Ok so lets discuss and actual space sim with guaranteed features shall we?
Star Citizen
Other urls found in this thread:
>le scam citizen release date never xDDDD
>all scripted
>expecting good loot
How much money do you have to spend to enjoy this game?
Why is this being shilled so hard? Roberts need another loan or something?
nice meme
looks pretty comfy.
Is this actually going to be an MMO? How the hell will those stations work when 500 players are inside?
I doubt NPC interaction will actually work like that in the finished game. It's too specific, like it was scripted specifically for that presentation.
Considering every single time they do a 'concept' sale they generate over 2 million dollars I doubt they need the money
Can it run on sane hardware at 60fps?
Nothing to discuss until then, worthless boasting.
Elite Dangerous?
It wont go to 500 people, they are aiming for 100.
I'm wondering what will happen if this game actually gets finished. I can't remember anything ever being surrounded by this much anti hype.
Like, first the game was hyped up immensely and idiots threw their money at it in droves. Then, everything was stalled and delayed for years, and every sliver of information on how the development is managed makes it looks worse and worse. Even people I knew who were super into it 3 years ago have completely lost all hope.
Basically, expectations are so low that the game might actually be received positively if it has just a sliver of quality.
>no PvP
Might as well be dead, oh wait it is
Its a new-age space sim user
You can be in the same place as another user without ever seeing eachother
>Star Citizen
Who needs a consistent universe when you can just put people into instances to make your job easier.
Elite has pvp though
>actual space sim
>guaranteed features
>being this gullible
>Star Citizen
>guaranteed features
>Cutlass was promised to be an agile fighter with cargo hold
>ended up being a cargo ship
>Idris was promised to be a corvette
>ended up being a fat frigate
>Khartu was promised to be a 2-seater with extremely articulated hull and engine
>ended up being a one-seater with any moving parts apart from takeoff animation
>they are aiming for 100
wat i hope you mean per-server
>Elite has pvp though
My fucking sides
>Phew, good PvP fight guys :^)
So will you have to pay real money for ships? Is there gonna be subscription because running those servers will be all so "expensive"?
Per instance
It looks pretty impressive from a technological standpoint. I have absolutely no stake in this game at all so any positive thing they can actually produce is just a bonus.
The people I feel bad for are the ones who have sunk hundreds if not thousands into the project based on promises and their own imaginary fantasies of what they -think- they'll be able to do in the final release. The butthurt of these people is going to be off the scale when they can't be an epic badass space king like they've spent the last 10 years internally writing fanfiction about. But hey, the game owes its funding to these folks, so whatever.
Pic related, it's your average SC backer.
>it doesnt have PvP!
>uh.. yes retard it does
I'm sure the next ten years will see significant boosts in computer performance, so when the game comes out we'll be able to run it on silky smooth 30fps on our home quantum computers.
No and no.
Although there is a sub service, it only gives stupid shit like 'not so secret behind the scenes images and info'
No sub, so it's guaranteed to have """micro"""transactions of some sort.
Yeah, I'd bet my ass we'll end up with yet another puddle depth game the size of a lake...
>300i was promised to be a luxury fighter
>ends up as a "touring ship"
>it has PvP!
>Its next to zero chance to happen, and if it does they just quit
I bet you think NMS has multiplayer too. Go on, start a stream and get into a PvP fight in 10 minutes without prearranging it with someone or doing the shitty PvP arena, ill give you a thousand dollars if you can do it.
>it exists in theory so it exists in reality!
No. The chance of pvp in ED is so low its statistically impossible to happen.
it happened to me twice on my first day of play
it's been a week since and it hasn't happened again though
Can you name even one game where you cant do that?
No it didnt, those were AI
ED is dead, and no one PvPs anymore.
Wow, these people should just play EVE if they want a player-driven universe with huge battles and player-driven economy.
The only complaint they could possibly have is the ship control, but it gets intense as fuck in pvp.
>le ad hominem
>le goal posts
>The only complaint they could possibly have is that EvE is P2W, massively stagnated and dead
Fixed for you
Its okay for games to have no content as long as they are pretty and you can shoot things?
Sorry man but some of us have standards higher than that of a 15 year old.
EVE is on the other side of the horse, these games are on this side, we want to ride though.
>that image
But I'm not even expecting shit like that.
I want to have some comfy adventures with a few friends and have some fun.
Will my pretty low expectations be fulfilled or not?
Pretty much what they showed in the very scripted Gamescom Demo.
Does it work right now with 4-10 players?
>EVE is P2W
What? You can easily make ISK you moron.
>massively stagnated and dead
>Its okay for games to have no content as long as they are pretty and you can shoot things?
I wasn't saying that. Also, I hope you're not implying EVE has no content because that's fucking bullshit.
