tumblrina Fanbase who's never even touched this game...
I bought it and can play with my left hand sprained.
It's pretty fun but it's no TF2 in the hayday.
I like zenyatta and ana ok. haven't really figured out who and how to play but it's a fairly simplistic shooter.
>haven't figured out how to play
>it's simplistic
Whatever you say faggot
>but I hate the Tumblrina Fanbase who's never even touched this game
Then why come to Sup Forums? No one here plays games but they have a shitty opinion on every single one.
bad maps
gameplay designed around moba style ults
low skill ceiling on all characters, they are too specific
Pretty much just TF2, with the weapon variants being made into separate characters.
And no sane adult gives a flying shit whether or not some dipshit tumblr girls like some of the designs or not. Stop being punked out by people who can't actually do anything to you.
it plays nothing like TF2.
each character has abilities with cooldowns.
Who and How to play as in, a main character I enjoy.
Whatever you say faggot.
>it plays nothing like TF2
yeah because all content is exhaustet after 2 hours
can you please kys
OP here, my main in Team Fortress 2 was Scout. Is Tracer anything like that or is she shit, just like her fanbase?
Tracer is essentially Scout, yes.
Simplistic he says! Oh man. These people who think it doesnt take any form of conetration and skill. Oh geez. Probably the same people who put 5 hours into some shit character, fapped, and never touched it again. Went back to their pedophile cell pool TF2 and wallowed in their own shit about how life is so hard and how they wish little boy butts were so easy to obtain. Please continue staying away from this game. I dread the thought of you being on my team, or god forbid, competitive
>infinite ammo
how casual can you get?
If you like a diverse sjw game buy it
made for casuals with a generic hero design to please the current year
Is destiny casual? Oh right, haha PC cucks BTFO
Tracer is like scout, but she has less vertical mobility available to her. However, coming from playing scout, the biggest change is that she has a good deal more effective range. You can deal maximum damage from 2-3x the distance of a typical scattergun meatshot, it feels quite nice.
It's on PS4, I'd reckon it's pretty casual.
wait a couple weeks
free trial is coming soon
then you can find out if you like it without spending money :)
Cant wait to make a new account and destroy noobs
Honestly this game is insanely casual no matter how you look at it. The only mechanical execution is aim and positioning for 90% of the heroes. They justified the low skill ceiling by emphasizing team play and counters. The skill floor of heroes are so low someone can play for 5 minutes and master 60% of the hero. Only difficult heroes are maybe genji tracer and pharah where you need quick reactions and predictions.
>Wanting to do anything without challenge
Enjoy never achieving anything in life or video games :)
>Some characters are easier to play then others
Its almost as if they want to cater to people who like mastering a champion and their friends who normally just play the next fifa / cod
>i have a bias towards the fanbase therefore the game is bad
You need to be 18 to post here
>Its almost as if they want to cater to people who like mastering a champion and their friends who normally just play the next fifa / cod
So, casuals?
>leave overwatch alone!
>I hate people that don't even play the game, so I won't play the game anymore
OW seems right down your alley
Never gave into the hype, didn't know the game existed until I tried the pre-launch open beta.
It felt like playing out-of-the-(orange)-box tf2, like going ten years back in time.
So much fun I bought the 40$ copy
Low skill ceiling on every character.
Game isnt that deep because of it.
Blizzard does balance patches depending on how hard Reddit cries about a certain character.
Seriously just stay away. Its bad enough you need to buy the game but theres microtransactions IN the game. Doesnt get more jewish than this.
[Box of one demographic of gamer]
people who like to git gud at just one game
>Inside box is hanzo, genji, pharoah etc
[Box of second demographic of gamer]
friends of player that likes to git gud at just one game
>Inside box is symmetra, torb, winston etc
[Box of third demographic of gamer]
girlfriend of player that likes to git gud at just one game
>Inside box is lucio, mercy, reinheart etc
Its not designed for one type of person
Just because lucio is literally an afk champ doesnt mean the game is casual
It means the retard that mains him is
Its also the biggest problem since genji / hanzo mains are usually people shit at them unless your already in 70 skill rating +
so they will just sink through the ranks and play nothing else
Kill yourself
Dota 2 is a lot more enjoyable and complex than overwatch. Did I already mention My left hand is sprained and I can still play?
The game is easy, not my fault you get frustrated and type a paragraph starting off with salted sarcasm.
look at all the abbreviations he is using.
of course he's retarded tbqh fampai desu
wtf did I just read
truth bombs
r/OW spilling out again to defend their F2P game sold at full retail price
That keeps bronies and South American poorshits out
What about Dva, Reaper, or Zenyatta? Why the fuck do you mention a shitter like hanzo and genji is about to get nerfed into shit. At least use the good characters in your example you pre-50 cockstain
>bronies are willing to pay thousands of dollars for a picture of Rainbow Dash farting on Twillight Sparkle's face but won't pay 60$ for a game
there are good and bad people on either side of poverty user.
Don't let hollywood movies cloud your mind. Most poor people should be purged.
before you call me a liar, google image search it
if i pulled it off the web or a video it would show up :)
The good ones are trying to find means to push through, not playing videogames.
The other day I decided to fire up team fortress 2.
I was greeted by random shit like newer ammunition crates and some other shit that I didn't give 2 craps about
I went into matchmaking which I honestly don't mind since looking for good servers is actually a fucking chore, went casual because I figured there'd be more players there
It took a bit longer than what I remembered. I picked scout with the default loadout
and it was just like I remembered it, only with more cosmetics
>hates the people that have never played it
>i don't know if i should play it
I'm not part of the Fandumb that get triggered by Mei's waist, I just want to know if I should play the game or not.
