Heres your game, bro

heres your game, bro

Jesus Christ that is ass, how are they not ashamed of it?

What is up with those textures on the hills behind the car?

So THIS is the unlocked potential of PS4 aka GODMACHINE.... woahahoa.... really makes you think.....

i-is that windshield magnified?

That natural wall around the base of the mountains looks really good.

>It's a "graphics are shit!" thread
>This game just has loads of features and technology that hog up resources.
>b-but muh gfxs

no, that's literally the DOF blur effect not working through the glass

Then don't advertise it as looking cutting edge

It's like these shitposts are generated automatically by a bot scanning for most used phrases.

Not a game creator lol but when i played around with unity i created similar mountains. Just fucking sad at this point.

>Be Square Enix
>Show off the PC version every time for the past 3 years
>Game looks beautiful and runs well on PC
>Retards take this as the PS4 version
>PS4 version videos finally released
>w-why does it look shit now

Retards believing bullshots and shit that isn't possible on PS4.
You brought this on yourself.

MGS5 able to run at twice the framerate and the mountains looked about 10 times better. What the fuck

woky z depth issues and inherent problems with dof and transparent objects make this unavoidable.

The only way to fix the windscreen would cause the other issue of it drawing over geometry in front of it.

You can cover it up sort of in a shitty way but you cant fix this problem.

But why would there be no pc version for a simultanous launch if they have one ready and running? Who would profit from this?

Ask Square Enix.

It's fucking stupid. Even the Platinum demo gameplay in the Uncovered event was the PC version.

>into the batmobile! we are late for the concert
What has become of FF. Exdeath would take a shit in these jpop faggots while making trees

MGS5 doesn't have lot of resources to deal with

that was an edgy post

Anyone have the webm of the water reflections?

>You can cover it up sort of in a shitty way but you cant fix this problem.

Then how come this is literally the only game to ever have this problem?

Neck yourself, XV-kun.

i guess that's what happens when you put so much effort into strands of hair

hes right though. they look like a boysband and car is very ugly, it just doesnt seem right to me. i cant make up or down from ff setting as well, one time its magic and ye olde shit other time its fucking space and modern cars wtf honestly.

In house engines. Never again.

>stupid console nig-

Fuck you none of the other AAA multiplats have this problem.

>car segments look this bad despite L I T E R A L L Y being on-rails

I would call this the biggest blunder since TOR, but even TOR managed to become profitable


stop comparing this to mgsv

MGSV's world has literally fucking NOTHING in it except copy pasted guard posts and shit brown terrain that goes on for miles.

also inherent issues with SSR water shaders, fall back colours could be approximated slightly better but this problem is with all games that use this technique that dont narrow the fov after reflections.

I am happy for you to show me a game that doesn't have this problem. Because I can't think of any

You can do some approximated stuff for a special transparency shader to blur it when dof is active but it will not be done of the dofs behalf, this is a technical impossibility because of the way transparency shaders write to the z buffer.

BTW i am not shilling this game, it does look like shit but these comments are just incorrect.

So this is all the fucking engine's fault right?

I mean how the fuck else could a project of this fucking size and talent involved look this bad?

Why are former videogame giants devolving their games?


The game gets uglier each time they show new footage. I expect it to look roughly like this at release.


What the fucking Christ

The overworld in FF8 worked like that, letting you drive your car across set routes but that was a birds eye perspective

This is in 3rd person but has the same fucking gameplay

kek Square are literally stuck in the PS1 era

At this point they should just delay it till neoscorpion and drop the old 8gen versions.

>Screenshots of the poor Xbox One Version

You ain't fooling anyone.

That game has sharper higher res textures than XV

>Jap developers

>I am happy for you to show me a game that doesn't have this problem.

Undertale was made by a single person with a budget of $20 and it doesn't even have this problem.

I watched the uncompressed trailer on my TV, and it honestly didn't look that bad from a distance.

Stills look like shit on my monitor though.

>youtube bullshots
>muh graphix!!!

fucking die shitposters.

I played FF on SNES and PS1 and was blown away back then and when you look back now the graphics didn't matter that much.

FFXV is going to be an amazing experience, eat shit.

I think screenshots and the 1hr video on Youtube are compressed as hell, you can't fuck up a game like that. This isn't even 720p resolution.

There's nothing worst then
[spoilers]pushing a car in the middle of a fucking desert, I've done this before and don't recommend it[/spoilers]

post yfw it also gets PC release where it looks nonshit and sonypony loses ANOTHER """""""""""""""""exclusive""""""""""""""""""

nice bait

Final Fantasy's graphics are fucking weird man.

The character models look like super detailed, but not in an actual smart way, they generally seem to be very high poly for no real good reason. They don't actually look very good either and seems to be wasting a lot of horsepower that could have been put to better use in the environment.

The HUD is fine and so is the compression, it's just their garbage ``adaptive screen resolution''' making the game run at a cinematic 480p. It doesn't even keep a stable 30fps. This engine is a complete disaster.

Hah! They have time to fix it right guys? They better delay the release date and make it better, more polished. Its just a betatest.

