Last chance to cancel that pre-order, user

last chance to cancel that pre-order, user...


>barely 30fps on a 970 card
>requires 16GB RAM
>1 hub, no world travel

Other urls found in this thread:

Also you only get half a game with a cliffhanger, sequel bait ending

Thanks but I'm buying it on PS4. :)

>tfw got a 1070
>tfw 16gbram

Im gonna enjoy the shit out of it and there is nothing you can do about it.

enjoy 50 fps on medium settings

human eye can not see above your mom

>16gb RAM


Yes, yes. Well done, user, well done, user.


There is literally nothing to play in August. So I'm going to settle for this.

I'm sure they'll patch it. Maybe.

>>barely 30fps on a 970 card
the drivers didnt even come out yet lol

probably because it's an unoptimized bloated pos so they're just bruteforcing performance with high-end hardware

Good thread, anti-shill. Keep up the good fight against those vidyagame jew shills, brother.

I'm sure you have a backlog, maybe a multiplayer game you can pick up again. Control your impulses just for a week, man.

> false
> false
> that's a good thing

I'll play it and I'll enjoy it.

There is world travel, for single missions only, which is fine because that's basically what HR did (Singapore, Montreal) if you ignore Hengsha

>buying any Squarenix-game
You're literally asking for it.

>1 hub, no world travel
the hubs in HR were fucking tiny. Pragues 4 hubs are bigger and more detailed than the ones in HR. stop bitching.

>wah wah why won't this current gen game run at 60 fps on my last gen hardware
literally kys

>enjoy 50 fps on medium settings
nice try

As longs as I can run it 1080@60FPS I don't give a shit even if it's lowest everything else, can't look much worse than HR

any reviews up?

I'll receive it tomorrow morning

Plus a Jensen statue

I have a 980ti so I won't have problems

>barely 30fps on a 970 card
pc cucks
>requires 16GB RAM
pc cucks
>1 hub, no world travel
>no world travel
There's that london thing, and the antartica place

no reviews before release is bad news friend

I'm getting the optimized PS4 version, so no worries there.

>sonycucks think their shitstation will outpace a 970 on equal settings

That's on ultra sonycuck. Enjoy your sub 20 fps and muddy visuals. The 970 will push higher than ps4 settings but won't quite max it out.

>barely 30fps on a 970 card
It's a good thing I have an overclocked 1070
>requires 16GB RAM
Also have that.
>1 hub, no world travel
Not a deal-breaker, IMO.

>last chance to cancel that pre-order
Nah, mate. I'll watch a walkthrough of that shit for free.
20 hr eastern yuro shithole simulator doesn't sound like a good investment.

>barely 30fps on a 970 card
Nice meme.
>those with GTX 1060s/970s or above should be able to run the game at a smooth 60fps at 1080p with little issue

I didn't even say that I'd play on ps4

There are reviews though?

>he fell for the PC meme

So you don't like Stalker either?

>all the benchmark sites running the game at 8xMSAA

is there any proof that the game runs like shit even when you turn it off?

The review embargo was lifted since last Friday

Are you implying those games have a similar aesthetic or something? Because they don't.

PCgamer reviewer ran it on 8gb fine

>he fell for it
Good, good...

IGN's reviewer ran it fine.

>Not playing Nuka World

>eastern European shithole
>eastern European shithole
>they don't
Uh huh

It's already being shipped but at least it is on ps4.

>eastern yurop
>not mini russia
Again, aesthetically they are different.

I'm sorry you're too dumb to spot the difference.

This. People are crying over nothing, literally.

Vomits internally

Already cancelled my preorder 4 days ago, if I happen to be wrong I'll just pick it up again.

>A word of warning for ultra or any other preset, though: turning on MSAA absolutely nukes performance. At its x2 setting it chopped my framerates down into the low 50s, at x4 the low 40s, and at x8 into the high teens - so flipbook territory, essentially. My advice? Leave MSAA off and go with temporal anti-aliasing instead. Not only does it do a decent job at keeping those jaggies at bay, but it only incurs a very minor performance cost.

>those with GTX 1060s/970s or above should be able to run the game at a smooth 60fps at 1080p with little issue

faggots forcing another TORtanic situation BTFO

>not mini Russia
Thanks for the laugh.

i got a 760. how fucked am i lads?

>Want my cyberpunk fix
>read early reviews

very sad, its another MGSV basiclly
Why does it keeps happening

It's not, it's distincly Eastern Yuropeen.

I.e. eastern slavs trying hard to mimick big catholic Central Yurop architecture. While Ukraine and Russia are atheism commieblock-comieblock-factory.

The only part remotely simiar to Prague in Stalker games is Limansk. Evend then it's the shittiest part of the worst game in the series.

>While Ukraine and Russia are atheism commieblock-comieblock-factory.

Hey not all Russia is like that!

Does it have Denuvo?

Prepare to run it on low to medium at 30fps

So whats this about it being half a game?

MD is not an empty open world with no atmosphere, it's not like MGSV at all.


This. Got it super cheap thanks to a coupon. Didnt go with season pass but got the game for 35$ bucks. Thanks stacking coupons and flash sales.
>barely 34 fps
>minimum 7fps
And i got only 1070gtx ...
Ok, im giving this one pass, fuck that man, even Arkham Knight on launch ran 2x better

>cries that consoles are holding back pc gaming
>cries when devs release a game that looks amazing and has higher requirements than his laptop IGPU

"PC master race"

>MSAA 8X in the title
Yeah, a retard like you should definitely pass

How big is the only hub world?

just preordered thanks for the advice op

>>barely 30fps on a 970 card
but there was a streamer with a 970 getting 50~60FPS with a mix of high/ultra
the hell are you on about OP?

Its msaa not full screen supersampling
With 2x 1080 sli it should still run smooth as butter
No excuse

Also i have never had msaa by this impactfull on fps, it would shave off a lot of performance form games, but never to an unplayable state if the game ran at solid 60 before turinng it on.
Especially ina modern game witha lot of per pixel shading which is shared between msaa samples, again its not full supersampling of each pixel.

>not full screen supersampling
MSAA is literally just supersampling on a smaller scale though, it renders edges at significantly higher resolutions

And that doesn't even go over the fact that Ultra settings turns on Contact Hardening Shadows, which also fucks the framerate. SLI support also hasn't been patched in, so his SLI 1080s are pointless, that's the performance on a single 1080, on a 1060/970 or higher you can easily hit 60 fps

Also DX12 support hasn't been patched in yet.

>Tested on an Intel i7-6700K @4.00 GHZ, 32GB of Ram, GeForce GTX 1080

yeah his impressions of the pc version is something I care about.

nigga, that motherfucker can run anything. how the fuck would he know if it runs good on a 970 card?

>b-but its just a beeeta
kek, you faggots have 0 self awerness

I'm pretty confident.
No need for 8x MSAA.

>But it's a beeeetaaa
That's literally not my argument, at all, try not being illiterate first

Considering at the lowest settings the game never dropped below 110 fps on his 1080, it's very easy to imagine, that cards about 30% or so weaker should be able to handle the game just fine at half that framerate. Especially when you consider that on medium settings the game sticks around 110 fps as well, indicating he's hitting a framerate cap on lowest, so there's even more performance unaccounted for.

Also we're conveniently ignoring the neogaf fag getting consistent 60 fps on high settings with a 770.