Rag tag mod blows dev version out of the water episode

>Rag tag mod blows dev version out of the water episode


What classes are you playing?

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>n-n-notice us todd-senpai!

These krauts are so fucking pathetic

enderal is just skyrim on steroids, if you played the shit out of skyrim and it bores you to death now, then enderal will be as boring to you as skyrim.

is the character development any deeper? you mention classes so I assume so

Vagrant Bladedancer

Sadly a game needs more than pretty environments

Literally the only thing that makes Skyrim a bad game is the horrible combat, something Enderal haven't fixed. It's just as shitty

Isn't it almost unanimous that Sup Forums thinks this mod sucks?

I hadn't touched skyrim in 3 years at least, and I find Enderal pretty refreshing

I really liked Nehrim. Is this as good? Every other Skyim rehaul mod like this has been shit.

>literally the only thing
No, the combat is just one of many things that makes it a steaming pile of shit.

Battle Mage

It's nothing special, but if you liked the shitpile tat was nehrim, you might like this also.

no, it's great. Better than vanilla storyline.


You forgot the awful side quests, horrible leveling system, bland items and the scaling.

>devs make game
>modders add some fluff on-top of it
I will never understand this. You would not even have your mods without the devs because the modders are too incompetent to design their own game.

>9/10+ everywhere
>steaming pile of shit

this is why Sup Forums is pathetic

You seem to be confused user. I am not Sup Forums. I'm an individual who played this game and realized it was garbage.

is this a formula you shills need to use in order to get a badge on sureai forums or or what?

Who here plays tavern games?

Just shows you how low the standards for a rpg game are.

Why did you quote me? I've never played this mod and I've never said it's any better than Skyrim. All I said is that Skyrim is a steaming pile of shit.

Nobody said you were Sup Forums user.
But just because you dislike something doesn't mean it's garbage. I hope you realise that your opinion is YOUR opinion.

oh and enderal brings the standard of rpgs up?
get the fuck outta here kraut, the game is just a plain fucking action rpg even more than skyrim was.

user if you think the average person isn't a drooling idiot you're probably one of them

There are games I don't like that I can admit are still well designed. Skyrim isn't one of them.

It does though. You seem to be implying that Gothic is shit because you can move while attacking.

Rpg is about roleplaying and immersion, which both this mod has to the brim.

>You seem to be implying that Gothic is shit because you can move while attacking.
how am I implying that?

That can be said about every game you don't like. I don't like Zelda games, and in my opinion, unless you're 8 there's no way you can like them. But that's just MY opinion, and that doesn't make the series bad.

Just out of curiosity, tell me 3 games you like.
>inb4 you google some 35y/o literally who games that 2 people played

But that makes no sense. I enjoyed Skyrim, the same way I enjoyed every TES for the last 20 years. So, is the game shit because YOU don't like it, or is it good because I like it?

it's a free mod

it's ok

what is thiS?

>blows dev version out of the water episode
Still doesn't have quests

so just because it's a free mod it's okay to shill it?

hang yourself kid

>plain fucking action rpg

Implications are running wild. I was just pointing out that action rpg =\= bad rpg.

but it IS a plain arpg. I never said arpgs are inherently bad.
you're losing yourself in these arguments, go train a bit on the kraut formus and come back to shill here tomrrow, okay?

Wait, this doesn't fix the shitty combat?

I mean, I like a good story and all, but fuck me, last thing I want to play is the garbage combat system from Elder Scrolls. Even Witcher had better combat.

>I mean, I like a good story and all
believe me, the story's not even worth it.

are you sure this mod is not cheap and shitty tho?

also vanilla skyrim is good

Every day till you like it.

It is seriously good

My only posts ITT are and

hey; read this; save yourself the time

>While the game world of Enderal is smaller than Skyrim´s and the quests are fewer, we believe that the depth of our story and the complexity of our characters both surpass those in recent Elder Scrolls games.
even my ass can surpass skyrim writing

If you think Zelda is for eight year olds you must be 4 kiddie. Leave before ban.

Could you present something that isn't shitposting?

Delete this

Do you get a medals in Neogaf everytime you post your shitty pasta here?

Played like 60 hours of this because I needed something to do on my break.

>Combat is still basically Skyrim, 90% of it is just you standing behind an enemy swinging wildly
>no difficulty setting that is realistic, it's literally just a health+damage slider for the enemies
>leveling up skill system is fucking retarded, no reason to put skills behind a coin wall AND a skill point wall
>lots of translation errors in english version
>lots of awkward conversation bugs / teleporting bugs / loading ctd
>released early without a lot of content, areas exist in the game that have NPCs/Factions but no associated quests yet
>crafting is broken because the armour formula is still broken like Skyrim
>lockpicking higher locks stuck behind like 6 talent points
>all enemies are reskins of original skyrim enemies, not even DLC enemies
>some quests can be VERY linear
and more desu.

