Which games have the worst fanbases in your opinion and why? Don't be shy

Which games have the worst fanbases in your opinion and why? Don't be shy.

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There is no game with a good fanbase

Overwatch: underage and retards
WoW: underage and retards
LoL: underage and retards
Smash: underage and retards
Majora's Mask: hipsters and retards

what is happening in this image

Smash easily

Ps4 players are all underage crybabbies

>hurr it's a serious competitive game not just nintendo garbage
>muh tier lists

Bad Rats

Metal Gear

>suck Blizzards dick and are hyped for cosmetics because they cant play anything else
>buy games from Steam sales they never play

Really? After MGSV?


FF 7

Dota's fanbase isn't that obnoxious outside the game, but they really make me want to quit.

D souls

Sonyggers because of victim complex and never ever posting
Mustards for /r/masterrace bullshit, port begging, and general thread quality decline, along with Valvedrones, moba trash, and sjw indieshit
Nintendrones for being good goys and more than willing to send a card if Reggie rubs shit all over his chest
Soulsfags for pointing fingers at each other and being assblasted over sonyfags being able to enjoy all the games in the series
AoEfags being Sup Forums or Sup Forums with the WE shitposting that spreads whenever a black character is mentioned nowdays
SMTfags for blindly hating Persona without enjoying both. IS/EP faggotry is another level of shit though that hate everything that isn't those two.
Overwatch threads are usually circlejerks or cancer that never moves to /vg/
Pokefags never fuck off to /vp/
Sup Forumseekend faggots that never go to /vg/
FFXV apologists and shitposters alike, especially XVkun.
Barneyfag for samefagging and starting shit with his own posts and autism.
Console warriors that ruin all PC releases and general multiplat discussion.

I hate this whole fucking board

Undertale. Crappy 4bit game with a cliche story and sjw characters highed by fans as a god-tier.

>the worst fanbases

you do autistic wojak/frogposter

Nearly any game where the main point of appeal is the characters themselves.

Life is Strange
Fallout 3/4 fans, because they're always that same brand of normie vidya gamer who'll eat up anything Todd shits out for them because it's Fallout.

Overwatch could be ok if all the waifufags were gassed.

Let me guess... Xbox One, eh?

what is this image supposed to mean


Sup Forums
Faggots all of us.

>he calls people who play Fallout normies
>he plays overwatch and post images from tumblr
oh the irony

>Anime games
>New Vegas
>Fallout 1/2
>Mario Galaxy 2
>Smash bros Melee
>Anything Sony
>Deus Ex
>Dark Souls

Everyone who likes these games should be executed.

>>Fallout 1/2
That's just the faggots on NMA. The rest of us are pretty swell, really.

moba fans in general are faggots with superiority complex

>caring about autistic fanbases on an autistic hobby
You might as well stop playing videogames altogether.

>still getting triggered by tumblr filenames

cmon man

Souls, definitely Souls these days.

Every fucking action game with melee combat has to be compared to "ABLOO BLOO ITS NOT LIKE SOULS SOULS IS BEST NO OTHER COMBAT IS GOOD WAHH".

Its decent but the fanbase is so fucking dimwitted and rabid about it, it really sours talking about it.

I won't say what game but its to do with the person itself

>Underage kids with no concept of life
>Irritable shit talking smart ass pubescent teens
>Ingame Dj's blasting music
>Kids that are underage and talk shit
>Kids/Whoever that troll
>The desperate nerd that "Shows off" to a girl thats playing a game
>People that critique the way you play negatively
And lastly
>The faggots that think their taste in games are superior, but don't realise that there is something called. An opinion.

>w-we're all autistic guys, please don't judge me
>t. autistic weaboo

>>The faggots that think their taste in games are superior, but don't realise that there is something called. An opinion.
How often is this """argument""" used as a validation for objectively garbage """taste""", like liking Fallout 3.

>when you say that the combat is the same as Witchers

Superiority complex over every other ASSFAGGOTS but the game they mainly shit on (LoL) has literally millions more players.

They literally can't stop memeing for one second.

Normies who pretend to like vidya. Also, cringey tattoos

>Dank souls

Stockholm syndrome

Undertale, the game is fine, but the fans are the cringiest shit I've ever seen in my life.

Pretty much any nu-fun game

I never understood this image



Who was in the wrong here?

#1: All ASSFAGGOTS and similar style games
#2: Undertale
#3: Fighting and Souls style games are equal here.


Better question is, whose fault is it? The games or the person?

