It's a rape/implied-rape scene

>it's a rape/implied-rape scene

Never happens, only in your cartoon porn games

Honestly wish happens for real but muh sjw.

Maybe in some old old game?

I didn't press x ;^)

I wish this would happen so the character could take revenge, male or female.

I had hopes (but i already know that was impossibile) for a life is strange rape or implied rape scene. Disappointment hurts only at 30% since my aspectations.

You haven't played Soul Nomad then?

In the evil route you don't save the adopted daughter of a deviant merchant and she's broken by the event.

whatever weirdo

Disappointments on ellie of the last of us.

Weirdo? I'll take it

Name three games that don't do this.

haven't played anything by david cage i see

FEAR 2 you get raped in the ending I think,

Silent Scope 2
Jackie chan


Skyrim mods

David wanted her consent, he would rather kill her(which he was about to until the machete) than rape her.

>Skyrim mods

Forgive me if I'm wrong, Rule of Rose?

One of the major characters is literally raped to death by a giant monster off screen.


you cant just say that shit without naming the character


Don't forget the implied mouse rape that happened.


Pic related, Visco.

She's Metallia's friend for most of the game, and a big reason Metallia does a lot of what she does. In the "Good" Ending, Metallia shows up to Visco's town after they've defeated the villains only to find the villains have trashed the place and done all sorts of shit, including raping Visco so hard she died, then the monster turns around to show her limp body hanging out of his bag.

In the "Bad" Ending (the proper ending), this still happens but Metallia rewrites the universe to undo it.

There's also where Metallia turns Malia her own mother into a mouse, then summons male mice that proceed to rape her off screen. Malia herself says she was "fucked by male mice" when she regains the ability to speak later.

>>it's a rape/implied-rape scene

That's my fetish

Which one?

Duke Nukem "Looks like you're.... fucked"

the mice thing

Reminds me of Cassandra in claymore

What did he mean by this?

>Want to he what happens
>After he caresses her he immediately chokes her
Geez okay then

It's only explicitly stated that the bad dude raped Visco's sister to death and he then killed Visco. The implication that I got was that Visco also got raped though.

Also I might be wrong but I think somewhere it was implied that Metallia got raped or at least abused when she was imprisoned and de-powered.

Her friend gets raped by a demon to death too

I might be remembering wrong then.

I do remember the Metallia in prison sections though, I remember almost expecting them to imply she was raped, but they didn't. They implied she went through some pretty bad physical torture though.

In the cutscene it was said bad guy tried to "join" the royal bloodline by raping the princess and Visco attacked him. It wasn't directly stated how she died, but I'd say it's fair to assume she also got raped.

Yeah, it was just that the person doing the torture is also the rape man so the way he taunted her sounded like some rape or at least sexual assault was part of it. That one was totally my interpretation though so I might be wrong.