Show me those single player game hours

Show me those single player game hours.

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There's a lot to see and do in Hitman. Assuming he's had it on Steam for a while and does a thorough replay every so often, that figure doesn't actually seem too bad.

It's my favourite game, I must have at least 100+ hours on PS2/360 as well, I've rinsed it on every platform I've owned it on.

Trainers always keep the entertainment up too.

If i had blood money on my steam account it would probably have more than 300 hours over ten years as well. Shit is addicting given how many ways there is to deal with targets or just straight play as a maniac and silently neutralizing all guards for shits and giggles
Bonus points if level has a kitchen knife.

ah yes

top tier taste

Kitchen knives give me big cums, I'm disappointed in the knife execution(s?) on the new Hitman game though but throwing is a million times more satisfying so I can let it go.

Best space game

So... does the 1 Dollar /1 Hour meme payout for your game with the most playtime?

Mah nigga

Not sure how this happened.

Well shit.

I couldn't stand to buy SE knowing that I'd essentially be getting to same game I had already played a ton for $20.

And it's nothing compared to GTR2 or rFactor...


Jesus Christ my man. I think the most hours I've ever invested in one game was like 400.

I've also put over 1000 hours into Planetside 2, and your guess is as good as mine into WoW.

Though that warband time isn't all singleplayer like OP wants, probably 1/4 multiplayer.

godus was a gift and its terrain sculpting was interdasting
the others i have no excuse for, more hours in poe tho

salty, buyfags?

Would you say underrail is worth full prize?

Getting 60hrs out of a game that costs 60 dollars is a must. So yes.

Witcher 3 - 145 hours
Dark Souls - 119 hours
Divinity: Original Sin - 49 hours
XCOM Enemy Unknown - 46 hours

Please end my life

it's the best thing that happened to the entire genre in god knows how many years
brilliant exploration-oriented rpg that somehow ends up having quite a few cool quests as well

get a job you fucking neet like is it seriously that hard to just go out and find a job in like, 2 (two) seconds? seriously people like you are killing the gaming industry

I have it on steam and have not even played it. I played it on the PS2 and PS3 and it was the easiest hitman game.
Silent assassin took me a few months to master and silent assassin every level and get all weapons, I did blood money in about a week.
It really is simple.
AI is terrible, the pip camera makes things too easy and the coin is OP as fuck.
Add that to they kind of scripted every mission and kill before hand, it was just a matter of trail and error until you found the paths the devs designed you to take.

worse game of the series for me, well until absolution.

fuck off piratefag

im so so so sorry Sup Forums...

i did it for a review, i regret it so much....

>f2p only
*tips fedora*

link to that review....

>2016 xfire is dead
pls ignore me3


playing it on heroic on chapter 4

>I-I only play games which are free therefore better than all of you

Confirmed Silent Assassin is the best Hitman game.

Damn I played the hell out of that game on PC

I liked seeing the friends of friends thing on steam because you could have random convos if you wanted. I ended up finding a friend of a friend on xfire that played on the same WoW server as me which was cool.

>got a drop worth £50+

singleplayer games noob

>single player

tfw my most played games recorded on steam (or on other external tracker) are all multiplayer/MMO


Send help.

>Show me those single player game hours

>he doesnt play with bots only

That's how it should be


The best I have on Steam.
It's only two playthroughs.

the vanilla game isn't so hard, do a no disguises run or a silent assassin speedrun or maybe even both at the same time for some real fun stuff



>playing single-player games


I really want to find some good single player games to sink these kinds of time into.

>playing multiplayer
>putting time and effort into learning something that has a shelf life

lmao, if you got a university degree you would've probably spent less time actually studying/attending lectures than that

what a waste of life was that lmao

How do I get good at this game? I always get caught no matter how patient I am or how much I explore my surroundings

BoI is fucking addicting man

>tfw too lazy to literally wait 6 hours of in-game time doing jack shit to get the final cheevo

It's an abstract kind of suffering.

Step it up niggaz

So people with GSG, Civ, openworld AAA like Fallout, Witcher and those sandbox indies like Kerbal on top are legit? And those with maybe 200 hours on mostly indies are pirates? (because they probably played AAA off Steam) Am I getting it right?

Not saying anything it's good or bad, just wanted to know what you think.


My most pkayed single player game is Fallout NV, with almodt 60 hours.

Thing is i wasnt able to run mods for it for some reason and i just played it because Sup Forums told me it was a great game, too bad it was a buggy mess.

who cares man, what people do with their money is their own business

No Friends Edition

And I have 471 hours on Borderlands 2 where around half is solo.

I've put like almost 300 hours into dark souls 3 since it came out and I have about 200 in bloodborne

and 4k+ on wow


My most played Steam game. I don't stick with games long. Mostly play single player and move on as my backlog is massive.

Most played in my life is by far Halo 2 mutliplayer. Then NFL Street 2 for some reason (I played this casually mostly for the custom soundtrack).

I'm stuck at 98% game completion: the turret and main mission on hard is impossible for me to S rank

100% achievement wise though

I want Todd and Sawyer to run a train on me.

i liked wasteland but that fucken screen fuzz effect + sound when battle starts is pure cancer

Back when the game was actually good

>single player

Sup Forums cannot read?

s i n g l e p l a y e r

Not too impressive, if you add up all my flight sim hours it's a bit more respectable though.

Did you get the triple crown solo achievement in PoE? Is it true that the only viable choice for an Expert Path of the Damned solo walkthrough is a moon godlike cipher?

I haven't tried to do any solo runs because from what I read it seems all very gimmicky and boring. I wouldn't be surprised though, considering moon godlike is pretty much the default cookie cutter race for most builds, especially on PotD.

I raise you this.

Most of my multiplayer games have over 1000-2000 hours.

Considering that's only 9 weeks, you're wrong. A university degree takes 4 years to obtain.

show BoI achievements

you're not working 24/7 for a university degree you fucking dip

I fucking love videogames

I create maps, and play/publish them only. I've never been online so it's single player for me.

>you're not working 24/7 for a university degree you fucking dip
Not him, but if that's true, then your degree is shit. Unless you're some kind of fucking genius, an engineering or maths degree from a top university will leave you with barely any time to eat and sleep, let alone play vidya.

lmao, if you can't do MIT with 3 hours a day you just might be a retard m8

Hows devil may cry e and 4 SD ON OC. Thinking of getting those games in the end of the year