Is CrowbCat our guy?

Is CrowbCat our guy?

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Are we CrowbCats guys?

Actually yeah

>uses memes in his videos
>same opinion as Sup Forums about the big name disasters

Yes. He actually used that pissing video which was posted by user.

I agree with him on most stuff but sometimes he can try way too hard to look like a contrarian intellectual and it gets cringey.


Isnt that Max Payne?

list of Sup Forums youtubers

What about HyperBitHero,SBH and TheGamingBrit

>Mad Martinez
>Sup Forumss guy

More like he got forced down our throats by some shill forced meme.

He thinks GTAIV is better than GTAV hahahaha

>Annoyed Alejandro
>Pissed Off Pedro

4 had a better story, 5 had better gameplay

I liked the GTA video.
I enjoyed both games but I did miss some of the stuff that was in IV that was absent from V.

>saw this guy's NMS video linked here about the game being disappointing
>don't care as usual
>keep seeing threads like this one popping up HE IS LE OUR GUY, EPIC FOR LE WIN GUYS GO WATCH IT IT'S AWSUM :D LEL KEK KEK FEDORA
>watch it
>90% of it is about how there is no multiplayer and not that game itself is utter shit

As disappointing as the game.

What piss video? And which Crowbcat video is it in?

Is he our guy?

What happened to his E3 videos?

Yeah because he is really edgy and contrarian.

4 had a mediocre story

What's contrarian or cringey about any of this?

He ain't bad. The fuck is wrong with his comments section? Can't Sup Forumstards behave themselves outside of Sup Forums? Why do faggots keep thinking it's fine to act like a sperg memespouter outside of Sup Forums? The same thing happened on Matthewmatosis' stream chat. I came home and thought I would check it out and the chat was filled with JUST XDDD.

Don't bother. That cuck's too far gone in his virtual skin gambling.

that's his best video though
provide a better example or fuck off

his videos aren't real content
it's the sort of stuff that high functioning autists like to watch with their beady eyes and then they'll be like "SEE LOOK THERE STUFF IN THIS VIDEO AND SOMETHING HOH HEE"

they're specifically designed to be discussed on reddit

This video is bang on though.

Autism the post

He bashed Republic Commando and praised the Battlefront reboot. His other reviews are okay but I wouldn't really call him a Sup Forums-approved YouTuber.

GTA IV was superior in many gamesystems, general simulation, AI and behaviour, better story, driving that wasn't half baked arcadey mess, etc.

Only thing GTA V did really well was the online aspect because of the missions & heists but even then a bunch of IV's fun online game modes are missing. Played V's online for 200 hours tons of fun, did the singleplayer once and was mildly entertained.

Here's hoping they return to IV as a baseline for VI but I highly doubt that will happen.

Keep telling yourself that.
It's that dumb shit quoting Narcissus, it looks like something a pseudo-intellectual English major would do.

what the fuck is this post

Have you been living under rock or something? Sup Forums is not your little secret club anymore, it's just anonymous forum. You're not special anymore, you can drop the act.

he's right tho

How many fedoras do you think Crowbcat owns

>Angry Joe

He shills himself here all the time but thats it.

>first console was the 360
>opinion about videogames

Pick one

Found the cringy turbo autist.

Yeah the NMS video isn't really a good video of his but just him jerking off to the disaster. Watch Ouya/Evolve/Battleborn/CSGO instead, whatever interests you, for a genuinely good researched and put together video.

But the whole system is based on narcissism, you want to show off to other people what skin you got. The more expensive the skin, the better. People who buy a skin because they actually like the look of it are far and wide in-between. Every microtransaction cosmetics shop is built on this, CS:GO is just a more revolting example because of the added gambling.


You came here because of GamerGate, didn't you?

Hes a good way to voice out the cancer of the game industry Sup Forums likes to rant on about without resorting to hyper meming, greenarrows, or food analogies, just presents the facts as is and leaves it to the viewer to make an educated opinion. He sometimes he goes overboard with Sup Forums's opinions that I personally don't approve of like CSGO Hysteria, GTA, or the FGC video, but overall hes on point. His Ubisoft video is his magnum opus and I'm kinda glad that video got released and popularized right before E3.

Just ledditors trying to look cool using Sup Forums memes for upvotes.

Ignore them

I disagree with most of it
his videos aren't original content, but I still enjoy watching them




Why the fuck does he delete some every so often?

This might be a longshot, but does anyone have his E3 2014 video? It was his best video and he deleted it for some reason.

t. anime avatar on steam with kek in the username who greentexts and uses buzzwords and filterspeak constantly when talking to his friends

>just him jerking off to the disaster.
That's all of his videos.

