Why would anyone buy a PS4 at this point?

Why would anyone buy a PS4 at this point?

Weeb games that Microshit dosn't have

There is no point. Wait fot slim/Neo.

so is this the souped-up version of just similar to the xbone-s?

What are the benefits of the slim over the regular version

>Playing video games on a console in 2016

Can somebody explain this?

less surface to collect dust

>disk insert
I'll wait for the tray version thanks

Brand Loyalty I mean just look at Sonyponies in general.

Lots of people prefer playing on consoles because it is simpler, what they are used to and less expensive at first then paying for a good computer.

Many also choose a console as their gaming device of choice because their friends already own one and they would like to play with them.

I'll wait for the NEO slim


cheap VR

I don't have any 8th gen yet, but those would be mine incentives

>3 years into its life
>slim model about to come out
>STILL a Bloodborne machine
Call me a shitposter, I don't give a fuck. Even PS3 had games by now.

only bought my ps4 for games that weren't coming to pc. and then they came to pc. so now it's just sitting there.

The same reason PCucks pay a thousand bucks or more to have marginally better graphics with a tiny library of games that are actually good and not just memes; the reason is retardation.

honestly dont have a good answer for you

For me its Destiny-machine. It's literally THE only game I still play on PS4

I grew up on Sony consoles

even i know the PS4 is shit but it just feels like a huge part of my life and i love having my PS4 and playing it

This post typifies the reason . Willful ignorance.

>Can somebody explain why someone might want to play games on their consoles?

Why is it hard to understand? You pay thousands on your PC's to play multiplats, consoles users spend less but get more games at the expense of some maxed out graphics.

But that's exactly why there's no reason to buy a ps4. The exclusives are mostly weebshit. Other than that there's just Bloodborne and No Man's Buy.

Such a great OVA
Uncencored never ever though

Poor people who can only ask their parents for one console and no pc

going to play tekken on it.


PC has worst versions of multiplats and no games. PS4 is default platfrom for gaming.

Welp time to fap

Needs to be less than $200.
Anything more and you are better off waiting and buying a Neo.


If you're a PC only gamer this entire list besides Nier is completely absent from your gaming catalogue.

I don't play games to not play them or to miss out on them. That's why I game on consoles, multiplats are literally supplementary software, it's not supposed to be the only thing you play.

Not-Rei > the other two girls

Said no one ever. You can count all the relevant ps4 games with one hand

Thx for betatesting, Petition Cucks.

Okay, you're a shitposter

You can take pride in being a faggot but at the end of the day you're still a faggot

>PC doesn't have exclusives
nice meme

>PC Only gamer
PS4 kiddies don't understand they are the only ones who pick a single platform and refuse to consider anything else.

I can play Persona 5 and Odin Sphere on my ps3. Nioh is quite likely going to be on PC. Dragon Quest XI is on NX. Literally the only game in your image I want is Last Guardian.

I buy whatever I think is worth it. PS4 isn't, atleast not for another 3 years at this rate.

Said by all sane people. PC most irrelevant platform.

Kind of what to buy a PS4 but the only things which really interest me are Bloodborne, Uncharted and Doom 4. New God of War and Spiderman I guess but fuck knows when those are coming out. I'm not really sure that's enough to justify spending $500 or so for all that when it's more than likely to gather dust for months immediately after.

Any other games that could justify the purchase?

>it's another PC cucks shitpost PS4, pretend it has no games and bash consoles episode

Weeb shit exclusives

>consoles users spend less
hows that paid online, expensive games and incremental upgrades

>at the expense of some maxed out graphics
thats a hell of a way to say "at the expense of 30-50 FPS"


>it's a platform war thread

Kill yourselves

Only games I'm really interested in are Bloodborne, Yakuza and Ratchet
>Horizon on it twice

Can you explain to me what games you got this year on """P---CEEEE"""?? Like Total Warhammer is dogshit Deus Ex runs like shit. The only """Games""" you got this year are made in 3 hours with RPG-Maker fucking """"PC-GAMING""" is the laughing stock of the videogames world. PS4 had more games this year than PC in 10.

>DQ Builders is being ported to NX
>GT Sport was reportedly one of the worst games shown at Gamescom because the framerate is still garbage and it still looks ugly
>The Tomorrow Children is going to be Free 2 Play because there's not enough in it for a full game
>Steins;Gate is coming to PC

That picture shrinks every time I see it



Pick one. PC jusr petition machine for no games.


The retardation is too strong.

What games did ANYONE get this year? It was a pretty shit year really.

Odin Sphere Remake is easily the best game, a fucking remake.

>this bait image
So now post the list with PC exclusive.

The uglier version with no mod support. Literally why would anyone buy xcom on ps4


Ignoring the weeb games, remakes and interactive movies leaves very little I'd be interested in.

Pretty ugly, I'll stick with my white PissFor

it's actually more of a
>shitposters and false flaggers bait retards into giving them all of their (You)s and get the shittiest thread to 439 replies and 97 images omitted.

>8th gen

Wait, I thought we were in the 7th gen?

