What do you want to see in the new pokemon games?
What do you want to see in the new pokemon games?
Nothing, they should stop raping my childhood.
A competent police force
A good post game
The same level of cuckoldry as the anime
No Megas
No Ash-Greninja
Hidden Abilities can be obtained with an Ability Capsule+ or something
Alolan Hypno and Dodrio
rework the entire battle system into something more interesting than choosing one of four moves every turn
its absurd that plebs think gameplay like that is fun, it's the most tedious shit in the world
I want to play as misty, or be able to fuck her
More lewd pokegirls
A hardmode. It's just not funny curbstomping the whole game without even caring about a good and balanced team if you just need 1 or 2 OP pokemons. Or at least put some endgame in there that is challenging.
And before anybody says to go play online: I'm not autistic enough to keep up with all those breeders and their perfect IVs and shit. Hell even grinding 6 pokemon to lvl 100 is tiresome enough because it's not fun.
2 Save files for fucks sake
Are you one of those fags that love nu-FF?
Is there a spin-off game that makes pokemon am ARPG or a 3D hack-n-slash? If not, that would be cool.
But there nothing more interesting than choosing one of four moves every turn
classic FF does it better than pokemon because there's more moves to choose from
it really shows that pokemon is for ages 10 and under that the gameplay is so braindead simple
it would put anyone to sleep and really should be changed, after two decades, to something more engaging
>not Alolan Koffing/Weezing
>Exudes nice smelling fragrances used to make perfumes
Come on GameFreak!
>Instead of a skull it's a heart
I don't understand why dislike megas when you like Alola forms
Alola forms are basically different pokemon, not straight upgrades to existing ones that you are required to have because you're gimping yourself if you don't use one
>trainer customisation
>post game
>more specialised pokeballs
>battle frontier
>secret base type system
>different types of bikes
>ONLY new pokemon until a certain point in the game
>more accessible way to get hidden abilities
First two are confirmed.
Last is unavaliable
The IV system is a massive step in the right direction already. All I really want is some more new cool Pokémon (I like most of them but only really love 3) and some fucking post game, please, some fucking post game. Make the main story easy AF for dumb kids, I don't care as long as there's a PWT or Battle Frontier or something
A good battle system, but there's no way that'll ever happen.
this and challenge mode available from the beginning
If you catch a rattata, ekans and koffing and only have those pokemon in your party you will be invited to join Team Rocket
Double and triple battles are fun because of all the cool shit you can do.
Remove fairy.
>there will never be a PokeGirl as lewd as Hilda ever again
A mode that changes all battles into battle train style fights where you can't switch without losing the advantage and items are prohibited. Preferably with a level cap for every fight so overleveling ain't an option.
too bad nobody gave a shit about triples
>people want challenge
>they probably play with Switch and not Set
Too bad they would never put that much work into it
Played with Set, no megas, no exp share, even did a monotype run. Gen 6 is still easy as piss because everyone is a afraid of using more than 3 Pokemon or have complete movesets
Yea. Pic related is lewder
I find hilarious that everyone that asks for this is always too much of a pussy to beat the various battle facilities the games have.
>it's a meme post
>every opinion I don't like is a meme
typical gen6 stan
There's opinions and there's straight up facts like the picture i posted, faggot.
not him but it's not hard at all to beat the Battle Maison. But it's still bullshit that they straight up cheat sometimes
I just want the Emerald Battle Frontier for fucks's sake
Pokémon Rumble. It's shit.
rumble is just a microtransaction grind simulator although there are the foundations for something really good
Trainer customization has been confirmed for a long time now.
Also there WILL be old mons early on since the Treehouse caught a Ledyba during their E3 stream of the first route.
I wish they'd spice things up with battles, maybe introduce some semi-real time stuff. Like if you're fighting a much faster mon or you have lowered accuracy, you have to do some QTEs to be able to hit
Good story
Good difficulty curve
Something new for once. Call me cancer, but real time Pokemon battles or an addition of a 5th move.
Not baiting. Consistency is good but complacency is not.