>shitters get carried through the system
>They think they are hot shit
Blizzard has weaponized Casual
Play the game since I'm a casual FPS player who can't in good conscious buy Battlefield games anymore even though I loved 2 and BC2.
Have fun playing it with buddies.
ERP with people who play the waifus from it for me.
All in all a good time.
Only get it if you have friends playing it. Otherwise do yourself a favor and ignore this time waster.
I bought it for half its price at release. Still regret the money I gave.
The game is a bit easy and the level design has problems. The game though is fun but the player base is borderline retarded and makes the game a fucking chore to play. This is coming from someone with average FPS experience and skill. If you are REALLY good or have a group of 3+ friends who play this sure and go ahead but speaking as an average solo player the game was mentally exhausting to say the least.
I guess I can't play this game.
Overwatch is shit (not really shit but not great) because it's more about team composition than individual skill. It's rock paper scissors where a specific hero will kill another hero 8/10 times.
And its very very frustrating to play, you are always on edge even when winning. Not good for chilling, makes you mad no matter what.
Thats why I only have like 30 hours played and only feel like playing once every few weeks.
Its a fun game but very shallow and as I said skill is only a secondary factor, ultimates ruin the game more.than anything.
It's extremely shallow and bland, with many questionable design decisions (such as maps with many chokepoints in a game with infinite ammo) and very slow paced gameplay overall.
>You cant be good at this game
>Because you got carried by people that are good at the game
Wow i feel informed xD
It's funny because you just proved my point.
Not everyone with a high rating is good and not everyone with a low rating is bad.
Good thing you are finally catching up, son.
Also comparing mechanical skill in this game to the likes of Quake3 it's not even remotely in the same league.
>Get destroyed
>Spam reaction images to try and save face
Jesus christ user that's pathetic even for Sup Forums standards.
>372 in world
>Apparently got carried
By who?
The 372 people above me?
quake 3s rocket launcher is almost identicle to pharoahs
i say that as someone who plays quake live every day
Tf2 if it was good
wow the quake 3 launcher has infinite ammo too? Awesome!
found the tumblr
>counting to 50 is mechanical skill
its a tedious old mechanic
i prefer it this way
Because it's so hard to modify the pic so it doesn't show up.
If you were bad at TF2 you'll probably like OW, since how you can just blame your team for how bad you suck and pretend like you're able to contribute since the game hands you an "I win" button every so often.
How is counting supposed to replenish your depleted ammunition user?
Are you legit retarded?
It was piss easy to inflate your rankings by grouping with people who intentionally tanked their rankings or used smurf accounts with a low rank.
It's easy to spot people who are really shit at OW as the call ultimates that are really easy to counter/avoid "I win buttons" or something similar.
if i played arena shooters
do you really think me or my friends have the free time to tank accounts?
i have a full time job and a family
this is something i do with some of my free time
just learn to play it and you can climb
carrying isnt half as bad as mobas that have been popular recently
all ults and champs are counterable
just pick smart and play well, and stick to hyper carries where possible
If you care about memes and fans then don't play it. In fact, don't play anything multiplayer. Unplug your computer from the internet. Shutter your windows. Throw away your phone. Grow potatoes in your room.
at this point I doubt it's even the same person anymore just filter the filename
Were you dropped on your head as a baby or did born as a retard?
Nice insult :)
>did born as retard
You should probably clean all the wank out of your keyboard as your enter key seems to be acting up and your shift doesn't seem to work at all.
>user goes full retarded
>while calling someone else retarded
All this so he can prove to people he will never know that hes not bad at a game
Its the game thats making him lose more then he wins
tfw my shift key doesnt work but im still better then you at overwatch
Do you like MOBA's?
If no: Stay with TF2 where there is actual skill involved beyond "click Q/E/Shift and win the battle!"
tumblr feminists are literally all over this game. it literally has a male chauvinist (sic) pig character.
>I really liked tf2
>but overwatch's fanbase irks me!
was I the only one aware of the massive amount of furry/mlp autists who played tf2 religiously?
72 skill rating at the end of the season here, game boils down to "better aim wins" and "use ults at the same time."
Anyone arguing that the game is deep is low or average skill. Game is shit and gets old fast.
If you like TF2, user, this game will hold your attention for a while, but probably not as long as TF2.
>Can pay for weapons with better stats
pick one
>Im over 70 skill rating but have never been in top 500
please stop lying
Most of the unlocks are shitty and you dont have to pay for any of them
"good game" ass slam emote added WHEN?!
Top 500 started at 78 when I reached 70.
I'm not lying. Here's an old screenshot, since I can't take a new one AFAIK
Your outrage is understandable. You know deep down the game sucks. That's why someone who literally never played before, played only Support, got placed at 58, could climb 14 points.
>plays literally the easiest and most OP support there is
kill yourself.
Also you can take a screenshot of your season 1 end stats. just click the drop down menu to the right of "general stats" and select season one.
>Plays a low impact role and carries the team
If it's so easy, what's your skill rating?
i only played my 10 placement matches because i have no friends to play with, but i got placed at rank 65.
Sounds like a pretty shitty game design to me.
I solo queued though.
Also, there's no rating in that dropdown menu.
i solo queued too and played zarya in 9/10 placement matches.
Weird i could see mine there yesterday, but now it's gone.
>TF2 in the hayday.
blinded by nostalgia
>8/10 solo queue
>Lucio every game
>58 MMR
Frankly I don't understand the arbitrary "experience" system, since it clearly accounts your personal stats into placements and how much "xp" you gain or lose for a win.
It should've been numbers. This would've been much easier to quantify. And a lot less frustrating.