Our boy Joe just nailed the final nail on no mans skys coffin
Our boy Joe just nailed the final nail on no mans skys coffin
Joe has never nailed anything ever. Get your e-celeb bullshit outta here
It was a good review.
>tfw when he fucks nails it
Angry Joe is a boorish simpleton and his opinions are invalid.
>cried on camera about his vids being taken down for copyright and how he won't make money off other peoples work
E-Celeb cancer.. need to stop worshiping these people Sup Forums
why does he stoll do these bullshit retarded skits middle of reviews?
no one likes them
Yes user, it is terrible that a guy who makes part of his living reviewing games (making money on other people's work) tries to defend his own work when it is unfairly taken down by Youtube copyright. In fact, we should go ahead and shun EVERY reviewer and critic of every form of entertainment ever made, because opinions aren't allowed (they aren't original).
So it's average?
no one likes or buys average games so might aswell be 0/10
what's his name again?
its in the OP post dummy
but if you meant his real name, its Joe Vargas AKA the angry joe
Because his name is Screaming Miguel.
>mfw Sean continues to get btfo
i do you fucking faggot.
Fuck off, Doug Walker!
I gave him a like for that
I actually liked it until he started mumbling and talking
What's his name again?
Hector Silvestre
If you don't like it, start making games yourself. Or are you the type of person who complains about stuff without actually doing something about it?
Shut up. The worst kinds of people in this world are those who complain about shit without taking any effort to improve it.
the only business I have with joe is to cuck him out of his qt wife
No Man Sergio.
That was one of the few that got a laugh out of me
You don't have to be a chef to know when food tastes like shit
>pizza comes with a big poop in the middle
>can't complain unless I can make a better one
>This fuck
>relevant in any way ever
Pick one.
>Peeved Pedro shills on Sup Forums
Fuck, I bet he's the one shilling himself.
Generally if I don't like something I get something else instead rather than make my own
It's like when I tried out vanilla coke, I wasn't a fan, but instead of brewing a vat of my own I just decided to get a regular coke next time, shockingly there's less of a time investment
>Taking a vacation to congo
>get my knees scraped
>the local voodoo doctor make an "ointment" from mashed caterpillar and dirt
>can't refuse because I can't make my own peroxide
>Unironically using food analogies
>Unironically taking a vacation to Congo
>I like to scream about video games
why the fuck do people like Lets Players
I like this weird relationship Sup Forums has with AngryJoe. It's not hate or love.
>Our boy Joe
I've been grounded from shitposting for a while, what does this meme mean?
I thought Sup Forums was displeased with Frustrated Fernandez' youtube videos.
3 fucking food analogies in a row jesus christ Sup Forums get it together
I tend to prefer ones that don't scream and are pretty chill. I like them because when I'm too depressed to do anything and don't want to play something myself, I like to watch someone else play through a game I like.
The bit when he takes the gun and then the girl takes it away was pretty fun
Entertaining the idea of a sequel from this developer
Manic mexican
I used a drink anecdote you knuckle-draggers
>a drink is not food
Try again retard
>Coke is a food
Only in America
Are you autistic?
>soda is not a food
>if you drink it it's not food
Are you legitimately retarded?
any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.
it doesn't matter
the game has already sold millions.
They won.
He obviously cobbled his video together from other reviews.
Some of the things he complains about aren't even true.
He seems seriously flustered when pronouncing certain words he probably doesn't know the meaning of.
I liked it, it gave me a good idea of why everyone hates the game right now.
So many unfulfilled promises that frankly it looks like you may as well be playing a beta with how much content seems to be lacking in the game. Even the ending was a copout.
>Some of the things he complains about aren't even true.
Such as?
I'm not a fan of Peeved Pablo but it seems more like you're desperately trying to discredit him and defend the game rather than make a solid argument.
pic rel an American dinner
Neck yourself
>$0.02 deposited in your paypal account!
The one and only thing wrong here is that he says the space combat sucks, when in truth he's just not very good at it. And its basic.
Everything else he says is totally fair.
>being this mad
Are you one of those guys that gets angry when they're hungry? You should have something to eat, pic related
I bought it, i'm enjoying it, it's a nice singleplayer game experience, but Pedro Pendejo has a point.
I was actually mad when I saw him and remembered the whole fuckton of things that will never be in the game.