>Story is fucking excellent compared to 90% of the tripe that comes out these days
>Lore is pretty nice, not as special as the story but still good
>Voice acting is actually good in general, with some characters (main three NPCs and Daddy) absolutely phenomenal
>Diverse and dense world, going from icy crystal forests to farmlands to windswept deserts and jungles
>top notch music (to my knowledge the composer worked with the original elder scrolls composer at some point)
>most of the randomly found dungeons are actually worth exploring because no radiant quests means they actually exist for a reason rather than just as a backdrop for menial bullshit
>lots of quests that don't hold your hand, you have to do your own research and thinking to progress through them
>perk trees and talents work quite well but admittedly quickly hit a point where you are too powerful for lower difficulties
>good looking world due to nice area crafting and inbuilt graphics mods

I loved it because the voice acting, characters and story were good enough for me to get invested in. Mechanically poor though.

I'd also say that every "city" not Ark is desgined form over function. Couldnt find a single shop in Duneville so my guess is that it is unfinished.

Also remove all females from the game if you cannot find decend VA's for them.

kek, krauts get wrecked every time

>want to join the Companions?
>go clear this tomb full of Draugr
>want to join the college?
>go clear this tomb full of Draugr we're conveniently excavating
>want to join the Thieves Guild?
>you only need to clear a Draugr tomb if you want to be a Nightingale, enjoy the worst faction story though :^)
>want to help the Imperials/Stormcloaks?
>go get this crown from a Draugr tomb

you don't need to play the shit out of skyrim to discover it's boring shit spent fighting draugr for most of its playtime

There's a tavern and a general goods dealer, though since they're just standing around on one of those rickety platforms they're a bitch to find.

Thanks for proving my point user, and I'm not even trying to be mean or anything user.

>I hate Skyrim so it's objectively shit and for retards, but Zelda is god tier and totally not for kids because I like it.

Do you see where I'm going? I'm not saying Zelda is bad, I played more or less half of each and didn't like it at all (except a link to the past maybe), but that's just the way I see it, and my opinion is mine.

And you can't understand how I find this series kinda retarded and for kids the same way I can't understand how a person can say that Skyrim is objectively bad.

And at the end of the day, both series and each game in them have amazing reviews, amazing sales, amazing awards and amazing general opinions. Yet one is bad because you don't like it.

I was honestly more pissed at the horrible writing than the horrible combat.

it's meant to be an RPG after all

>So, is the game shit because YOU don't like it, or is it good because I like it?
The game is repetitive and shallow, but you have low standards.

>worse Risen: the thread

>>all enemies are reskins of original skyrim enemies, not even DLC enemies
This can be fine so long as human-type AI doesn't account for 90% of everything fought like in original skyrim

what are falmer/dwemer/bandit/vampire/giant/dragon/daedra/nacromancers enemies?
in enderal you literally have wolves and bandits, that is the whole of it's enemy variety. how can you clearly see the faults of skyrim but can't see them in enderal, even when they're 10x worse?

anything is better than risen. risen makes skyrim look like the greatest game of all time

Review of Enderal here:

- Exposition dumps for most characters, forced greets every minute during the MQ which often glitch and have you repeating the conversation. Can't skip through these either like ordinary dialogue.
- Control taken away for most of the main quest, character was forced to walk into a trap once and I laughed and the absurdity of it.
- Most dialogue/writing is overly whiny with no subtlety, writers make sure you understand what they're thinking. Nothing left up to interpretation.
- Too much "grey", every character is an emotional wreck that treats you as their therapist
- Too many betrayals and "twists" near the end to give semblance of depth. That truchesa character could have stayed by arantheal to show that she's dependent on him despite coming off as moany.
- Theocracy and hyper religious yet blasphemous talk from absolutely everyone. Contradictory behavior since there are crucified bodies right outside the city walls, so it doesn't seem that these people are exactly lenient on crime/heresy.
- Most of the map is hostile and barren
- Too much filler during middle of MQ, seemed like they tried to adopt the zelda approach with having you activate 3 different things to open a door. A lot of padding just to advance 10 feet. Needing to find a key just to open a door which they purposely placed in an awkward location just to drag quest out longer.
- Seemed like they just wanted you to explore the map without any context whatsoever. Especially when I was sent to retrieve crystal for starship. No content in this area. No quests. Same criticism can be levied at most of the map; pretty but barren.
- No quests outside riverville and ark really. MQ is sole priority of mod. Everything else is a fetch quest.
- Most NPCs keep saying same annoying dialogue and have hardly any misc speech. Often heard 2 different voice actors for the same NPC; "Hey wait, I think I know you!".


