Why is modern gaming so shit, Sup Forums?

Why is modern gaming so shit, Sup Forums?

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Just look at these guys, why would you buy a game from them? When the game turned out to be shit, what did you think was going to happen?

Hello GamerGayte

Because Sony entered the console market by running away with Nintendo's work. Thus killing off Sega, who was honestly the only real competition Nintendo ever had.

This in turn stagnated Nintendo and allowed them to play things easier since Sony was no competition (yeah, Sony had sales, but that's to be expected with cheaper home technologies that allowed normies and casuals to have CD and DVD players with their "video games").

Eventually the PS2 arrived, boasting that it could do Toy Story graphics, but of course could not. The library was filled with shovelware and some good games.

Later on Microsoft entered the market, living off Sega patents and sequels. They started charging for access to multiplayer, when by that time you only needed to pay your ISP for your internet and multiplayer access.

Then the 360 and PS3 came out during the time when the top 5 monopolistic corporations were having a tussle over which standard should be used for their films (because the film industry had been trying for years to get into the much more successful video game business) and they settled with Blu-Ray, which was a Sony property and was being trojan horsed into their 599 U.S. dollar machine. This basically told the monopolies that "gamers" are idiots and will pay anything for a toy.

By this time Microsoft was still charging for online, making billions in revenue and overtaking Sony for 2nd place.

Sony and Microsoft both wanted a 10 year cycle for their systems, but Nintendo came out with the Wii U after their successful Wii system. Literally a prototype for the NX that forced Sony and Microsoft to reveal their systems much earlier than they wanted.

Microsoft and Sony were going to ban the use of used games on their systems, while still charging for multiplayer access from your purchased games. At the last minute Sony removed this "feature" and had advertising and marketing ready and on hand after Microsoft killed any support they had.
Should I continue?

dude is lucky. has a very beautiful asian wife


That's just broadcasting that you're intimidated by beards at this point.

Who said anything about beards, cuck?

it became too big and a marketing tool, good experiences are now mostly in AA jap games and the occasional great indie title

>Should I continue?


You did, or are you just parroting nu-male without knowing what it describes?

The latter then, alright. Hope you evolve past chinpubes someday champ

>Why is modern gaming so shit, Sup Forums?
You're either old and jaded, or young enough to not realize the old guys saying everything is shit are jaded and you unironically believe things used to be better.

pick one

>anime reaction pic
There isn't a faster way to discard your own post right into the trash can. You're consistently shit-tier posters.

>your opinons.gif

Nice cover for you saving that offsite m8, really adds some authority to your redditard opinions

Mail order thai brides are pretty easy to get

You're really proud of your beard, aren't you? I shave everyday you dumb faggot. It's a sign of decency.


>if you aren't a crippled autismboo like me, y-you're from r-reddit!

Wouldn't doubt it in your case.

Nice one proving me right

>calling someone else autistic when you get triggered by chinese cartoons

Yeah, I don't think you're in any position to criticize anyone's reaction images, you anime loving retard.




A literal autist.

fukken burned
call the police and an ambulance

Wank over twitter literally whos all you want lad but don't expect us to follow


REALLY MAKES YOU THINK HUH isn't much better, and shave off that ugly beard you ugly fuck.

So now we're in this premature generation. Sony has won this round entirely on marketing multiplat games as PS4 exclusives. They charge for online even though their PSP/Vita/PS3 services were free and they claim that it'd due to increasing costs of development. Yet their last business meeting suggests that they're making overkill on selling music/movies off their network, but they give you "free" games to make up for it.

Both microsoft and Sony basically retracted their bundles with cameras. They have almost no exclusives and had to resort to remasters of last gen games. They say this is a good thing only because their current machines don't have any native backwards compatibility.

With this premature generation they've already decided to abandon it in favor of the models that they were originally going to release. The Scorpio is a next generation system, and the PS4 Neo works with the VR headset that they have been developing for years. So with that, this generation is basically over as all the new systems are coming out next year in March.
The microtransaction is such a powerful concept that allows developers and publishers to release "free" --games-- because casuals/normies don't know any better, It's the reason why Valve, who used to be one of the best PC developers, has become nothing but a data distribution center and online gambling establishment.

