Sup Forums I feel like being a pirate today but I can't trust kickasstorrents no more after what happened

Sup Forums I feel like being a pirate today but I can't trust kickasstorrents no more after what happened.

What the best torrent sites that you would recommend?

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I used to like ProJared back when he was just a chill guy reviewing shitty N64 RPGs and hydelide games

Ever since he started trying to copy PBGamer and Jontron's humor and shouting "DYICK" every 5 seconds, watching his videos has become an insufferable experience

Fuck off you tin foiled retard I've been downloading from Pirate Bay for years and nothing has never ha

inb4 butthurt americans

>still torrenting like a high schooler
>not using based jdownloader 2

I've always wondered about this gif, is it incorrectly captioned as a joke?

I made it to piss off guys with average sized dicks on Sup Forums and Sup Forums

what are they actually talking about?
at first I thought they might be feminists and that the joke was you turned them into size queens with the caption, but it looks like they have a model pelvic region in the video.

you do know that completely false tho? right?

literally never been with a woman where I can go balls deep, pic related

What are they 'gunna do, plant some adware on you? Just use the magnet like every other normal person and get your tinfoil hat off you retard.

did you not read my spoilered text?
explained myself and someone still got triggered by gif. unbelievable.

Aren't these those dumb ass feminist bitches from that buzzfeed channel? God, they are retarded.

How many of these did you make?

Not sure of the specific video but it's a comedy sketch from Buzzfeed. Honestly I think Sara the Jew is a much more qt.

just 3, probably gonna make more in the future

I'm just happy other people are posting it. funny stuff.

I might make a similar one except with an anime girl to fuck with weebs, should be fun.

>Those fisting dildos
being a lesbo sounds fun.

His nose is so huge, it bothered me every time I watched him.

Is ProJared the ugliest vidya reviewer?

no that would be todd tuckey