- Framerate issues everywhere, no occlusion culling to be found in most place. TFC to see for yourself. Looks like another symptom of rushing their mod.
- Story was actually very simple but became convoluted through author chucking in too many themes/lore dumps in short amounts of time. They really wanted to cover absolutely everything that could invoke an emotional response. Even listing to your mother being beaten. Just seemed forced. I understand the context of being "helpless", but these dream sequences seemed so divorced from the rest of the narrative. Especially considering that your supposed family don't look anything like you. Are they supposed to represent something else? High ones?
- Plot holes like when goliath says high ones never directly interfere, yet that's precisely what they were doing through the entire MQ. Almost killing me with falling debris right before that talk, summoned lost ones and knocking me out to get captured by Nehrim soldiers. Trying to push forced narrative that mankind is to blame for all the worlds problems. Very preachy.
- Overarching theme is that I should abandon being a hero and that I'm egotistical because I want to save everyone? What message can you derive from that? Most characters end up in despair and have their hopes quashed, yet you were brought to the goliath, giving you the impression that there IS hope and that you ARE special. Why the contradictory narratives?
- Veiled woman acts as convenient plot device to advance story and prevent character deaths. Cheapens impact. Could have been removed and there would be no difference. Have your characters death in intro be at behest of high ones, have high ones resurrect jespar.

>Cant play as an argonian

Into the trash it goes

-Having to traverse 5 loading screens at times to progress one stage of a quest that involves talking to two people in the same area. Sun temple is the worst offender of this.
- Loading screens for levelling up. SO many loading screens.
- Crashes constantly, especially when entering new areas/biomes. Seems that the .bsa archives are missing some meshes.
- Most enemies were boring, generic bandits saying the same things. I can forgive them for wrestling with CK's inherent limits with animations, but it gets annoying having to fight not-falmers, not-werewolves all the time, most don't even have different noises/voices.
- Felt like it dragged on once you got to the black stones quest. MQ narrative gets put on hold and then have to do boring side filler about characters that i'm not particuarly interested about. Love interests in general were shit in my opinion.
- Woman/inner demon story was sort of cringe, felt like some teenage girls self insert.
- Jespar is a whiny, obnoxious faggot who then acts as a yes man for the MC later on. Both love interests do to an extent. Author doesn't understand that relationships are give and take, not you being a capitulating weasel so someone else will like you.
- Too little in the way of quests/content outside MQ. Few zones you stay in for more than 5 minutes because nothing is there.
- Terrible enemy placement and encounters for the majority of the map outside the starting area around Riverville. Also the latter part of the MQ. Like 5 enemies would be placed right at the entrance of a dungeon, giving you no time to react. Final quest has you fight fucking 20 lost ones with reskinned giants and dragon priests included. You'll be inclined to just TGM most of it.

There you go, make of it as you will.

Why would you want to play as a ligger, furfag?

>what are falmer/dwemer/bandit/vampire/giant/dragon/daedra/nacromancers enemies?
You don't see them as every faction requires a visit to a Draugr tomb to join them except the Thieves Guild.
>how can you clearly see the faults of skyrim but can't see them in enderal, even when they're 10x worse?
I don't give a shit about some mod I'll never play, I only saw a retard lying like a little shit and replied appropriately.

This mod kind of reminds me of E.Y.E. It gives off that same strange vibe E.Y.E does, only it actually makes an effort to make sense.

No one is going to bother with this shit given the Legendary Edition is nearly here.

Have you finished it yet? The story is good up until the end where it's the most deus ex ending ever and almost everything is left unexplained

Everything goes according to the high ones plan and you were even about to die like all the other prophets when the veiled woman saves you for no reason, teleports you to the black guardian and there's never a reason given for why.

I love this guy 2bh, he annihilates plot holes with autistic detal. his mass effect series of posts are pure gold

Not him, and I agree with you somewhat that he was being a brat, but Skyrim is objectively bad, at least when compared to the previous games in the series.

Cities got smaller, magic got shittier and less customizable, writing got worse (Any main plotline is horrendously stupid, try to follow the logic of the thieves guild quests for example.), the combat was floaty while the player had fewer options, equipment in general grew more limited, less dialogue option, less decisions that could effect the outcome of quests, casualized features in general (Follow the arrow to the quests end, can't make decisions, no more stats, etc.), the list goes on and on.

Maybe compared to other lowest common denominator games it has some merit, and certainly it's good enough to play and have fun with. But compared to previous iterations of the series it has OBVIOUSLY gotten objectively worse in literally every way except graphics, and the graphics weren't even stellar for the time.

The only way you could possibly say it's not objectively worse than other games in the series is if you get really pedantic about the semantics of what objectively worse means ("Some people LIKE having less equipment in the game and more casualized features, so it's not WORSE, it's BETTER!").