The whole concept of internet connected consoles has gone from being able to play with people across the world to being a platform for publishers and developers to churn out half finished games with the promises of patches. It's what allows the publisher to sell a $60 "season pass" which consists of content which should have already been in the base game. Consider games like SW Battlefront and SF V that basically arrive butchered. The physical discs are useless if you do not have the bandwidth to download single player content. Also if you don't pay the online fee

>Nintendo refused to share licenses with Sony, so Sony made the console they planned and forever left Nintendo in the dust

>Sega's business mismanagement and boring games led to their downfall

>Microsoft entered, didn't do a damn thing to improve anything and eventually ended up where they are

>Eventually everyone became greedy and stopped making good games
Fixed that for you.

Talent is starting to fade. What is replacing the talent that leaves is usually business tier marketing divisions that are more so designing a mediocre game for mass appeal then for a specific audience.

Basically when gaming started gaining ground it was because the talented people popped out genre defining games and improved on that. Now all we see is shit designed to be bought then traded in 2 weeks later.

Don't get me wrong talent still exists its just the talent coming in to replacing the talented people dying/retiring isn't half as notable.

How wrong can one user be?

The only things that relate to the state of gaming in your posts is the "we'll patch it" mentality and DLC. Poor consoles doesn't mean poor games.

>Waaa someone used a smug anime reaction because they don't take my shitty views seriously and don't even wanna bother refuting them
>I know i'll claim that is their entire personality because that won't also say alot about my personality as well

Nu-male logic i love it. Get so btfo by anime image posters you do shit like this.

BTFO, you can't come back from that. It's time to leave tthe thread and find another one to shitpost in.


Grow a personality, nerd.

9/10 anons will agree that his generation has been shit.

that other 1 user is somebody who just started playing video games.

We are in a stagnant industry where nobody tries anything new anymore. Did you know they released a sequel to Mirror's Edge a few months ago? Rember that the Maste Chief collection and Halo 5 are a thing? How many people are still playing Uncharted 4? Hey, how is MGSV?

There are good hidden gems this gen but they're getting no attention.

This is why next gen is the FINAL generation for video games.

>unironically posting a nu-male screencap
>btfo anybody

At least you've probably got a better beard than that one user

>At least you've probably got a better beard than that one user

delet this

I have a friend who unironically thinks video games are getting better and whenever i try to ask him why other then graphics/controls he almost starts to sperg out.

But then again hes a pretentious casual prick who probably is saying that just because most people wouldn't and wants to hype up whatever drivel he bought. He bought Evolve and now NMS and defends both of them.


Don't let any more subconscious thoughts slips out

He better be at least a MD to act that snobby, but of course he must be some random developer o artist wanker

That's true, but that's more of a problem with VIDEOGAMES themselves, not consoles. Consoles are but another shitstain in this massive wall of shame, the bigger problem is the overwhelming power advertising and "hoyp XD" has over quality. All we can hope is that the countless NMS and Battleborns that are bound to come shift consumer mentality to something more careful and attentive without going to the far end and ending with cynical assholes that just pound their desks awaiting for the next epid Tortanic to make fun of.

>retards who buy anything that's hyped
>milking of franchises
>first world problems blown out of proportion (ie feminism)
>companies trying too hard to listen to their fans. people who play games are retards who can barely even function in society and don't know shit about game design, they dont know what they want

Gaming is no longer somewhat niche, that's basically it. Devs are pandering to the lowest denominator.

rekt and checkmate

Don't worry user, you'll get full coverage when you're older

Until then keep up the good fight against beard genetics

Parts of it are shit but overall games improve in most ways and the majority of you just like being nostalgia fags and hipster faggots.

It is still the best time to be playing video games.

worst candy and a slut.

yea but it's so low now that the quality of the games are suffering

but then they apparently keep making monies too so something right i being done, yeah?

>nostalgia fags and hipster faggots.

There are still plenty "hardcore" games with depth good gameplay and a good story.
There are simply more casual games because there are more casual gamers.