Thanks for proving you're underage
If I put games with no content on one side and EVE on the other, how do you think I can imply that?
EVE missed out on the casual fun, autism simulator.
These games (ED and NMS) just did the casual shit and put in nothing else, zero depth. You can enjoy shooting shit in E:D - like 2 hours a week is pretty fun.
PLEX is P2W, doesnt matter what bullshit argument you try to bull, its entirely ruined EvE and entirely P2W.
>he doesnt even fucking know the player count has dropped like mad and the corps have stagnated
Jesus christ dont talk about games you have no clue about
Still waiting for you to prove ED has PvP in the open world, go on, start a stream right now and prove its working
>CS:GO has pvp though
My fucking sides
>Phew, good PvP fight guys :^)
That's how retarded you sound right now.
>>massively stagnated and dead
EvE died a month after the last corp clusterfuck with goons. Although it was on its last legs well before that.
>compared a game without a quitters penalty to one without
>actually pretending its the same thing
>sinking your own argument that badly
>EVE missed out on the casual fun, autism simulator.
True, you can't play EVE casually at all.
>These games (ED and NMS) just did the casual shit and put in nothing else, zero depth. You can enjoy shooting shit in E:D - like 2 hours a week is pretty fun.
Didn't even play ED because it's repetitive shit. Fly there, sell that, fly back :^)
>PLEX is P2W
>doesnt matter what bullshit argument you try to bull, its entirely ruined EvE and entirely P2W.
Running a few complexes easily makes me 500 million a day and I can be immensely useful in a ship costing 30 million.
How about you just git gud?
>Jesus christ dont talk about games you have no clue about
Probably because of CCP's retarded changes to capital ships desu. But yes, I know that the player count has dropped, but it's still alive.
>all those fucking idiots in the crowd cheering and shouting
How can they be this stupid?
>quit in ED, destroying a fundamental part of its PvP
>no punishment
>quit in CS
>doesnt really matter, someone else joins, you get punished for leaving early
I hope you were baiting
no they were "CMDR"s
People really really really want a god-tier space MMO.
What is wrong with Koreans?
What is the problem? the moment, when he sits near npc and talks to him? Its not problem. Probably, when you get close to quest character, all other players just disappear, and you get your own instance, where you can sit and talk to npc.
frustrated cause their helicopter mom government made porn illegal.
Aight have another
>WoW has pvp though
My fucking sides
>BETTER ALT+F4 + some abilities if applicable
>Phew, good PvP fight guys :^)
That's how retarded you sound right now.
You only get punished for leaving comp and then no one else can rejoin that match, you just combined casual rules with comp rules, well done.
They've said previously that each npc interaction is dynamically generated. So if someone needs you to salvage a ship, it's because a ship was actually wrecked there for some reason. So once you complete the mission, no one else will be able to complete that quest because the ship has already been salvaged.
It's a system that doesn't lend itself well to interactions like we see in the video.
why cant japan make anything this good?
japan cannot even compete
It's likely Eckhart's interaction could have gone from "Shady Sub Mission" to "Complete without a hitch" instead of "Double-cross" with the flip of a switch in the AI's flowchart.
Notice the pauses in his dialogue? Freelancer written all fucking over it.
It's literally Freelancer bars 2.0.
Hm, yeah, then it is strange. What if well, just two people go to that npc, who gives that quest? Actually, when i think of it, its still fine, couse both players can get their instance, but in the space, near that ship they will have to fight to get info.
I "can" work.
That video got me hyped, but i wont be dissapointed if that game never comes out, or will come out, but in terrible state. I paid nothing for it, so whatever.
there are no instances
Aside from the obvious truth that Sup Forums hates everything because shitting on things is the only relief in an otherwise lonely and miserable life of NEETdom, why is there so much extra hate on Star Citizen?
I've only loosely been following it every now and then but every time I check back there always seems to be definite progress, and fairly impressive progress at that. I understand concerns of feature creep and the vast amounts of money dumped into it, but has there really been any cause to justify the intense amounts of angst on this board?
It's a big and ambitious game, delays were always inevitable and maybe those early release goals were a tad naive but it seems to be coming along fairly well.
Have they released a revised timeline anywhere?
I work for Shubin Interstellar.
We don't run this place but we have an agreement with the people that do.
Let me see your license.
Yeah, I don't think this will work out for us.
This is NMS-Level bullshit. I guarantee this will never happen. One thing positive about NMS is that it's making people cynical, bitter and cautious about shit that sounds too good to be true, because 9/10 it is bullshit.
The gaming crash is coming hard now.
Guys i'm not a faggot like 90% of this thread, but can you please redpill me on this game?
I just watched OPs video and it looks fantastic, but I'm sure there are many reasons it isnt.
Please redpill me.
