Brood War
Tastosis casting
Flash playing
Let's go.
Brood War
Tastosis casting
Flash playing
Let's go.
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Awesome, I've been looking forward to this. Last has been playing really well recently and Flash is a literal god so this should be great.
Now if only I could find CS 1.6 games hosted like this
>Tastosis casting
>Flash playing
Hyped as fuck.
How did Blizzard manage to make SC2 so goddamn awfully boring to watch compared to SC:BW?
2010 Sup Forums reporting in
Artosis and bearded hobo.
Tasteless really needs to lose that beard, he looks awful
unit clump
>Those early streams with only Tastless streaming
Matches haven't even started.
That sucks, these matches are really fun to watch
They built it with E-Sports in mind.
That changes your whole design philosophy. You aim for balance the whole way through, whereas in BW, as Artosis just said, everything is unbalanced. That's exactly what makes it so exciting; the viewer knows that if a player makes one minor slip, they can lose a huge force, maybe even the whole game. One psi-storm in the wrong spot, one group of vultures getting into the mineral line, one lurker shot; all these things keep the viewer on edge, make come-backs possible and are just plain exciting to watch.
SC2 just doesn't have that.
>english commentator
Pre-casting or bust.
Do you miss him?
what did he mean by that?
I wish the commentators didn't try to compare everything to SC2. Nothing against SC2 but I have no idea what they're talking about.
also Brood War is just a better game.
Like Melee vs SMASH4 Melee is just the better game.
This plus a lot of the mechanics that make BW exciting to watch were not intended so they were not exactly accounted for when designing SC2
fucking min/maxer
I don't read those runes, what stats and who ranks them? The casters?
Reminiscing about SC2's plot, it's still making me too sick to play the game
They really ruined the SC's theme and depth with it
>bad dubstep
>bearded hobo casting
>that fighting pose
its like a parody
>That rax catch
It's over
proleague is cool but man, can't miss flash
Nobody cares about BW
Flash so far down in eco, this is basically over unless Last chokes hard
you underestimate flash's godliness
>Kerrigan, I'm the guy who will kill you.
>Kerrigan, I miss you so much
Fuck everything about SC2's story.
I still get chills watching the final cinematic of SC1 though.
SNSD thread then?
no go back to /vg/
Fuck off.
I miss those days.
The fact that he forgives Kerrigan isn't even bad, the problem is that they handwaved Raynor's conflict with her. If they spent a little more time on it it would've turned out a lot better.
back to bed grandpa
They let the director of command and conquer design star2
She killed one of Raynor's best friends. I can't see any way they'd resolve it. But you're right, it would have been better if they'd at least tried to address it, as opposed to just forgetting that Brood War happened.
Still a shame, when I think about it, that they had to use such good CG technology to cater all those unbearably shallow plot in SC2, especially HotS
the worst part is that she somehow turned human again with some ancient macguffin. I fucking hated that ending
I think they rated each other
1. Harold's
2. Popeye's
3. Church's
4. Chick-Fil-A
5. Bojangles
9001. KFC
90000000001. Brown's
I didn't even play HoTS or LoTV because SC2's story pissed me off so much. Did it get worse?
>blizzard fucked up starcraft 2 esports so badly in korea they're forced to go back to brood war
>lotv is godlike guys
whelp, flash will lose this series
RIP Flash
>flash losing
popeyes used to be the best for me, but the fact that they got rid of all of their good sauces has dropped it below chick fila now as far as tendies go.
I remember when Tasteless was a cute scene boy.
>those glorious days before k-pop took over starcraft 2 general
>those early comfy ass days of sc2
now its among the worst of vg boards.
he got super behind early on, and wasn't able to recover his economy
Flash is fine as long as he doesn't get caught with his pants down in the first 2 minutes again
>couldnt make it in sc2
>too washed up to win in bw now
flash is finished
Thanks for the recap, I wasn't here for the first half
I have never played or watched starcraft, first time I do Flash loses, jesus christ
SC2 tainted him
it's a best of 5, calm down
thanks for reminding me! I almost forgot GSL was today.
sparkuling terrain tears
>Watching GOMTV with Sup Forums back in the day
A more comfier experience cannot be described.
>amazing threads, shit game
>amazing games, shit threads
we just couldn't have the best of both worlds
I can only tell you WoL was the best.
In HotS the Queen of Blades suddenly became "willing to pay everything for vengeance" and killed millions of people just to get to Mensk. "Vengeance" because years before a soldier was abandoned in a fucking war. And she killed Mensk. That's it.
Oh I forgot to mention that the love between Raynor and Kerrigan is still the most important thing in this universe.
I wanna dig my eyes out.
all of /vg/ is trash now desu, i know you can argue that it was always garbage, but there was a period of time when it was still a majority of 200/300 fags from Sup Forums posting in a single thread hitting bump limit within an hour or two
now its just the same 30 autists replying to each other for 500 posts
i cant think of a single general thread there that hasn't turned into this
>First few streams are fine
>Trying to get the stream to load in GOMPlayer
To be totally fair, Kerrigan immediately calls Raynor on his claim and says he's too much of a pussy to kill her.
>tfw fruitdealer became irrelevant after 2010
>tfw mkp will never win a gsl
>tfw mvp will never get his hands fixed
so much nostalgia in one song
2011 was so much fun
>tfw your favorite player is actually a retard
what went wrong?
>every single time MKP lost
reminder if that you're not at least masters league you're trash
I remember that shit, it was great. The stream was down so much we watched a stream of an Eagle hatching her eggs.
I thought he quit playing Starcraft
we had one thread where there were at least 80 screenshots. i wish i still had it saved...
>worst of /vg/
Reminder that the SC2 general was a shitpost factory so potent that it influenced not only /vg/ but also Sup Forums and other boards as well as getting thread deletion disabled.
Just compare the design of a colossus and a reaver. The reaver is super powerful but slow and rewards maximizing AOE damage, it also encourages drops and warps and shit. The colossus you just A-move and it'll walk up a cliff for you, no strategy required.
the colossus got nerfed in lotv and the disruptor is a thing now though
>tfw dickspammer will never return
>tfw never make 6 SC2 threads and actively have them on the front page pissing everyone off
All I have is this
he got a gf, then it all went downhill
I really honestly think the writers just forgot that BW happened. Because the story might almost sort of make sense then. You wouldn't have Kerrigan royally pissing off Jimmy for starters. Mensk would still be the undisputed Emperor. But with the whole revenge on Mensk thing, she defeated Mensk. He had no fleet left. BW ends with her granting him a reprieve so she can test his strength later, but if she was so hot for revenge, she could easily have just gone after him and wiped him out. She did that to the UED after all.
In fact, the UED being completely absent from SC2 (at least to my knowledge) just makes it even more apparent that the writers forgot about BW.
>will never hide from the mods in a lol thread again only to see it allah akbar'd by a shitposter plant playing the long game
why live
that attack was pretty half assed. is this really flash playing?
the first year or two of SC2 were fun to watch