Am I not allowed to play all the games mentioned ITT even if I try to behave decently?

Nintendo. People still defend those fucks after their anti-consumer behavior.

>Don't be shy.

>ctrl+f xbox
>only one result mentioning it but not hating it


That we've got a bunch of teens who only grew up with xbox?


As a Pokemon fan, Pokemon fans. God damn do the autists who like these games make it hard to keep playing. And the Pokefuckers are a different tier altogether.

I want this ride to end.

I don't see what that has to do with fanbases

not everyone is some kind of leech that wraps their lips on the first corporate cock they see

HomeStuck or undertale.

>posts mostly decent games from diferent genres
>should be executed
Do you even play video games?

Star Citizen without a doubt

I like your style.

Sonic used to be pretty bad but now they've mellowed out quite a bit, with some genwunners still stirring shit but not nearly as bad as before. In terms of modern franchises/games, Undertale, FNAF, LoL, and all the other obvious ones are awful. Some bases fluctuate in bitchiness factor, such as the SMT fanbase, which can be the angriest group of people to ever face off against god, or can have threads as comfy as a good Kirby thread, or a modless Robot fucker thread. Sometimes how bad a fanbase is depends on the people celebrating the game at the time, sometimes it's just awful through and through.

>Xbox One
>Having a fanbase

Blizzdrones take the cake.

all fanbases suck ass, even for games I enjoy. people who gather together to discuss a singular topic for extended periods of time only breed autism.

Fallout, it use´d to be a great thing to be a fan of, now most of the fans are bethesdakuk´s who disregard the actual good games of the series as old junk since their not made by 100 millennial and a lying midget.

But fallout 3/4 fans ARE normies.

>implying activision slaves aren't a breed of their own.

>le epic may may xd kappa kappa 123 its only game cyka blyat subscribe to my twitch/youtube le jokester funnyman :^) projection nu-males cucks muh skins DUDE LMAO Xd ... dont use that gun cuz i dont use it doge

did i miss anything???

Any mainstream fighting game
The legend of Zelda

only one mention of Dota 2, step it up faggots, that fanbase is cancer incarnate.

New Vegas
Anything by Blizzard
Devil May Cry

Nintendo. Which games? All of them.

Dark souls
CoD and anything Dice shits out
Post 2005 Bethesda fans

Still not as bad as the other mobas, have you ever seen a Smite fan?

Summed it up well

what the fuck is wrong with mario galaxy 2

FFXIV. As much as I like this game, its fanbase is easily one of the most pathetic and autistic Ive ever seen in a game to this day.

piranha bytes

they haven't made a good game in almost two decades and yet their shitty fan base continues to support their garbage games

Simply ebin

Agreed, the game is absolutely unplayable if you're not playing it with your friends.

Don't think you could have shittier taste little buddy.


>paying 60 dollars for inferior multiplats
>paying 60 dollars for online
>let devs cuck them with 10 fps in games

They are a cancer and need to be destroyed.

All Valve games

>i have shit for taste and whenever i bring it up people are mean to me

Good list

Final Fantasy

Dark Souls because they think they know everything about gaming and only shit on other games.

And ofc

Street Fighter and it's snobby players shitting on every other fighting game but shilling the fuck out of their own, pretending it has no flaws.

>t. Personafag

Persona fans are terrible and try to shove their waifus and ideals into everything. As bad as MLP in its prime

Don't mention SF and you won't get shit.
Also quit using our venues and buy your own space.

Undertale is a good game but 80% of the fanbase needs to be euthanized

This faggot was raped as a child.

Nintendo. Smash and Pokémon especially.

Neo Blizzard/Neo WoW Fanboys
Pokemon autists
Undertale butterflies
Neo Nintendo fanboys
Xcucks (thank god there aren´t many of these retards)

>just posts a list of popular games
This is shitposting

We don't. You fuckheads come into our places first to talk shit.

We wouldn't have to be at your venues if you made them SF exclusive.

>Xcucks (thank god there aren´t many of these retards)
yeah, how dare they to play videogames instead of participating in shitposting on Sup Forums.

Touhou. Basically the MLP of video games. Pick a waifu, circlejerk about her, ignore the crappy source material.


>normiebox that low

Xbots don't exist on Sup Forums. They were shamed into silence years ago.

Anti-fanboys, they are worse than the fanboys themselves.

Pokemon GO

>that salt


Dark Souls fans easily. They are responsible for spreading the "artificial difficulty" cancer and making every clueless dumbfuck think he's some kind of video game design expert.