He thinks h-doom is problematic.
I wish I was joking.

Like his videos but that GTA 4 is better than GTA 5 video is kind of silly

He makes Youtube video making an artform.
Seriously it has methods that are used in good documentaries

>Intentionally being this retarded
How much money have you spent on your addition, user?

I think there's a mirror. Look it up and you'll probably find it.
The think that convinces me it was Sup Forums is the turbo autism. Reading the chat made me cringe so hard, the shit in my ass compressed into oil.

Is he our guy?

He didn't say that. He just doesn't get h-games in general.

some cancerous youtubers approaching him.


He thinks people who enjoy them have messed up views of women.

>video games

>Stefan "HATE PHYSICS" Molyneux

I'm glad you dropped the whole aspect where it costs you real money in "micro"transactions (which can go up to 2k USD) combined with a gambling system for these cosmetic items. Totally not relevant to what the point there was.

Image related, does this look like $100 value to you?

Stay mad.

Any other channels you recommend watching, Sup Forums? Pic related has interesting history videos like this one:

he's so autistic I fucking love it

Watch the video again, he went full fucking normie.

This is surprisingly tame considering the comments I usually see. Much love for the professionalism. The commentary community is still for faglords and 14 year old sheltered white kids.

Lmao every response is gonna accuse me of being a CS GO skin kid, keep reaching.


But he is right?

muh seekrit club xD
rule 1 and 2 xD

>Enraged Enrique

I actually didn't accuse you personally of anything.


>The fuck is wrong with his comments section?
nu Sup Forumsermin that want to browse Sup Forums but also like le upboats and youtube offers that.

5 was a piece of shit but not for the reasons he stated

Too much fucking driving and cover shooting will always suck dick unless it's Gears

>I think there's a mirror.
Can't find shit.


Someone HAS to have it downloaded or something

Hell yes, Stefan "emptying my 9 at the welfare line" Molyneux is most definitely our guy.
The lad has completely lost it and is becoming a radical right wing cult leader. Based as fuck

Damn, turns out it was completely different videos that were mirrored. Sorry, man.

I see you're a man of culture as well.

4 years ago or so, before i was browsing only russian imageboard. Started with Sup Forums then slowly moved to Sup Forums. Doesn't seem to me any different, Sup Forums just has much more people around and same stupid shit about "our" memes and how everything goes bad all the time. It's just place where you can discuss something without typical internet forum bullshit. Best place on earth. Some people just take it too seriously.

Stefan "The Chimp Choking Champion" Molyneux

he has so many videos about video game related stuff any ANY of them is better than this

idk why people feel like they can scoff at you and tell you how you re supposed to spend your own money

yeah they are retards blowing their money on skins, but who cares?

videos like the ouya one or the NMS one are far better

this skins video is just petty

Stefan "You can do anything, as long as you're not a nigger" Molyneux

Found the gambling addict.

>white kids.

oh look we have a nigger over here

How you spend your money has an affect on what products are made, how they are made and how they are sold. This is why people get mad at you for being a wreckless consumer and gambling addict.


>Stefan "Not an argument" Molyneux

i have spent 5 bucks on CS:GO and then dropped the game, yes i am an addict :(((

Why do you care who buys NMS or the Ouya? Who cares. Those videos are just petty.

Is this the underage thread?

you re saying you want to impose regulations on people that by their own free will spend their money on shit that you dont like?

what the fuck

this is the underage thread

There's a difference between making a jokes in relation to Sup Forums and acting like a fucking middle schooler who thinks he's funny. Atleast the middle schooler can mature. People on Sup Forums are in their 20s and 30s for the most part.
Not even black. It's just white kids tend to be sarcastic and insecure and the same time.
Source on image? I swear it's /x/ related but I have no idea.

Fuck off, our only guy is Super Bunny Hop. No one else.

The righteous few among us don't make it widely known though, so you all don't fuck it up for the rest of us like what happened with Matthewmatosis.

>you will never be as bitter and fully contrarian as newfag Sup Forumseddit

think of it from a moralist standpoint, that they've distilled money-making into feeding people's gambling addictions

Literally the best

Its funny because NEOFAGS really really love him

It is a wellmade video that shows how stupid skins are. It is nice if you pay a few bucks on a nice looking alt skin or something like that but now its just too far gone. 2k for a knife skin? Jesus fuck its just stupid.

Its like clothing brands where designer brand clothes are made in the same sweatshop as no-brand ones. And you pay 100 dollars more just so you can get a brand on it.

And now we do the same but with a virtual skin.

le deep look into fucking videogames skins
delusional Sup Forumsermin.