Just finishing installing pic related now

Just finishing installing pic related now

What should I expect?

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poor performance regardless of hardware, and none of your personal efforts contributing much at all to skirmishes due to the amount of players in any fight.




PTSD from being bombarded 20 minutes straight with purple lasers just to defend one base.

Incredible trailer.


The game's too dead for you to get the best experience anymore.




stop playing infiltrator and pick someone useful instead

Expect to uninstall it soon


a simulation of marriage and your wife demand constant cash payment or no sex

You either give up after 90 minutes or 90,000.

>The game's too dead for you to get the best experience anymore.
This, especially if you play on Briggs.
>Enjoy your 20vs20 battles
>Enjoy your elite ghost capping outfits

No tutorial and immediate deaths and long walking distances.
Aside from that its the best mass scale war simulator.

Ok who do I pick, red or blue? I feel like people will pick purple because of the trailer but lasers seem pretty boring and I'm a contrarian faggot.


these days the tutorial is they put you on a small newbie continent until br5 or something


umad that JUGA is better than you?


Is it even a choice?

>player plays as infiltrator during base defense, kills 10 people but loses base
>doesn't contribute meaningfully to a conflict and is wasted space
>player plays as engineer while covering forward assault, repairing tanks, and mowing down enemies with turrets
>plays the right class at the right time and makes a difference because of it

No one cares that your cool ninja sniped 8 guys from super-duper far away, play a class when it's actually fucking needed. A squad of heavies can make a huge fucking impact in a press against enemy tanks.


spawn die spawn die

dying a lot

red: assholes
blue: retards
purple: faggots

pick your poison

>fascist shitters with best weapons who still can't beat NC and VS
Well, atleast back when I still played and on my server, whatever it was. Miller, maybe?

>mowing down enemies with turrets
whoa easy there cowboy, don't fool the new guys too much

Squads/Platoons are really the only way to make a difference in the large battles. It's basically the best way to play.

its a fun massive war game but i feel off put with the p2w kinda shit goin on with it and the futuristic part is kinda weird

i think last time i played i tried gettin really good with the solo aircraft, that shit was fun, just incredibly dull without a stick

There is some major deflection going on here.

I haven played in like two years.
Is AA still boring as shit? Is air still OP as fuck?
Do NC MAXes have something else than shotguns yet?

The irony is that high-level fighter play relies on abusing the wonky physics, which is best done with something other than the joystick. It's just such a mess all around.

you're about two years too late on this train my friend

??? I was in JUGA, just like the other 50% of the server.

all the aircrafts are really appealing but something about flight controls with mouse+kb feels really shitty

and the galaxies are fuckin weak as hell

red is loadsa dakka
blue is slow big shots
purple is muh no bullet drop lazers

>Is AA still boring as shit?
>Is air still OP as fuck?
Yes. Tbh it feels even more OP lately.
>Do NC MAXes have something else than shotguns yet?
Lol no. NC = Shotgun

you're in for a battlefield clone and the game is dead. there's nothing too wrong about the game except that it's not planetside

Do Chinese players still use VPNs and lag switches to abuse the client-side hit detection and make Vanu infantry almost impossible to kill 1 on 1?

>Lol no. NC = Shotgun
>Let's put a shotgun on a tank!
>Let's put a shotung on a plane!
>Nobody ever uses these because they're shit?
>Let's never buff them!
Fucking DBG.

don't make me remember blue fucking china

Did they nerf the NC shotgun MAX or something? That thing used to butcher everything. You'd have squads full of them performing airdrops onto unsuspecting fools, taking out an entire cap zone of enemies instantly.

>Do NC MAXes have something else than shotguns yet?
yes, there's a common pool heavy machine gun now. it's pretty shitty though

They were absurdly broken after release, but they were overshadowed by the even more broken aircraft. There is a reason that period is called the Podocaust.

>There is a reason that period is called the Podocaust.
That's the Planetside 2 I remember. It was fun.

I'm still salty. I was actually dumb enough to shill out for a second burster and you didn't even tickle ESFs before they lazily changed direction and nuked you and your entire squad with half a pod salvo.
And even if you somehow killed one of them, ESFs weren't worth shit in terms of XP. And you usually didn't get that either because airchavs are the worst scum and loved to abuse deconstruct + /suicide

Remember how duelpodding killed a MBT in 0.8 seconds from behind? good times

But user i play stalker and disrupt enemy turrets and vehicle terminals. I capture points and make people look around for me like idiots. I go and hunt engineers repairing their tanks or camp vehicle terminals and kill anyone who tried to deploy a vehicle.

Stop being a noob and play stalker :^)

All maxes have gorgons now. They're shit though.


I really hate 4th faction scum, but Vanu are worse somehow.

What's wrong with Vanu?

The only thing is miss is the crown.
There was so much broken shit in this game. From Harassers with more effective HP than Vanguards, to Strikers ignoring terrain, to the original ZOE. SOE just fucked up at every turn.

>Hit detection
Ded game

Vanu only play as infiltrators, MAXes and PPA retards. The most cancerous faction.