Further more, the interactions we see in the video will not work in the multiplayer psuedo mmo fashion they promised. What if multiple people go to talk to them same quest giver or to take the same quest? They said no instancing, everyone in the same world. What about those scripted events where he betrays you at the end? How does the game handle multiple players doing the same quest but at different parts of the quest? For example, If someone lands to "collect" while a player is in the middle of getting backstabbed by the quest giver?
None of this seems like it can work how they promised.
It literally happened in Freelancer.
Remember Freelancer?
It's literally just that. We had this a decade ago.
But with motion capture, professional voice acting, and a supposedly persistent online universe?
Because Japan is a primitive tribal culture despite all the hype they get for drawing pictures really good. This attracts the attention of retards.
Many peeple are stll stuck in the PS2 era when gaming was primitive as hell and Japan was in the lead.
This is a pretty solid breakdown of peoples concerns.
>give the order: "commence attack"
The quests are totally unique, and there won't be any race conditions. The design for this has been discussed quite a few times, and it's just another part of the economy simulation.
If an NPC wants commodities to produce goods, it will both set up an order to buy and an order to sell once it has produced something. There can be competition for buy/sell orders but the fact is a guaranteed transaction is there on a first come first served basis in order to physically process goods into different items. This basic concept X3 got a decade ago is how the trading part of Subsumption, SC's AI system works.
Now simply replace "mined resource" with "wreckage of an pirate interdiction" and you got yourself a buy order for players to take a job.
The key difference to Freelancer with Subsumption is the 9 AI to 1 player ratio and that AI won't just sit in the background facilitating an economy, they'll actively do jobs according to their local situation. They'll raid as pirates, ship goods, take up contracts players miss etc.
So tl;dr the AI will be acting like players and both create contracts to profit off players and leave resources in the system for jobs to be made around them.
The only problem you may have is getting jobs from places that don't have job wells. In this case, getting an invitation to meet Eckhart is when you achieve hidden milestones to get spotted for recruitment. This will resolve players already there seeing a quest giver appear and badgering them before the intended player gets there.
>good graphics
>tons of different spaceships
>can land on planets without loading times
>nice physics
>can pilot a very detailed spaceship with a friend
>they create tons of lore and there will be a shitton to explore
damn I will have so much fun with this game
Last time Chris was given a chance to do what he wanted we ended up with freelancer almost being scraped due to his inability to manage a project.
Be wary of the festive dog who makes sport in the roadway. Avoid entanglement with wheel spokes and go smoothingly on the grease mud, for there lurks the skid demon.
30 mins?
cant you just give me a couple >greentext 'reasons'?
they make movies and trailers not games
It was like 15 years ago. There is a possibility, that man will do it this time.
The development history of Star Citizen mirrors the debacle that was Freelancer before Microsoft stepped in.
> Gamescom presentation
> People cheer at almost everything shown
> See a huge moon-like planet
> Maybe just a moon
> See guys land on it
> This is amazing
> Even though it has been done before
I mean, decent progress. But this isn't new or impressive. And the constant cheers were just annoying.
Did they have to outsource to multiple studios with Freelancer in addition to making an engine from scratch on DirectX 8?
>Two days ago it was $118.1m
Why do people keep falling for this?
Why don't you?
falling for what? a good game which is in the making?
t. post-purchase rationalization
as if I give a fuck about money that I invested there years ago.
its just 100 bucks, what are you? unemployed neet sack of shit who has to count every penny twice?
originally I invested into Star Citizen because I knew Chris Roberts knows how to lead a project of this magnitude. and see, the development is going very good.
can't wait for 3.0 PTU
This. The game looks fantastic.
t. fag who's waiting for the Herald to be released
>a team with an actual company's backing couldn't even make a watered down version with nu-males sky
>somehow these ltieral whos on kikestarter, working solely off limited digital ships (that are nothing of what they were promised to be) funds and eternal delays will make the genre redefining game
I'd soon trust metzen to write a decent story that didn't involve thrall
>what are you? unemployed neet sack of shit who has to count every penny twice?
> Making a non-argument
> Nu Males sky better than Star Citizen
You're not even trying
watched all of this
what a shitshow everything surrounding this game is
You havent obviously read a thing about how the netcode works in SC.
Not even once said that
The fuck? When I bought the cheapest thing I could see it was at about 20 million and I thought that was a lot
> Couldn't even make a watered down version of no mans sky
No Man's Sky itself is this year's biggest dissapointment and lie.
The shitheads literally lied about everything.
> Trans cuck gives presentation about Algorithms
Algorithms is the laziest thing there is when it comes to Game Development.
Wrong way
No mans sky was trying to eat off the SC hype, with a SC Lite
But yes, the game is so appalling and full of lies they legitimately should start preparing for a lawsuit