ITT: Games that nailed the atmosphere
ITT: Games that nailed the atmosphere
STALKER the first one
BB is always great
Couple months ago I played Metro 2033 Redux. Holy shit was that game immersive.
You start
Agreed, i'd say Metro as well
Nvm it's a BB sperg thread in dusguise, not gonna bother.
Bye :(
Not really, just posting some screenshots i got from it which i think are thread related, this thread is for such screenshots to be posted BB or otherwise
I hope Bloudbourne gets remastered on Neo. The game was brilliant, 8/10 easily, but the technical limitations were way too obvious.
a t m o s p h e r e
Nothing beats Diablo 1 desu
Fallout 1 is also goat.
Demon's Souls did atmosphere really well too in my opinion.
prove me wrong
and 5/5
Redux is shit
this looks great, what is it from?
I don't know if anyone has said this yet but bloodborne was literally grade a best souls game
What didn't Bloodborne nail?
Multiplayer systems, everything else was pretty much gold
Bioshock fucking nailed it.
One of the few games which manages to be spoopy and comfy at the same time.
vampire the masquerade: bloodlines
pretty much
A PC release
I can smell the underage from here
Prince of Persia Sands of Time
Alice and Alice Madness Returns
Darkest Dungeon
King's Bounty reboot
the first Mass Effect
hope they don't fuck up the remaster
to this day Bioshock 1 remains a masterpiece
I'll have to play it then
Bloodborne's atmosphere was excellent but it still didn't eclipse Tower of Latria for me. Fuack that place is unsettling. BB's still the overall best though.
Yeah yeah i know edgy and all
Warrior Within had great atmosphere throughout the game
I havent played DeS, but if it was more unsettling than Hypogean Gaol then it must be some great area
Can't wait for the remasters 2bh
You should, it definitely has many flaws though.
It's a bit dated because of the hardware and being 8 years old almost but it's pretty good. Going in with no prior knowledge is terrifying, although BB would probably prep you for that a bit. It nailed sound design better than any other level from the Souls games and only BB surpassed it in that front.
I cannot standing going walking under places where water is dripping down. It blurs my vision and makes my eyes freak out.
It really didn't. Green tint doesn't equal atmosphere unless you're 15 and have not played a single actually atmospheric game in your life
Best game in the series, jokes aside.
I don't know why kiddies rage on it so much.
SoT is outdated, T2T is too linear. Also WW had some great designed areas
fuck this game Jesus Christ seriously
that locker scene almost gave me a heart attack when I played it on the 360 back in '06
kek I played the demo for this game, it was the biggest piece of shit ever
What was it called again?
10/10 atmosphere
Darkest Dungeon
You're just shitposting, you proved yourself wrong.
>photograpers go out of their way to remove chromatic aberration from their photos
>game developers enforced it and make a game tank to 20fps
yep in
simply yep in
I was thinking about getting that game dude, do you recommend it
i just ran and screamed out loud trough the entire library, was really low on ammo and couldnt fight my way trough them so i just ran, hearing them shuffling towards me and their breath in my back
nah it just had comfy music
Darkest Dungeon is amazing at that.
Playing the demo made my jaw drop. It was one of the best video game experiences I've ever had - the introduction monologue, underwater travel, setting first steps in a corrupted world... I wish I didn't replay it 3 more times, the novelty wore off a bit by the time I got the full game.
>Tamriel is supposed to be a dense jungle with a bunch of giant swords and shit everywhere
>In-game it's a sparsely-populated campground with no swords and a population of 100 people
Your /fa/ is pretty cool, OP. Do you hqve a screen of the front of your character ? I take that the torso is Gherman's ?
Not him but I burnt out on it really quickly after constantly failing from some RNG shit. It's really cheap though and if you love rogue likes or like Lovecraft then I'd pick it up.
>Good gameplay
>Good atmosphere
>A soundtrack consisting of more than generic orchestral trash
>Environmental variety
Everything that makes a game good.
