Tell me what you hate in video games Sup Forums.
Tell me what you hate in video games Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
heterosexual romance
I hate quicktime events
Hand holding.
Reboots that set a franchise, and it's genre back several years.
The lack of representation
t. Virgin
Online single-player/always-online DRM.
New developer picking up old serious and changing the Canon ending
When the game tries to be funny by putting sarcastic jokes everywhere
The Witcher 3, Fallout 4
I hate every challange, every task, every battle, every boss that needs to be defeated JUST THAT ONE WAY THE DEVS THOUGHT ABOUT.
Theres nothing more annoying when I keep trying tactics and shit but "lolol theres only one specific thing you can do and its also stupid and not fun!" is all the game offers
i hate doing stuff
Rare QTE that are completely out of place and completely unpredictable inserted into cutscenes.
You relax, let go of the controller or keyboard, sitting there and bam, you miss a QTE.
single player open worlds
Is this the homo thread?
No this is the aniki thread
Every reply is on topic. It has 3 images.
>the higher the level the bigger the creature
>important characters are twice your size for no apparent reason
>conversation between two NPCs, one is voiced and the other isn't
>they were corrupted so they can't be held accountable for their actions
>one button drifting
>there's a clutch but it doesn't actually do anything
Hey buddy i think you've got the wrong door, the leather club's two blocks down
>the game autosaves immediately after and locks you into the consequences of missing the qte
Speaking of QTE's
I'm considering developing a QTE heavy game, which blends real-time gameplay with cutscenes often, but it won't tell you when you need to press a button, and depending on what you do (hit, defend, dodge, etc.) the cutscene will turn out differently.
The general gameplay will be like DMC3, but with "better" and more platforming, but quite often things will happen which will one way or another move your character for you, or impair movement, and move the camera in a cutscene-like manner, so you'll have to react to whatever you see is happening, when it happens.
Does this sound like fun, or should I just scrap this idea?
Scrap the idea. Now knowing when you can and can't do anything isn't fun at all.
floaty jumping and shitty controls
looking at you dustforce
warrior, rogue, mage, cleric
I've never seen a more wrong post, please hang yourself
there's at least 5 frames of delay between pressing the jump key and actually jumping on top of whatever input delay your system/monitor delivers
it feels like absolute shit
Poor controls. No matter how good a game is, if it feels bad to control your character then it's not a good game.
I dislike Soldier in Tf2.
He has no fucking counter. He's so hard to kill, can dish out insane damage without needing to hit anything ever and has absurd mobility.
Fuck that class. Jack of all trades does not belong in a counter-class based shooter
He has no counter, but he doesn't counter anyone, also heavy/scout can kill him reliably
Funny, this is why I always ended up playing Soldier.
Jack of all trades can make up for the retarded team.
>Just shoot at the ground
Scout ded
>Shoot heavy from a distance
Heavy ded.
No, fuck soldier. There's a reason try-hards play Soldier. He's so unbalanced.
Recently started replaying La Mulana and a bit of Spelunky.
As much as the rigged, first Castlevania tier controls annoy me, they are infinitely better than the floaty, slippery controls in Spelunky.
>Bamham combat.
Press x to kill enemy
Fuck you.
Status effects that aren't worth using on weak enemies and powerful ones you want to use them on are immune
>it's a gym level
Death being meaningless
>Find a health kit in a game while at low health
>accidentally rip the skin while trying to heal yourself
Slow starts.
Longass install
Giant patches
Configure settings
No controller support so gotta map it which works as well as eating soup with chopsticks
Reset game for changes
Long boring ass intro
Long boring tutorial
It takes like 6 fucking hours to even start games any more, along with a doctorate in computer science
>enemy literally will not stop rolling away
Tutorials you can't skip
And most games keep getting it wrong.
Paralysis, sleep and poison are never worth it on regular mobs, while bosses are always immune to them.
Or the one hit kill skills. Waste a lot of mana/action points, aren't worth on regular mobs because you can kill them easily anyways, and they don't work on stronger enemies.
>I am a.. performance artist.
>door is blocked by magic until you kill all these enemies
>must hold this position even though its not important and theres no threat of losing anything but your life and time
I thought I was still on /fit/ for a second there.
- Cinematic Experiences
- Season Passes
- Reboots
- Graphics > Gameplay
- Triple AAA garbage (all of them)
- Kickstarter
- SJWs
- Female Twitch Streamers
- Console War faggots
- Free to Play garbage
- Quick Time Events
- Microsoft (Mid XB360 - Present_
- Poorfags if don't get off their asses and get a job so they turn to pirating. Thus not supporting the games they like.
- JRPGs with teenagers as the main protag (anime)
- The lack of mecha
- Games with boring ass combo that people believe is the best think since slice bread (see: Dark Soul)
- Games with half ass character customization so bad to the point it shouldn't even be there.
- People who don't even try to get good at video games before quitting
- I hate (You) user
Thank you America and Westernized Japan for ruining my favorite hobby.
Not the exact same thing you said but I hated it when I learned the Terraria devs patched out exploits from the game onlh because they wanted people to beat Moonlord legit. I got bored after a few attempts especially since there is nothing do to after him, I have no idea how people can stand fighting him legit on Expert
I've literally never played a game where status ailments were done properly.
>status ailments are adequately powerful
>regular monsters are too weak for them to be useful
>bosses are immune
>status ailments are weak or generally don't do much of nothing
>not worth anything on their own due to how weak they are
>usually just tacked onto other spells/attacks simply for the sake of doing so
Anyone know of any good RPGs/JRPGs that truly utilize status ailments well?
Pokemon does them right, I think.
I beat Lisa enraging everything with my trusty fish lawyer.
shoehorned "muh masculine female representative"
hmm i should get muscles and start rubbing them too women might like that
Spiral Knights does this very well imo
The general idea is to give the player the feeling that they should feel like they know when they can do something. The game would explain that you should always be ready to react, because you'll always be the one in control. So if an enemy flies at your character you should smack it back, or block it's attack.