But I played as light assault. Flying around, shooting Terran shits in the face, blowing up NC MAXes with C4, flying to the heights of the Crown and shooting down on the retards' heads without them ever realising I'm up there.
Bloody brilliant.

It's dead jim.
You're gonna play way too late past its prime.

Magriders, tanks without the cons that come with being a tank.

Vanu Superiority.

You're forgetting the Magrider + Scythe zergs.


I don't get it, if the game only got better why does no one play it?



Remember T-ray and the great blackening??

Is the game ded yet

I guess most people that wanted to try it, tried at launch. And launch PS2 was horrible with the fucked-up balance, terrible performance, brutal new player expierence, rendering-issues and an even worse grind than current PS2. It also wasn't marketed all that much. And now it can't impress people anymore with the graphics.

>the crown

Fuck, the old crown had some great moments. Like when the Vanu had capped every base except the crown, and the TR held against a huge population difference. Only base in the game that was defendable.

try different platoons until you find one you like, DONT PLAY ALONE, you are the prey alone

too much clusterfuck.
i always liked the open world battles but this game focus is on basecapping clusterfuck cod tier shit.

>those hours long, continuous assaults on the crown, trying to capture it
>pretty much two entire factions fighting at the exact same spot
>finally breach the defence and claim it for your own
>the third faction has capped half the map by now and everyone scrambles to stop them

you are a fucking atrocious gunner

that hurt

Yeah, the crown was great. I loved these bridgefights when you started pushing out or MAX crashing that place or just charging up the hill with like hundred other players.
SOE saw that the crown was popular, and instead of making the other bases as good they decided to drag the crown down to the same shit tier as all the other bases. Fuck them.

i remember when i joined an outfit some years ago, it was a "tactical" outfit, so we flew around and capped empty bases with orders and all this shit over teamspeak, so cringy how serios they were about capping empty bases, they thought they were tactical masterminds and in fact we flew around the main part of the game: the battle.

That's why the VS always wins alerts and nobody likes them. While they're busy playing with themselves NC and TR just want to have a good time while punching each others skulls in.

If TR and NC weren't so bad they'd atleast try to counter the VS.

>try to counter people who exist purely to ghostcap and will redeploy if more than a handful of defenders show up


On cobad most of the time NC has several zergfests on both fronts while TR looses to VS without any real fights.

The only way to counter fun-hating tryhards it to become fun-hating tryhard yourself, and most of the NC would rather go to a tower with their Jackhammer and shred commies then ghostcap at 4 AM

I played Vanu for a long time but never joined a company or any of that shit, just loan wolfed and floated to other platoons or made a squad out of me and my friend and some dude we picked up in the Harasser

Every time I was in one of those stupid-ass platoons doing the ghost capping thing I would try to convince my squad to break away and actually go to the fights, usually without any hiccup

This fucking nigger one time was like "omg delta squad you're getting removed for being insubordinate" And I swear to God he used the word "insubordinate."

And every single member of my squad was doing shit and getting points. He just simply could not stand the idea of people not listening to his 'commands.'

It was fucking surreal.

>Yfw the DaPP zerg enters the fight

>Have really bad PL
>Doesn't communicate
>Just changes waypoints without saying anything
>Get kicked for not going to way point

I was in the middle of fighting and you didn't say a fucking thing. How the fuck am I supposed to know when you changed it?

Man, I remember when Cobalt was Ceres and playing NC meant you were fighting off endless overpopped hordes of commies and xenophiles while being stuck in the canyons.
Defending the Stronghold while Magriders floated along the canyonwalls to shoot straight into the base was a special kind of hell.

>Still less content than PS1

>referring to the TR as commies

what. they're literally the exact opposite of communists.

>NC in charge of telling ass from elbow

Shut up commiescum, stop taking muh freedom from me

Great performance and visuals even on a toaster.

Being sniped and blown up seemingly at random. Numerous deaths to friendly fire.

Best game for sniper gameplay full stop, I literally fell off my chair laughing one night after sniping the same guy 3 times in a row when he was trying to repair a turret. The 3rd time he came back crouching, but the cover he was crouching behind was on the wrong side so I let him creep along all careful like, then the moment he got to the turret I 120 yard head shot him.


I know why you tell yourself that though, because if you faced the truth you'd have to join best faction

>When you kill one of first incoming enemies and see [TFDN] on his nameplate

That's why they introduced lanes.
I used to farm certs ghost capping when waiting for buddies to get online but once they added lanes that all stopped.

Stalker inf with a full bag of proxies is the best generator of fun times and giggles.

That's exactly what a commie would say before he steal my freedrom fries!
I will never join a faction that can't even give me a 200 DMG assault rifle!

Reminder that this game had an Art Director that decided this was a good idea.

Is the game p2w at all? is there any benefit to buying things?

A poorly made P2W shooter that died a long time ago

>implying that the art director has final say on anything
Bud I do art for mobile games and even I get overruled on shit.

Last time I played (years ago) it was pay to skip grind, not P2W. So you'd have the wallet warriors with all the new weapons the day they came out, getting the (very infrequent) advantage for a week until people caught up. They did a good job of making sidegrades not upgrades.