Any players out there?

Any players out there?

Because this is for you.
#4thePlayers @PS4

Other urls found in this thread:

You know it's on the Xbone as well, right?

Yeah, but the pictured version is the one for you, playa.

>Capturing an image just as the background textures are streaming in
>Not cherry picking

Pick one.

This open world meme must end

No, they just need to make it good
Some nip already made a good open world game 16 years ago, not sure why everyone still keep doing it the modern, westacuck way including FFXV.

Holy shit this cannot be real

It's for the players.

A bunch of slavs did it, why can't the glorious nippon game industry?

Does Sup Forums hate this game as well?



>Hey! I can see the sea!
>the player can't

top jej

Players will surely enjoy it on their PS4s.

>Make next gen gamu on next gen engineu
>Need at least 5 Teraflopsu to run gamu adequatelyu
>Try to squeezu gamu on 1 Teraflopsu shito stationou
>Pimpled greasy 14 year old internetto gaijins mad at grorious nippon deveropah

give me sauce, senpai

Oh cool!

I can't wait to drive around in that car like in GTA and explore aspect of the landscape, driving up mountains and all. It's probably why the landscape lacks so much detail but the game makes up for it because of all the free roam!

The car is basically a train. You can freeroam on foot and Chocobo though.

>he doesn't know the grorious legend of zangyaku~san

Oh boy dude are you in for a treat.

Thanis but no thanks, I already have a game worth the wait.

Well at least the gameplay will be good right?

Unfortunately, no.
The game is aweful right now, but maybe they can change the entire gameplay in 3 months.


Well I just saw a little clip of the new high jump technique:

You can see at various points through this presentation that it can cancel normal attacks, which is pretty interesting. It makes the combat just a tad more complex compared to the platinum demo and it needs every bit of complexity.

Holy shit what a roller coaster

At first I was pissed that Sony was buying ad space on Sup Forums to paste their tweets

But then it turned out it wasn't Sony at all! It was just OP's brilliant post which he cleverly disguised as a Sony tweet!

Now that's what I call some pro-level memeing!

Got some bad news for you...

The camera is still strawberry (I played the Titan one and it was incredibly bad).
I really hope they "patch" the whole game in the meantime.

I know after playing the game twice I can get around any shitty camera or other such minor flaws. But combat depth is where the game will be interesting to play, and stay interesting even after 10 playthroughs.

You have the sword that seems repetitive as fuck, another big sword and op as fuck magic.
All I know is that I wasn't amazed by the combat, but maybe it's just me.

Did you play the platinum demo before playing the titan demo?

Yes but not duscae.
I hated Platinum.

So how much did you play the demo? Can you do the crazy flying around shit and combos?

I only played it 10 minutes at a Square Enix stand.
Yes you can, but the demo was pushing you to parry.

It's in the post dude, if you can't find it you are not worthy of the legend

nvm i found it

it wasn't on hfh, so it took me a while

I mean how much did you play the platinum demo, and how good were you at it? Are you any good at cancels combos and technical gameplay. This way I can judge how relevant your opinion on the titan demo is to me.

Even upscaled PS1 games look better...