At this point, it's a certain thing they will never update it to be what they promised because consoles, and it would take twice the development again.
Sean is a fucking scammer, and even though they created a beautiful unique game, i hope they never get credit for anything again until they apologize and patch the SHIT out of NMS.
For toddlers maybe, figures yurocucks can't even handle soder.
Especially what he says about the centre.
What a fucking let down.
when you're trying to make a point, you better lay it out on the table, like a nice chicken alfredo
>Our boy
What a faggot
He really is "our guy".
>I don't know what the word food means and think drinks are not food because i have actual shit for brains
Ok retard
I can't stand this cunt, but this time he is spot on. Fuck no mans sky.
underage retard
Proof he's absolutely correct. It's fine to critique stuff, sure, but when that's literally all you do, usually to a negative extent, you're literal mouthbreathing talentless pretentious scum. I'm so sick of you cancerous fucks "I'm so above and better den da suits lmao im just too cool to try but you see all these movies and games theyre shit btw IRONY FTW XD"
>Our boy
Is it the 1930s again?
Joe Vargas AKA The angry joe
>I cant judge what I consume unless I make something better
Thats the most retarded view of the world Ive seen
Crazy Cody
You're honestly saying we can't call no mans sky shit unless we also try to make games with umpteen bajillion "different" planets?
1200 calories for dinner is a bit too much
Not really, that's fine if you just had a 20 oz for breakfast and lunch
Why should i give a fuck what some fat spic thinks?
Pinche Puto
Who's the blond chick? What happened to his dark haired, big-tittied woman?
Why should anyone give a fuck what you think?
is he the first mexican sent to space?
I think I heard you mother calling you down for dinner user, better get it before it goes flat
>The one and only thing wrong here is that he says the space combat sucks
But that's true though. The space combat is basic to a fault and has a gratuitous amount of aim assist, not to mention the retarded shield recharging mechanic that forces you to enter your inventory to use resoruces. Elite Dangerous practically lied about its space combat in its trailers and even that game managed to do it better than NMS.
I think she's lost in fat guys beard from the movie reviews.
The controls are unbearably bad, on mouse and keyboard at least, it feels more like you're suggesting the ship of a manouver at some point in the future rather than actually controlling it
I'm not saying the space co!mbat is good. It is basic and the shield recharge thing to force consiuming resources more also sucks.
HOWEVER, pissed Pedro also sucks at it. He doesn't grasp aiming for the circle ahead of the ship you are targeting.
I'm not gonna watch the video again to compile a list, but one thing that he said wasn't in the game was space combat with large ships and fights between two parties where you can pick sides.
They may be rare but you do get distress calls from large ships under attack and you can attack either the large ship or the smaller ones.
It's not like I want to defend the game though.
I gave up after about 5 hours when it was clear I saw every thing there is to see and the rest would just be in a different colour.
When will you fucking realize that this is stupid?
Sean already got your money and he doesn't care about this
Yeah, but a large ship under attack from smaller vessels isn't the same as two large fleets of large ships fighting each other. That is what was promised.
>HOWEVER, pissed Pedro also sucks at it.
Which is irrelevant. You said he's wrong about the space combat even though it does in fact suck. Just because he's too stupid to lead his target doesn't suddenly change that.
>he gives a good score to a game what Sup Forums hates
>hurr durr they paid him to do so
>he gives a low score to a game what Sup Forums hates
>our boy!
>Sean already got your money
I didn't buy it though
>Why are you complaining about a game you were never interested in anyway!
I pirated it
>Well you're a biased thief who stole the game and should have paid your opinion is wrong!
Of course they care. Studios don't want just ONE big success, they want many many more. And you honestly think Sony aren't the ones making the most from this...?
I believe he said large ships didn't warp in and fight each other like they did in the trailers
What is the Sup Forums autists' fucking problem?
Theres nothing so wrong about joe to garber this much autistic shitposting
>hurr skits
He had 1 for like 1 minute at the start. if you really hate ut that much just skip past it. You dont sperg out over redlettermeduas skits.
Not even just this, you children try so hard to shit on things that are perfectly fine. Does it make you feel special?
Jesus you people have some real fucking problems.
You realize neither of those things contradict each other right? Being a paid shill doesn't mean you shouldn't give low scores to legitimately bad games.
>implying this is not a financial success so far
>implying he won't be able to make a sequel