>the same shit everybody already played through +10x times but with ENCHANCHED TEXTURES & Nexusripped ENB

Why do you have to be so aggressive and almost make it personnal. To this I can say: literally every game can be considered repetitive, every sport can be considered repetitive.
Shallow? Yes, it's more shallow than previous games, BUT it's 10 times bigger, with way more shit to see and do, and you can easily add depth with mods (because let's face it, Bethesda games are designed with modding in mind). For exemple, of course Morrowind will have more depth than Skyrim when there's 30 times less NPC/voice acting/animations/assets/etc to make.

>you have low standards
This is the buzzword used when someone likes something you don't. I can say that YOU have low standards for liking the games you like. Because haha, the games you like, haha, I don't even know what they are, but they are repetitive haha.

This is the problem on Sup Forums. People have no idea what they are talking about, they don't play games, and everything has to be black or white to the extremes. There's no way a bad or dissapointing game has some good parts, and there's no way a good game has bad or dissapointing parts.

Threads with people that actually have been playing games for a while are extremely rare, but they are so much fun. Only 1 out of 20 3x3 thread isn't cringe inducing. People here are shit. I just want to discuss vidya with grown ups, fuck.

finished it a week ago, completely forgot about the veiled woman bullshit
god damn how did I forget about that
could've been done fairly easily without that as well by just using starling temple shit

Oh yeah, did I mention that there are NO new spells. That most of them are just renamed vanilla spells with the same effects. Nothing interesting at all.

I enjoyed the story up until that black stone quest. Everything after until the end was pure filler bullshit.

just ignore him guys, and keep shilling THAT IT's SOO BETTER THAN SKYRIM!!!!!!

>Mass effect plot ending on a same shitty note as the Mass effect plot.

Who would've figured.

Stop hating on planescape: torment so much user.

Is there an english version yet?

>- Too many betrayals and "twists" near the end to give semblance of depth.

To be fair, I've been bitching about these Enderal shill threads for a long time, but being better than vanilla Skyrim isn't exactly a high bar.

The story for Enderal is contradictory, lame, and a special kind of edgy and autistic "le 2deep4u" in the themes, but I was only stunned by retardation maybe twice which is better than how I felt about the story of Skyrim.

Legendary Edition:
>new textures
>new effects
>extra skill points and leveling

>blurry low res retextures or just outright copy paste from the base game
>awful story
>copied basic skyrim skills and spells
>laggy, stuttering mess

Remind me why you'd play this garbage over the Legendary Edition?

Combat sucks, game world is small, dungeon design is same ol' same ol', enemy variation sucks, litany of useless perks, bullet sponge difficulty sliders, magic wasn't well thought out at all (lets remove spell crafting AND spell damage scaling), DLCs are short and one is just the Sims.
Game is ass. Only good with Requiem.

Mods that blow the original game out of the water you say?

Regardless of what you think of PM's balance, I think it's safe to say that PM is way more fun than base Brawl, even casually. With or without Meta Knight.

kek, upvoted

>new textures
>new effects
>extra skill points and leveling

Legendary Edition:
>blurry low res retextures or just outright copy paste from the base game
>awful story
>copied basic skyrim skills and spells
>laggy, stuttering mess

Remind me why you keep shilling this cash cow garbage over the free mod?

So does this mod come with lots of new weapons/armor/clothes or does it just use vanilla stuff?

modified vanilla stuff

nope, 90% of assets and models are from skyrim.

Not being able to make a game from the ground up is not really a matter of incompetence, and that's not really fair.
Bethesda didn't even make this game from the ground up. It's based on Fallout, which is based on Oblivion, which was loosely coded from Morrowind, the engine of which Bethesda didn't even create.

it isn't set in cyrodil that's why

Some modded stuff from other modders but nothing that you can actually use I think
Most main characters wear modded armour sets (one is literally the Triss Merigold armour recoloured green ffs)

Yes, Skyrim is worse than the previous games in a lot of aspects, the same way DaS is worse than the following games in a lot of aspects, they are still god tier.

Worse than something=/=bad

And you're right on certain points, but completely forget that it's expected of a game to lose depth when it gains size. When there's 10 times more NPC to voice and write dialogue for, it simply cannot be as detailled.

Yes the quest arrow is shit, BUT:games are an industry, they are made to make money. Games and RPG are not designed for a few obese hardcore gamers that can spend 5h on a quest anymore. There isn't a single game series that didn't try to target a wider audience. It's shit but that's the way the world works. And there's a mod that add lines to every quest in the game so it's more like Morrowind.

Combat is shit, but combat has never been good in a TES game. At least now it KINDA looks like something.

Story is shit, but there isn't a single good main quest in TES. TES is for the side quests, and in Skyrim there's TONS of really cool hidden quests, npcs, secrets. And guild quests are shit, yes, but on the other hand, daedric quests are god tier.

At least you're not retarded like the other user.

>(one is literally the Triss Merigold armour recoloured green ffs)


all that effort is wasted on such a shit game
