Recycled plot from Mass Effect including protheans that have literally just been renamed

>Recycled plot from Mass Effect including protheans that have literally just been renamed
>Can only play as human
>Made by anti-white racists and their sympathizers
>Same shitty animations and models
>Same shitty dialogue wheel

Is there a single goddamn reason to look forward to this piece of shit

Other urls found in this thread:

>Made by anti-white racists and their sympathizers

The fuck is wrong with this?

shit writing shit characters

Anyone who still has hope for modern EA-Bioware games is a lost cause.

Don't forget shoehorning their social agenda and hatespeech fucking everywhere

You're deluding yourself if you don't think they'll do this

I don't want to support racists.

Krogans dindu nuffin

dem grafhix tho

I can't wait until this game becomes a complete failure

Never thought I would be so fucking mad to wish that upon a company

I'll take BioWare's dialogue wheel over the vague as fuck list option in TW3 any day

He says all this with no source

It's not gonna fail. Bioware's shiteating fans will gladly devour whatever ends up on their plate.

The game will be utter shit, but not a failure.

this will be worse than mirrors edge catalyst

i guarantee it

I dont know why, but I would love to see doom guy beat the shit out of that fag.

I can't wait until this game becomes a complete failure

Never thought I would be so fucking mad to wish defunction upon a company


>>Can only play as human
>>Same shitty dialogue wheel

There's nothing wrong with these though.

Bioware is a shadow of itself
the signs were there. people who pay for this shit deserve it

You can't be racist against whites :^)

the past five bioware games

Yup, looks like it's going to piss you off, so that's at least one reason. Rage on, dip shit.

>I actually paid money for DA2 thinking "Oh hey it can't be as bad as Sup Forums said"
>It was even worse

To this day the only videogame purchase I deeply regret.

woops, forgot to post image and somehow said the same thing twice

multiplayer if they dont fuck it up

oh the irony

>Made by anti-white racists and their sympathizers

>White people have a few people coming I to their countries and they are already crying.

>Now they know what Africans, Indians, Orientals felt like when they were exploited by whites

>There isn't even half the destruction that was caused by whites but whites are already crying about muh culture.

You fuckers are like the fat kid who changed rules or unplugged your controller when he is losing a game.

TW3 dialogue options weren't vague. They still should have been the actual dialogue, but at least they were similar to what was actually said, unlike Bioware's shit that is a blind shot in the fucking dark.

>Made by anti-white racists and their sympathizers

Except the guy you're talking about has absolutely no impact on the writing and characters, and only works on the gameplay

>Recycled plot from Mass Effect including protheans that have literally just been renamed

What? I haven't heard of any news regarding the story of Andromeda. Care to provide some sources?

>Can only play as human
You've always only played as a human in Mass Effect.

>Made by anti-white racists and their sympathizers
Maveer Heir is one person and I'm pretty sure he got into trouble because of his statements.

>Same shitty animations and models
Yeah, it's Bioware.

>Same shitty dialogue wheel
The Dialogue Wheel is a Mass Effect staple and belongs in Mass Effect.


The audio production (in particular music) is excellent and consistent throughout all of mass effect.

Do what I do - pirate the game, extract sound files, and then delete the rest of the game

I dont understand how they could fuck up so hard
they actually CUT content from the Origins series and released it as DA2

if it only were just DA:O but with another story, I wouldn't even mind

>I buy things that make people I don't know angry

Well alright then, but to be honest I'm looking forward to the aftermath. After 3 came out watching Sup Forums shit all over so hard that EA engaged damage control was wonderful.

>The audio production (in particular music) is excellent and consistent throughout all of mass effect.

ME2's music was pretty bad.

don't paint us all with that brush man, a bunch of us can't handle the world changing or coming to their door when they've avoided going into it all their lives. they'll learn or they'll fade away.

Have you considered downloading the soundtrack like a normal person?

Ding ding.

and I don't buy things that make people angry, but I DO get off on watching them impotently beat their heads against their own egos realizing that the world doesn't exist to serve them. THAT shit is comedy gold.

Hey Mugabe shouldn't you be busy begging whites to come back?

That's your subjective opinion. I liked ME2 music better.

you mean FO4
>Remain silent/dont give an answer.
at least non dialogue option mattered, so it had no consiquences

Are you kidding me?

Look everybody, a cuckold!

Yes, and guess what - it has a bunch of missing tracks. Search and extract. stop being a normie

What's bad about it?

Wait, what? Are you saying DA2 was originally going to be DA:O DLC? That might have actually worked. The story of 2 isn't that bad if you consider it a spin off story rather than a main series title. Fuck sake BioWare.

You wouldn't know the half of it kiddo, our perversions get so far beyond cuck that it'd blow your mind.

