Why aren't you making history and establishing a world record in speedrunning Sup Forums?
Why aren't you making history and establishing a world record in speedrunning Sup Forums?
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Cuz i'm not autistic, and I can't handle repetitive behavior for a long time
I actually don't want to become a girl.
No one will ever remember you did it, Guiness Book of World records will never include your record in anything they ever make, and whatever game you do it on is doomed to be forgotten in time within 10 years.
Only YOU will think that you accomplished something by getting a record in a game. Nobody else in your life will.
Because I'm not a sperg and/or tranny
Because I have more important shit to do. Not everyone has time to be a faggot.
I've dabbled in both speedrunning and playing for record scores. Neither one ended up being an enjoyable way to play video games for me.
that bonesaw jack n dax run was only redeemable because of the dude on the couch. bonesaw is a sperg
also that fucking "girl" during the gameboy runs
All I saw was
>speedrunning Sup Forums
And it got me curious, how would one speedrun Sup Forums?
If it's hard to do it's an accomplishment, no need to go full contrarian retard.
>but u wasted time u cud have gone, like, to places and learn a new language and stuff and this and that
Observe that the kind of people saying this barely knows how to tie their shoelaces together.
If you dont pick one of the top 100 games to do it in there is no point
He says, as he browses Sup Forums.
How is that any different from anything else you do in your daily life?
>that dildo and lube on the dresser
will never not make me laugh
>Pick obscure PC game from early 90's
>Play the game
>Upload to whatever that site was called
Why doesn't Sup Forums make a popular YouTube channel and become a celebrity or do the whole e-sports thing and win money or actually spend time learning how to develop video games. Because those things take talent and effort and luck and Sup Forums is generally incompetent.
Because I'd rather enjoy my life than play the same game thousands of hours doing the same thing.
It isn't, but if I'm going to play games I want it to be enjoyable. Trying a game a couple thousand times and polishing to the point where nobody can do it better than you isn't fun. It also requires you to commit to a game to a point where you'd have to play nothing else for at least a couple years. None of that is fun or worthwhile.
I can't stop staring at it.
too 'tistic for me. i like to watch the occasional speedrun tho.
The only games I have an interest in speedrunning are Mario games. I am several years too late for that party so I just play them normally every now and then.
Sounds like filthy casual talk to me.
I'd rather have world record on something relevant
I had my first book published this year.
How is it casual to play a variety of games, rather than the same game in the same way every day for years?
Under a day, come to Sup Forums as a normal, functioning human being with positive outlook on life and enjoying videogames and leave as miserable, cynical fuck who faps to traps
Say we're talking about a different genre for a different reason, like fighting games.
Yeah, it's pretty casual to play a variety of fighting games instead of sticking with one.
>coming to Sup Forums as a normal, functioning human being with positive outlook on life
Is this even possible?
You'll literally never be the best in the world in any fighting game with any character for your entire life. Give up on your stupid pointless dream.
Obviously I'll never be the best but that doesn't prevent me from being good.
>being the best
is such a ridiculous speedrunner state of mind
i was featured in the latest h3h3 video, i was the one who wrote the "BUT I FUCKING HATE JEWS" comment