40 Million units sold

>40 Million units sold
>43 Million units shipped
>This was back in May of 2016 and it's almost the holiday season.

Other urls found in this thread:


How can """PC-Gaming""" compete?

7 billion units shipped

PCucks are pathetic, Earth has 6 billion inhabitants, you uncultured swine.

>implying people don't have multiple pcs
I have 4 desktops and one laptop

why.? And dont say multiple OS. You could set up dual boot.

how do you know?

Good goy

According to their own predictions they'll do 17 million more by april 2017.

3 of them are older pcs my younger brother gave me when he went to college and I use one of the 3 with linux on it to watch movies and shit in bed, and the other tower is my gaming pc.

Damn all these sales numbers sound really exciting, better buy a PS4 to join in on the fun.

Console gaming will always be better than PC gaming.

It's actually 7.4 billion.


The ps4 really is shaping up to smash the ps2's sales record.

it's sad that even with a massive install base its exclusives cant even outsell wii u games

cool. Why dont people produce games for the wiiu then?

Well it's not like they have competition this year so they damn well better make some big numbers.


Where was the Wii and Ps2 at this point? Like 70 million?

the wiiu is too hard for most developers to work on. they don't really have the technical skill to make use of the optimal hardware which ban be far superior to even pcs. it's much easier to work on weaker hardware like the xbox or play station and you save money that way too

Cause of it's install base...

Whether you like it or not doesn't change the trend. Sup Forums predicted the ps4 would sell about 3 machiens worldwide and then die worse than the dreamcast did.

Remember: Sup Forums is always wrong.

no chance of return, there are only 12 million Wii Us out there and most of those customers don't buy anything not published by Nintendo

Remember when the Nintentards keep making sales threada? Oh how times have changed


so the ps4 is basically a normie machine?

RETARDED normie machine

It captured the COD audience perfectly

Because if people have the choice between quality games or shit games, they'll take quality.

Meaning that since Nintendo output good shit, putting an half assed port on WiiU won't work and sales will be shit. It is MUCH more efficient to just take your shitheap and toss it on the PS4 and Bone. The tard that bought those don,t buy much game, but are so numerous you might do some money. Since there is no good game on those, people are more willing to buy your trash.

If this was an actual competition between things you could cheer for, PC would instantly win by stopping any attempt to compile for PS4 to succeed.
Neither macs, nor PS4s or androids can compile code for the PS4.

Sup Forums also predicted that the PS4 would never be made, because they thought they could look at the company's R&D budget and see what a new console development cycle began.
Remember when they predicted EA was going bankrupt?
Remember when they predicted Overwatch would fail?
Remember when they predicted the WiiU would be a record breaking super powerful home console?

This board is full of children and low functioning autistics.
The track record here is hilarious.

Remember when we said that the PS4 would have games? Really dropped the ball there

Sony always wins. That's just how it is!

Too bad it's completely undeserved unlike the PS2

PC fag here I got a PS4 for BB and it was worth it.

Wrong, unlike the PS2 it has the best console version of all multiplats by far.

Well considering the third party ports are always shit on Nintendo consoles that's not exactly a bad choice.

Remember when the Xbox and PS were at war? Remember when people thought the Xbox was a good alternative to Glorious Playstation?

Where are all these Xbots now? They're playing PLAYSTATION.


Are you using the PS4 controller on your PC as well?

>The tard that bought those don,t buy much game

But WiiU and PS4 owners buy basically the same amount of games.


>There are currently 1179[a] games on this list. Below is an exclusivity breakdown as of August 19, 2016:

It's sad that Nintendo can't even make games for their own system.

oy vey

Yes, it's fucking great, I went back one day to my wired 360 pad and it felt awful.

Neither can sony

>Earth has 6 billion inhabitants

Then you're making the best use possible of your PS4 console as it stands.

Until they release TLG of course.

They have every 3rd party company to do that for them.

I played BB for 1000 hours, it was already worth it, I'll also get P5, TLG and Nioh.

>Sup Forums said Sony would die with the ps3 with nogames
>Sony is still alive and selling the most consoles, even ps3s are still being made and sold

What happened?

Gran turismo?


and so far the only reply was a literal meme


>P-Please buy Knack, i know Sony is a shit company but it's the one i choose :(

Fuckign cockroaches

Microsoft fucked so hard, isis was created, cosmo lost his masculinity, gamergate was born and we got an election with Hillary and fucking Trump.

They lost 6 billions but then realised that retards and their money are soon parted, and now try to devellop the same kind of retarded consumer base as apple garnered

>PS3 will overtake Wii sales in a few years

>They could sell it for a century and they still would not have erased that 6 billion hole they dug themselves

I think i finally understand the sonygger mind. You guys are attracted to losing money. Same way Sony piss money away, you tards buy shit consoles and pay for yusign your own fuckign internet

It's quite obvious sony stopped or will stop producing PS3 machines, so they stop paying the terrible big price for the nvidia chips, and nobody else will be stupid enough for fall for the nvidia kikery ever again.

The original Wii hasn't been sold in years and PS3 sales have barely climbed.

It ain't happening bub.

>40 million sold
>all soon obsolete
>1 game

That's because Sonyggers are buying multiple PS4s.

1 game is still more than everyone else has gotten this gen.

What about the Vita?



was born with a terminal disease


4 years in and this is all Nintencucks get. What a sad existence.

>40 million unit sold
>Only 1 game

Yo guys help me out here please.

I want to get a ps4 for my little bro around October side - it's his birthday then.

Can you recommend me some games for the system that he could play perpetually e.g. multiplayer. I'm going to sign him up for a year's worth of PS+ as well to go with it.

Thanks in advance

>Earth has 6 billion inhabitants
How does it feel to live in late 90s.



Never happen. The Neo is coming and everyone will call you a fag if you merge the sales numbers.

So basically about one in every 175 people own a playstation(tm) 4 on the planet?

so successful that nintendo abandoned it months ago

>shit in bed
we know yr underage

hm dont they count the sales of the ps2 and its slim counterpart together?

>Bought ps4

>played BB its good

>played Arkham knight because it wouldn't run on PC. Its just okay

>Haven't touched it since except to download the free monthly games and to watch netflix/amazon/hulu

I wouldn't even regret it if I was only rarely playing it like I did with my PS3 but theres just....nothing.


>Earth has 6 billion inhabitants

Around that.

DO note it's about the same proportion as people infected with Aids. Correlation

Sure, but it's just a slimmer model. Do you merge the DS 3DS n3DS?

The 3DS and n3DS, yes.

>DS 3DS n3DS
You should merge the sales of the 3DS, n3DS and 2DS, they are iterations of the same console.

do you keep your ps3 purchases on a ps4?

Sup Forums has never been right

2DS/3DS yes, those are merged. But the n3DS is a new console. It has exclusive games that do not play on the 2DS/3DS. Just because the n3DS is trash that's feeding off backwards compatibility doesn't mean you should dismiss it.

Yeah, i remmeber when Sup Forums said the PS4 would have game

I had a good laugh that day

>Remember when they predicted the WiiU would be a record breaking super powerful home console?
Nope. Cant say i do

Which means you're also wrong because you're also Sup Forums.

It's quite fun to nitpick all the wrong opinions of a place that have all the opinions just to construct an empty criticism.

The what?

That new cracked device that will be filled with emulators soon and finally get some use.

Yes, why wouldn't i?

8 billion.