I fucking loved reloading that shotgun. I dont know why it just felt good.
In recent times for me anyway...
Dead Space 1&2 (Mostly 1 though)
Dark Souls
Witcher 3 (In some places)
The Last Of Us
Deus Ex HR (Not a big fan of the game but the atmosphere was great)
Hitman Contracts (More-so than other Hitman games IMO)
Sleeping Dogs
GTA IV (Shits all over V in terms of atmosphere)
But user thats too hard for Todd to do.
That Liberty City is one of my favourite levels / worlds on the history of videogames. It feels so organic and real.
yeah ghermans top
Fallout 3
It's more spooky than Hypereon Gaol overall, but nothing in any Souls games is more terrifying than ending up in Yharhagul after being killed by an enemy you likely completly underestimated and then not having a lamp, listening to weird chanting and realising the same enemy who put you here is all over the place.
>kek I played the demo for this game
>What was it called again?
Viva Pinata
Diablo 1
Gothic 1
Silent Hill 2
Thief 1 and 2
Final Fantasy 8 and 9
System Shock 1 and 2
Fallout 1 and New Vegas
Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne
Shadow of the Colossus and Ico
Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask
>wake up
>'okay this isnt good lets get out of here'
>walk up the stairs and see a bagman
>'okay lets just go this way instead..'
>more bagmen
>go back to my cell and cry
>Diablo 1
Tier of its own desu.
I'd like to add Disciplies II
It's a shame lamp post is very close. Should've added a few gates so you can't just run to the upper level.
if i heard their noises in a dungeon i ran back and never entered the dungeon again
Sure, user
Game looks really bad sometimes. Very blurry. It's especially noticeable if you play on a monitor or a big screen TV.
It's complete bullshit you have to have PS+ to read player notes and see bloodstains. Even more bullshit that you need it to make full use of the Chalice dungeon mechanic. I can understand locking PVP and co-op behind the PS+ paywall as it uses a not insignificant amount of data (as opposed to mere KB it would use for the others), but making it so you can't access the others is complete bullshit.
For how nice many of them look visually, they are pretty boring to fight against mechanically. Also so many "wolf-like beast with long mossy-like hair" visuals for bosses. I also found the majority of them to be fairly easy. I'm someone that pretty much only plays these games for the boss fights, so this was a pretty big buzzkill for me. The biggest offender for me was The One Reborn, who looked so fucking dope in his entrance, then was a complete pushover. Amygdala was the 2nd worst offender, only bosses I never died once against. The only ones I truly struggled with was Vicar Amelia (this one is mostly just me being bad, though), Logarius, Ebrietas, and Gehrman.
The basic mob variety is lacking as well. The human mobs you meet in Yharnam are littered throughout the game. Large pigs are in places that make no fucking sense. Plenty of areas that I imagine the conversations went like "sir, this area feels like there's not enough enemies" and the response was "just throw a couple crows there and call it a day 2bh farn".
That's about it, I guess. The DLC fixes every complaint about the last 2 sections, though.
Dying Light did a really great job with atmosphere. Shame the game drags on far too long and is bogged down by a lame story.
The question should be what Bloodborne player nailed. The answer is nothing.
Thief 1 and 2
Dungeon Keeper
Oddworld Abe's Oddysee / Exoddus
Arx Fatalis
You know you could have just stared directly at them and back away, right?
Atmosphere =/= grimdark horror
NPC questlines and NPC interaction in general.
The expansion was fucking dope though and had a way better ending sequence than the main game did. Rais was still a bigger dickhead though.
Patches the waifu
What game?
Lot of b8 in this thread user but I gotta admit those are some valid complaints
>nothing beats Diablo 1 desu
my nigga
ur mum lol
Looks like condemned 2: Bloodshot. Could be the first game but I'm pretty sure it's the second.
disagree with the NPC thing.