Which JRPG has the best party system?

Which JRPG has the best party system?

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Dragon Age 1.

I miss CWC updates. Whats going on with him now famalam?

his mam is dying and hes asking for donations while buying loads of nerdcrap. also he has some growth on him that he hasmt gotten checked out and probably should.

Final Fantasy X

Dragon Quest IV, Final Fantasy X, and Tales of Xillia come to mind

what's this "growth" you speak of...?

Which turd has the best tasting kernel of corn in it?

>Chris is now Christine
>listens to binaural shit thinking it'll grow him boobs and a vag
>got a taint piercing
>got infected
>took out piercing
>taint got even more infected and abscessed
>Christine thinks it's his new vagina
>recently claimed he wants to fuck his mom

CWC used to have friends?

I can't believe we know about this because he shared pics with a stranger on the internet.

open wound he thinks is his freshly blossoming vagina
he's gonna die of it

>tfw even chris chan wasnt alone on is 20th birthday

i feel pathetic.

it would be sad but also really fucking hilarious if after all that nonsense, that's what killed him

Propably the partyset that i like most is in dragons dogma.

He looked almost tolerable back then too.

Neither was Burch user

You know if he got normal-looking glasses and a better shirt he'd look normal there.

>even this poor autist has friends
Whats wrong with me guys

All of his female friends were paid by his dad asides Megan I believe

some people were just meant to be alone

CWC makes me really sad.

Gal pays were paid to walk him home yes, bob even once gave chris the money to pay them.

arent mental wards still a thing in america?

Is this guy even real or is he a meme?

No he's not real, some guy out there has just been pretending to be retarded for the last 20 years just so he could become of the most well-documented memes ever.

breath of fire IV

Final Fantasy X/Breath of Fire 4 is the closest it's gotten to having the entire cast in the fight at once minus the old jrpg's with 4 playable characters.

pisses me right the fuck off when 3-5 characters just fucking vanish when the fighting starts.

The 7th Saga

Chris chan is unfortunately very real

he turned into a girl so no, technically 'he's' not real

Any other games that allow you to play as other characters besides the protagonist like in Xenoblade?

no he is not


It's unbelievable that people still don't get it

that was Anna's birthday though

Nope, proper psychiatry is too problematic now, so we only get special snowflake therapy

Why does all social outcasts have that kind of glasses?

breath of fire 4
>two rows
>back row party members restore magic points and can randomly do support actions
>can be switched with front row at any moment




>you didn't somehow know the exact right thing to do in the exact right place at the exact right time in an area no normal person would ever think to even go back to, so you missed this dude forever

A shame actually getting many of the cool party members is pulling teeth.

Jesus christ i've been living a lie

that's like asking
>what's better, rotten eggs or spoiled milk?

He pierced his taint. The piercing got infected and torn. He thinks hes growing a beautiful vagina.

Friendly reminder that this is the best thing CWC ever did.

Somebody posted a picture of it

I want to find this person who posted the picture and drown them like a sack of chihuahua puppies.

Literally who?

its your fault you clicked the spoiler user

Choose your poison, Sup Forums. No, you may not opt out.

If he's still trolling at this point, then he is truly the stuff of myths.

>No new posts
3-4 here we go

My favorite Chris story/fact is that he believed in Father Christmas up until he was 25.

He believed in it so much that he asked Santa to bring him a girlfriend for Christmas and even bought her a present so she would have something to open with the rest of the family on Christmas morn.

I love it because it perfectly highlights how Chris is A; so unbelievably fucking stupid, and B; has no regard for any other human being.

How exactly was this supposed to work? Was Santa going to kidnap a random girl off the street and hogtie her down next to the Chandler's Christmas tree? Was Santa supposed to just magic her into existence? A human being created for the sole purpose of being Chris-chan's girlfriend and will never want for anything other than sitting in a house full of LEGO bricks and dog shit while a potato-faced tard tries to hump her periodically?

3-6 to is pretty okay, but I know that I am fated to get something far worse.






>local user predicts his own demise

I'll pour one out for you, hombre


>Chris has his own documentary
what the fuck have i missed out on



that's what chris-chan thought of, it just didn't happen in time

the guy who made the documentary is talking about making another chrischan



How the fuck does a 25 year old believe in Santa? I've got autism, and even I knew by age 10, Santa wasn't real.

Daily reminder to buy your autographed artwork and sanic medallion now. The prices for these things will skyrocket once Chris is dead.

Chris has got to be mentally retarded on some level.
Autism on its own would only effect social development and sure his awful parenting could be wholly responsible for him being a self entitled little shit.
But there's just too many things that he is flat out stupid about and fails to comprehend that his condition has got to be worse than simple autism.

Xenoblade Chronicles.

Xenoblade X

Is that even a girl?

Who the fuck is xe?

Chris is an emotional thinker. If he FEES like something should be true then he's going to chose to believe it rather than look at something rationally. And because of his autism, once he's made his mind up about something, it's nearly impossible to change it.

His parents bribed them to be friend with him.


That's Chris, dude

oh i was talking about 9-0, i didn't see the 69 get.

I think 9 is kinda cute desu

that's something you could say about 90% of the world population, though.

That poor autist got laid, also. AFTER he started dressing up like a "girl".

why the fuck would you believe a word that mentally unstable dumbass says?

my 20th birtday was depressing as fuck, so was my 18th birthday. However my social life greatly improved a few years later, once I started getting out of my comfort zone. So... cheer up user I guess?


Take this L my friend

Dark Souls

>Someone laid the beast

God has forsaken us.


Nope. That's why tumblr is a thing

If he was trolling, he's been trolling himself this whole time
>tfw you go full retard
>mfw you never go full retard

>recently claimed he wants to fuck his mom
I seriously hope you're full of shit

Leave now. Your ignorance is a blessing.


He hired a prostitute of all things, which I heard is illegal in Virginia.

>even cwc had friends at his birthday
time to kill myself

He has a bit of a point though. I'm sure many anons here have thought of or dreamt that they had sex with a relative at one point in their life, as long as you don't act on it, it's bound to happen like random gay thoughts.

I love how Chris writes, how he tries to sound literate and fail miserably

Not real friends. There are documents that state they were around him out of pity because of how much he struggled in school.

This video is a pretty accurate autism detector. If you can't see that Chris is acting out text that was written by someone else(probably the cameraman), that he's desperately trying to appear normal, like a child that's trying to impersonate an adult, then you probably have the 'tism yourself. It's obvious that the cameraman thought that by having Chris claim he was really a troll all this time, he could get the real trolls to leave him alone.
It still baffles me that all these years later, people still take this video at face value.

You're retarded if you think he's trolling