>manualy driving the car is just holding GO and picking which turn to take
oh man, that's pathetic.

muh spikey model hair

But why

I mean FF13 on PS3 looked and ran great

It wasn't a technological wonder or anything, given the shitty textures due to lack of VRAM, but at least it ran in native 720p

It's not bait, you're a retard who doesn't understand logical argumentation. You can't prove a negative claim, therefore the burden of proof is on the one claiming the positive - you claimed other games have this problem, prove it.

Show me a single game that has shitty DOF that doesn't work with translucent objects, XV-kun. Because even fucking Left 4 Dead does it properly.

Holy shit, that has to be bait



entire post discarded

Worry not. I guarantee that they'll improve the level of detail scaling on the upcoming PC version. Hell, that's what they were effectively developing it for until a few months ago.

>Stand by me
>No random debris falling on the characters during the song
1/10, try again.

That's the Xbone version

i kekd

B-but they took Nier already? Why PCfags ruin everything. Game runs like shit on PS4 because its optimized for fat PC faggots.

>MGSV's world has literally fucking NOTHING in it except copy pasted guard posts and shit brown terrain that goes on for miles.

Nah, MGSV actually has very impressive lightning and effects with tons of cool guard behavior, and it runs on toasters.

MGSV on PS3 and 360 actually looks about as good as FFXV, if not even a bit better.

How can they fix the resolution now? If they remove the high poly on the characters, remove some animations (it drains the CPU) it should be fine?

Oh man. All the stupid hype about the dumb car and it's just on rails shit regardless of auto or manual. I'm starting to feel sorry for FF15 fanboys

what is this game about ? I always see screenshots of them in a car driving a long road in a boring land

This is false, multiple people and Gameinformer confirmed you do manually drive and you do steer it. Even driving car in Plat demo you can.

There were some speculation that the engine they built failed to scale to the large open-world scope Tabata wanted to shove in the game just to ape western AAA blockbusters, forcing them to reduce the LOD clipping to ridiculous levels and rendering at awful resolution. Or maybe they're just incompetent.

>So THIS is the unlocked potential of PS4

Why do people always use PS4 in this meme.

There are things like The Xone or sometimes the WII U too.

Man thats some aggressive depth of field. Gotta hide those ugly ass background textures.

Greatness doesn't wait for losers

No it really doesn't, stop fooling yourself.

What FF numbers will remain for years as legendary?

So you can release a trailer later saying "THE TRUE EXPERIENCE"

That screenshot is also from the Xbone version so I don't even know why he said PS4.

>This is supposedly a jump from one generation to another

How can someone defend this?

replace XV with XII

I'd rather have low poly geometry with textures that scale gracefully to low LOD instead of a super detailled clusterfuck that magically disappear when 20cm away.

>the texture on a random rock in the middle of nowhere in MGSV looks better than a handcrafted object that's part of a special setpiece designed to show off XV's graphics




Wait this crap is MGS on consoles? suddenly i understand FF15 graphics issues lel

lmao are you trying to prove something with that image?

ON ps3/x360

10+ years old consoles

The last AAA games being released for old consoles are obviously going to look like ass.
Wait for scoprio/neo to get the "true next gen experience"

Gen 7 was the peak, the last generation with a major improvement to visuals. From 7 to 8 was really not a whole lot. Technically, yeah, it's a lot better, but visually it's not that much different. Gen 9 is going to be completely pointless because it'll just be Gen 8 with higher framerate, or whatever. This is the point in vidya where people need to stop worrying about grafix and spending their time on the gameplay.

I was tired of the overused aircraft meme.
Thanks Squenix for this batmobil.

>its a PS4 thread

>Posting xbox one screenshots

Nice bait.

>Story is about Prince's home being invaded and him escaping then collecting some magic macguffins to go back and reclaim his home
>cut out the invasion
>don't even see his home
>game starts with you pushing a car and you find out your home got invaded in the newspaper

I can already say the storytelling is worse than FF13's

I am making a deductive claim, I am telling you, as a dev, that because of the way transparent shaders write to z buffers and how dof shaders rely of depth information that the effect you are claiming is common is a technical impossibility and is not achieved in any way by a dof shader and that if in the rare cases you think you find it it is in reality not dof blurring but is some trickery on the side of the transparent shader and some miscellaneous scripting.

A deductive argument only needs to be backup with deductive reasoning, which is what I have just done.

Uhh maybe because that 1 teraflop shitbox can simply not run an actual next gen game?

and now i dont understand anything anymore.. wtf SE


Generally clever use of low poly.
Uses good lightning to hide it's technical limitations.

All the fucking horsepower on character models.
Environments look muddy as fuck with PS360 tier draw distance.

Yeah no, I'll take MGSV graphics over FFXV's anyday, atleast the visuals are mostly consistent.

What does this run off? Magic? How does it take off so sharply with that type of acceleration. Is it made out of paper?

I wanna play this game for cute boys, but man is it going to hurt.

>tfw you can use this to reach a suborbital aircraft

Also MGSV runs at 60fps on PS4/Xbone.

I didn't know they were doing a 360/ps3 version

Not sure about Neo but Phil Spencer has said multiple times that the performance increase for games on the Scorpio is negligible at best, bordering on non-existent. It's mainly meant for 4K blurays and HDR video.

Where is the final fantasy?

what if he was travelling and the villains attacked the house because he was not here?
that makes sense

the fact that a sci-fi car flies