You forgot to cross out Bloodborne

the point is that you shouldnt have to buy specific hardware that only lets you do with it what the manufacturer tells you just to have the privilege to pay even more for games that run like shit and dont have online unless you pay yet again. how do people not realize theyre getting fucking shafted? and now theyre even going to make you pay for new versions just like nintendo does with its 50 thousand different versions of whats supposed to be the same handheld.
same thing happens with apple products. people who buy them think theyre the greatest thing ever but dont realize that theyre supporting business practices that are designed to fuck with the customer

Like what? I already own a PS3. We know nothing about the NX, it could be great and have many games, it could be garbage. If it is great, why would I care that DQXI is on PS4?

You are the retard here fanboy.

p.s Last Guardian should have been released on ps3 years ago

PC is a bloated multiplat machine with no games. There isn't a single PC game worth building a PC for. The platform's life blood is console ports, console optimized multiplats and shovelware indie games.

There isn't a single PC game console users want, however PC users continuously want consoles games. PC is overly expensive with huge hardware paywalls. PC also lost is only half-relevant exclusive to consoles last year and yet still, nobody wanted or even asked for the port and nobody will buy it because PC games are undesireable. PC users desperately want console games.

At this point the only thing ps4 users can do is bait while waiting for a good game



PS4 has like 10 exclusives this year. PC zero.

>Playing on PC

Explain yourself

>Crossing out yakuza

You a bitch ass faggot and you ain't my nigga

actually runs better than PC version.


Ps4 has no games
>Some retard post a list of games
And here's the answer to such a retort: These games are good enough for you, but they never warranted a purchase from me, how do you explain this?
I mean, I do have the money, I purchased a new pc 144hz monitor, that money could have gone into a ps4 easily, or a xbone, that's a place where money for a ps4 could have gone, yet I never did, care to explain? I mean, I even purchased the bone... aren't you embarassed that the bone has better games?

The thing is for someone who is only now starting to pick up consoles, PS4 is the logical choices because even if dosn't have many exclusives it has pretty much ALL the game released nowdays.

To play Tekken 7 locally with mates and Persona 5

MD was a fucking shitshow for performance just like no man's sky. Wait until gpu drivers update and then start shitposting

Name FIVE good PC exclusives that came out this year that aren't indieshit.
Protip: You can't.

Thanks PS4 faggots

Yakuza isn't really any of those things lad, should give the series a go

In reality I probably wouldnt buy it. I'm being slack

I cant bring myself to give Gran Turismo the same anymore. It used to be such a system seller, 1,2,3 and 4 were my childhood/adolescence.

Eh, I'll be buying Persona 5 on top of my Bloodborne. I never played Odin Sphere, and I really enjoyed the HD Remake for Pissfour.

Exclusive or not, they are the superior version of the games instead of Vita/PS3.

What games does the bone have right now? Halo?

>for someone who is only now starting to pick up consoles
Oh yes, we agree that PS4 is the console for 5 year olds then.

Everybody will play Xcom on PS4, PC version was terrible. With PS4 we finally get difinitive edtion.

Someone really triggered the sonyggers. these posts are just absolutely pathetic. You have my pity.

normies don't play locally anymore, baka.


Any game.
Pc version is an exclusive version with not marginally but actually fuckhugely increased graphical settings.

Yes, All the halos at 60 fps, neither of which are available on either the ps4 or pc.
And they never will.
That's already 6 games over the literally nogames the ps4 would have for me.

They are still feeling the burn from

>defending shitty inferior PC hardware

Such a fanboism

>This thing doesn't cater to my tastes, therefore its value as a product is inherently low. To hell with the intended audience.

You sound like a child, friend

>care to explain?

It's pretty obvious hardware is simply more important to you than video games. That's fine and that's a choice you've chosen to make. I'm simply a dumb console user who has been plaing games since the NES and I just play on hardware that carries the most amount of software I am interested in and it's always been consoles.

So what's the Neo then? Is this it? Is there a point to releasing an updated design only to release another one within the next year? Xbone did the same sort of thing.

I literally cannot afford to build a good PC does that still mean I'm a sonygger?

that would be the nintendo market.

>Pc version is an exclusive version with not marginally but actually fuckhugely increased graphical settings.
>but he can't name games

Name ONE good PS4 exclusive that ever came out for the system that isn't BloodBorne.
Protip: You can't.

PC version always worst version with worst framerate, see

There isn't a single PC game worth building a PC for.

That's the reality and how sad this situation is.

PC is a multiplat machine, its useless to anyone who doesn't like AAA's or paying $1500+ to max out these shitty over budgeted games from publishers like EA and Bethesda.

>ha ha ha deus ex on the highest settings still runs better than the console version so its the worst

Why don't you guys I don't know buy the console you want and just play video games?

Looks like it with all these dumb posts attacking the pc's library. How can anyone delude themselves enough to believe a console version of a pc game is "definitive". When you get 60+ fps on xcom2 and have the same graphics options with mod support than it's literally just the pc version.

>There isn't a single PC game worth building a PC for.
Because devs have to make their games playable on shit outdated consoles.

Uncharted 4 already GoTy 2016, asspain from PCucks at end of the year when U4 get alp gotys will be deluicios.

>ha ha ha deus ex on the highest settings still runs better than the console version so its the worst
>on a machine that costs 5x more but lets forget about that XD

it should be cheap enough for Sup Forums to finally bite the bullet and experience the best of the best, mindblowing games like Uncharted and plethora of other exclusive gaming experiences.