Games like Firewatch? Are there any?
Games like Firewatch? Are there any?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dear Esther
It's not like Firewatch just because it's a walking simulator.
There's basically 0 interaction with your surroundings and 0 intriguing dialogue.
I don't understand, are you saying you made this thread with an intent other than getting suggestions for more shitty walking simulators?
I want an experience similar to Firewatch.
Dear Esther is not similar.
It's like saying all FPS games are like each other. Or all strategy games.
Do you understand?
What interaction does firewatch have?
I haven´t seen any other game that´s nothing but red herrings, so no I don´t think so
Sega Bass Fishing?
Until Dawn
The twist is the murderer is a harmless prankster and there's an actual monster unrelated to the pranks killing everyone off.
But if you are looking for a game where you walk through a world and get told a story you could try Oxenfree
You interact with the environment and basically decide the dialogue yourself.
You just came to make a shitpost thread huh?
All walking sims ARE the same if there's no gameplay or meaningful choices.
Is it any good?
yeah, but that games story does actually go somewhere and the monsters are real
I really liked it. Nice artstyle and music, it does have some of that coming of age shtick though, so if you absolutely hate that I would pass on it.
>All walking sims ARE the same if there's no gameplay or meaningful choices.
All FPS games ARE The same if you shoot and have a first person perspective.
>Until Dawn
>The Scooby Doo experience
>Now with the guy from Mr. Robot
life is strange
I didnt say they arnt hipster nu male.
All genres are in genres for a reason that's why we have fucking genres stop trying to cut up everything like you do with gender and shit cuck boi.
No one spoonfeed this tardo.
Learn to search google or look at steam you fucking mongaloid instead of shitposting just to get an answer you'd get else where.
Better yet go to Reddit.
quick philosophical question here
is firewatch technically kino? if so is it bad to like kino?
go home
the stanley parable
dear esther
>"its not just a walking stimulator"
Play Heavy Rain. It's what all walking sims should strive at minimum to be.
Life is Strange has a similar artstyle, but more realistic. I like the story more too.
A lot of shit can be said about Firewatch (especially the ending), but it had the greatest voice acting of all time.
>the stanley parable
Obligatory walking simulator kino.
What is this game actually about? I hear people going nuts over it.
It's about a dude who lost his family or some shit and go lives in the forest, and then the entire game is basically just while you walk around a forest.
And I really loved it.
not really
walking simulator: red herrings editions
it's shit
It starts off really fucking linear
It takes a bit to get started
but suddenly you think you're in deep
you get creeped out, but curious
and then it ends and you get ZERO(0) pussy
overall 7/10
Reminder that the devs of Firewatch was literally living in hell while developing the game. So please show your support and buy the game.
They had to suffer stuff like SHARING a bathroom, really makes you think.
Download The Beginner's Guide. It may be a bit more expensive than you would like, but the story is the of the most interesting and intimate stories that cover nearly every topic imaginable from game design to feelings of validation. Easily one of the more personal and intimate stories I've ever had the joy of experiencing and I would highly recommend it.
This guy gets it. The Stanley Parable is THE walking simulator. If there ever was a walking wimulator that was kino it would be this one. It may not be as interactive as Firewatch, but I enjoyed it all the same
Gone home
yeah, walking outside
Is firewarch a walking simulator ?
Stanley Parable
yes really
Or at least name a couple of contenders.
>They had to suffer stuff like SHARING a bathroom, really makes you think.
Was it developed in India or something?
Not human should suffer this fate.
every other halfway polished game has the same level of voice acting
I disagree, and you still haven't mentioned any games.
Netflix, a little bit less interactive but still just a movie.
Yes. Honestly I dont see how people can geuinely and wholeheartedly like this game, it's just too much smoke and mirrors and ref herrings and setups that dont pay off.
You're a hiker who eventually gets all the shit you'd need to go pretty much anywhere in the woods, yet you cant actually use them, they act as glorified button prompts to basically unlock pre-set paths. It's all an illusion of freedom. The forest is also a joke, there are like 2 animals that you run into in scripted sequences and aside from that it's fucking dead. All the atmosphere it manages to build up quickly collapses on itslef when you realize you're just walking in hallways of trees (which also acts as padding, at times to ridiculous degrees).
Also the entire game builds up this big mystery over hours and, without spoiling to much, in literally the last 5 minutes it goes "jk no mystery lol". How can anyone feel satisfied after that?
Turn on your tv and watch any channel.
off the top of my head fucking mass effect, there you go
not saying it's the best but neither is firewatch
Looks interesting.
Picked up on G2A for 2 bucks.