You can go back in the past and make any 1 game not suck.
Which do you choose?
You can go back in the past and make any 1 game not suck.
Which do you choose?
But the Saw game was bretty good desu. The sequel was even better.
That voice acting was fucking shit on sticks
I choose Metroid: Other M
Pokemon ORAS, I don't even think it's shit but there was so much potential and they squandered it
I'd say Tales of Zestiria but its being total shit led to a change in staff that seems to have saved the series
my life
I can think of 5 games that are ass technologically but real fine otherwise. Pic is one example.
i guess his wish came true
i guess something pretty niche that could've started a new trend if it was good.
less make it "not suck"
more "fucking finish the game"
Any console Zelda since MM.
The game that was the relationship between me and my father.
It all went wrong with Winter Vacation DLC
How much does "not suck" get me?
Twilight Princess was good though
8/10s are generally not suck because 7/10s are mediocre
>scale from 0 to 10
>7 is mediocre
>8 is "not suck"
you're a retard
Whats your rating system then, Einstein?
duke nukem forever, or quake 4
5, being at half the scale, represents mediocrity and not being nor terrible, nor good. 7 is a game that's above mediocrity but it's far from perfect (example: a game with good gameplay, but with low tier graphics), 8 is a good game, fun until the end, but doesnt manage to quite get it.
If a game is lower than 90 on metacritic it's obviously not worth playing
DNF, Q4, Doom3, UT3, basically what killed an entire generation of old school FPSs
the entire DMC series after the first one
fallout 3
Will this meme ever end?
>the entire DMC series after the first one
That's cheating, he said pick 1, so pick either DMC2 or DmC.
What was cut? I've never heard of it. Dante had his own levels and unique bosses on paper, didn't he?
DMC4 because that one is still treated like a canon/ worthy DMC game
2 is basically non canon and completely ignored and DmC doesnt even pretend to be in the main series
what meme?? i just found it a bit too boring
>that one is still treated like a canon/ worthy DMC game
It totally is worthy. Flawed, yes, but it has beautiful gameplay, beautiful optimization, and everything else is tolerable. Pick whatever DMC game you like the most, and there'll be areas where it's limited compared to DMC4.
>Pick whatever DMC game you like the most, and there'll be areas where it's limited compared to DMC4.
its the DMC game that throws everything that makes DMC out of the game- when it still isnt in the top of its genre when concerning the mechanics it pays attention to, the only sad reason anyone would pay attention to it is...
1. Its on PC unlike ninja gaiden, bayonetta or god hand
2. It has an innoffensive anime artstyle, its straight up neckbeard fuel and its surprisingly easy compared to every other DMC game
Aliens Colonial Marines
Dante was supposed to have his own totally original levels and bosses.
Often in Japan they start working on the gameplay and mechanics first. Which explains why Dante has weapons named Lucifer, Pandora and Gilgamesh, despite never having faced bosses with those names. Because originally they were his own bosses, not just Nero's rehashed.
>DMC game that throws everything that makes DMC out of the game
>combat system is a mix of melee and guns with style points
>difficulty system pretty much identical to previous games
>emphasis on boss fights
>70% identical combat mechanics to DMC3, but upgraded without removing much
Yeah ok. I don't wanna be an ad homineming faggot, but you really just sound like one of those people who don't even play the games and are in it just for the story and the yaoi.
>surprisingly easy compared to every other DMC game
It's surprisingly easy if you play it on easier modes and have previous knowledge of the game. The difficulty on normal modes is alright for people new to the series, and the harder difficulties are just as challenging as DMC3.
Crash Twinsanity
It would've been GOTY if it was finished and polished, and hopefully kept the series on track
>>combat system is a mix of melee and guns with style points
>difficulty system pretty much identical to previous games
>emphasis on boss fights
>70% identical combat mechanics to DMC3, but upgraded without removing much
by this logic DMC1 and 4 are the same game
the biggest change is that it dropped any notion of survival horror or gothic style in general- DMC3 was already straying to the wrong direction but at least it didnt drop absolutely everything that makes DMC
The biggest offense in DMC4 is that if it wanted to be anything but a glorified expansion pack for DMC3 it should have gotten with the fucking times- its unacceptable to just throw in a neutered style system from DMC3 and slap it on the DPAD if it still nets garbage results compared to hack and slash games that fully focus on their combat system- the control scheme for DMC4 is dogshit for Dante, and the way he actually plays is barely a change from DMC3, it just operates on the logic of "more is better" with even worse enemies and bosses
>dropped any notion of survival horror or gothic style in general
It did drop horror, but if you don't see the gothic style just because not all areas are at night, you're a lost cause.
>and the way he actually plays is barely a change from DMC3
Let's ignore that there is a new character, and 3 new characters in the DLC. DMC4 Vergil is amazing too.
I'm not gonna argue about this anymore. I don't know what kind of a mindset do you have to be in not to recognize the virtues of DMC4 combat.
Lmao no.
It was tolerable. There's a difference.
Fallout 3 was easily inferior to NV by miles. Fallout 4 somehow managed to be worse than both of them.
I feel like this could be so much more
>2 is basically non canon and completely ignored
beat DMC4 on human (easiest difficulty) and you get pic related.
Capcom and Itsuno still considers DMC2 canon.
Let this fucking meme die
>I seriously hope you guys dont think its anything but a retirement community
No Mans Sky
Dark souls 2
Replace Gearbox with literally any other company