I'll tell your mom hi next time she asks for the great dane to mount her, cheers!

and you suspiciously don't list me2 in there. get off your high horse you tasteless faggot. you're the problem

>Racism is okay when it's against people I don't like



>hatespeech fucking everywhere
Like what? It seems you wanted to start a Sup Forums thread but didn't really know how.

Slaves were bought, not kidnapped from Africa. From African slavers. A profession that still exists in africa to this day.

and it will win GOTY

>Giving EA money
Please dont


Sure as fuck can, you inbred, trailer-dwelling hillbilly cockstain.

ME2's soundtrack was decent-to-good.

>Tali's Recruitment
>Normandy Reborn
>Suicide Mission
>The Long Walk
>The Illusive Man

But it's true, white people aren't able to be discriminated against anymore, their sufferings compared to black people are borderline non-existent and hence is irrelevant by comparison. We need to focus on POC and minorities in general, it's 2016 for Darwin's sake not 1960.

Good, don't try to improve the shithole, just turn all the world in a shithole. Yes, this will fix the problems

fucking wagon wheel thinks hes hot shit in a champagne glass

What a baby.

except its true, go get the source for yourself, its not hard to find you retard, there's literally a sand nigger in charge of this game that constantly tweets about how he wants to kill white people and he still has a job

It still amuses me that people literally pay money for degrees in mental gymnastics and then complain when they can't get a job

It was pretty good. Not as good as ME1 but still goos.

ME3 was shit.

That sound important, but let's talk real business, shall we?
Will there be some turian pussy?
I'd fancy some turian pussy

That is one serious inferiority complex.

>this guy plainly says he wants people of my race dead
>well ok better lend him a hand even though my ancestors were poor dirt farmers without a slave to their name
>i should kill my brethren because of shit some people did before I was born
Go fuck yourself.

Why should I have to back up your statements? You're the one making the claims so it falls upon you to prove them.

>turian pussy
>Not krogan cock

What a fag

How the fuck did someone like him got a job like that?

This world is fucked

Did we ever get Dragon Age Inquisition sales data? I ask this because we always assume modern day Bioware games don't make money but I'd really like to get a hold of some concrete evidence. I personally think they always make money but never hit their target goal because EA has an ego the size of the sun.

That's the reason they are closing their forums for good, the ME3 ending fiasco was only the beginning, ME4 will fail more than FFXV.

Good merits?

>we always assume modern day Bioware games don't make money
Yeah, if you're a fucking idiot. They sell very, very well. ME3 was the best selling game of the franchise, and probably of their history.

This part is true.
Aside from homosexuality in ME how has an agenda been pushed?

Mass Effect 3 pretty much killed most people's interests in any future Mass Effect game so I don't see it doing particularly well.

>ME4 will fail more than FFXV.
dude don't remind me of FFXV I'm still assblasted, holy fuck what a disappointment

I'm laughing at it.
This guy hates white people but he works for them, gets paid by them, and even the games he designs are purchased primarily by white people.

Like being brown and shitposting on Twitter about white people?

Maybe of hardcore fans, normies loved that bullshit to death.

>That's the reason they are closing their forums for good

Not because it spawned insane autists like the Tali sweat guy?


No, it's an american thing. You have your heads shoved up in yours ass.

I'm spanish, sandniggers and romans fucked our lands in the past and some other civilizations. Guess what, we dont give a fuck

It's okay when crackas do it.

>their sufferings compared to black people are borderline non-existent and hence is irrelevant by comparison
ireland bro

Oh God, please don't remind me of that.

Yeah but no one likes Irish people.

>Guess what, we dont give a fuck
Perhaps the Balkans could learn from you

>>Now they know what Africans, Indians, Orientals felt like when they were exploited by whites.

All of those places had whites coming and building commerce. Either indenturing the inhabitants or giving them jobs.
With the exception of China, all of those countries were still living in the 700s.
Whites brought them to the 17th century in a matter of months.

Non-whites invade white countries
Kill a bunch of people
Don't build commerce
Become a drain on an already existing society.

I'm mexican, iberic niggers and frogs fucked our lands in the past with disease and war and destroyed our civilizations. Guess what, we don't give a fuck, either.


Care to point out specifics where he openly insults and admits hatred for brown people?


>All of those places had whites coming and building commerce.
This is what billy bob from alabamer actually believes.

Found the burger cuck.

I love how blacks think they were the only group of people on the planet who were ever enslaved

You're right, he only screams incoherently about it and goes super saiyan.

>Dragon Age II
>Mass Effect 3
>The Old Republic
I gave them too many chances. They can burn.

Jikan desu.

fat cuck with a lisp and a gay voice.

>You're right

Well at least you can admit it.

>The Old Republic
Jesus Fucking Christ, why remind me of that.