"Games are getting worse" is just a stupid meme that has to die

madoka a shit

Like movies the video game industry has been completely taken over by businesses only motivated by trying to rake in as much money as possible. The result of this is games that are extremely focused tested with all the features that make games sell better acording to stats shoehorned in and then most of the budget of the game is put towards marketing rather then development. Whenever smaller developers begin to threaten larger corporations profit gain they will instantly be brought up, made to shell out some lackluster games to capitalize on the name and then dumped. On top of this the punishment for releasing unfinished games that barely works has been greatly reduced with better infrastructure to fix broken games so now you can safely release unfinished games and treat the first few days of the release like an open beta.

>There are still plenty "hardcore" games with depth good gameplay and a good story.


hardcore, as in, not casual.
For the lack of a better term

dumb madoka poster

List some of those "hardcore" games.

That's why we are headed to glory with the NX if it's a handheld. Handhelds were supposed to be the future. That's why the GameBoy was so successful. That's why NEC made a handheld that played console games, just like Sega.

It's why we got laptops.

But Sony and Microsoft keep saying more power is better. That's why we got a shitty disc drive for the PSP. That's why we have terrible laptops with zero battery life and non-functional temperature control.

You can say a mobile is a handheld, but it's not and it never has been. The mobile phone is just a mini computer, something that laptops should have attempted. That's why I had a sweet as fuck wacom touch screen laptop years before they started making tablet PCs.

There's no progress for phones because mostly Samsung and Google focus on making overpriced slabs that come off more as fashion and status accessories than achievements in technology.

The problem here is that the inane casual shit is getting the mad bux while true, passionate videogames barely scrap by and don't have the budget or development time to see their visions fulfilled.

Videogames have gotten WAY worse these past few years. Good thing is, after such a shitty generation things can only get better.


>neckbeards unironically believe that their unkempt and greasy facial hair is anyhow masculine
o i am eloeling

>Twitter post of some irrelevant person from the internet is a modern form of source
Is this a new low?

>beardlets unironically think their woman genes are a blessing

Now that's a nu-male

>spouts ad hominems insults and buzzwords at every turn

>Plebs think beards have anything to do with how masculine someone looks

/fa/ pls

>having a strong jawline is feminine
Yeah keep talking faggot

I bet you must drown in pussy with your facial carpet and chinese cartoon collection.

Sup Forums stopped being good the moment contrarian shitposters and people born post 2000 moved in. Modern gaming isn't dead, you're literally just trash OP.

>Modern gaming isn't dead, it's literally just trash OP

Also no one asked about v dumbass.

>Sup Forums stopped being good
>Sup Forums
>good at any point in human history
Your standards must be in negative.

Quads, your opinion is now a fact.

>why is modern gaming shit?
>people arguing over beards

There's actually less trash games around then there were back then, but AAA games now are almost guaranteed to be a fuck up.

Because Sony's in the lead and that essentially means mediocrity is leading.

bestgame coming through

>random developer o artist wanker
If only, he's even lower
He calls himself
>Esports historian

This. I have to say, sony is the blandest of the big three. their games always seemed like fail attempts at trying to be the next big thing. copy halo, ripoff forza, make their own mario. Xbox and nintendo for life. Ill never forget the wii60

The increasing pursuit of profits to accumulate more jew gold, in addition to rendering hardware being mostly standardize but refusing to embrace the benefits and instead trying to squeeze good graphics out of ten year old tablet CPUs (why? see: point one)

>r releasing unfinished games that barely works has been greatly reduced with better infrastructure to fix broken games so now you can safely release unfinished games and treat the first few days of the release like an open beta.

pretty spot on. maximize profits minimize risk. you see the same thing in every industry

Holy shit it's true

And it gets worse, he's a globalist ginger with literal autism

NEC put out the fucking turbo express years before sega made the nomad.

Learn your history, dumbass

*rolls up sleeve*
TW: reference to b*llying

I see some heavy b*llying here...cut it out or else

GT rips off Forza?
Yeah, no...

>he thinks I'm saying that Sega put out the nomad first

First get some English comprehension you third world metal slime.