What games let me play as a slob?

What games let me play as a slob?

Check out them tig biddys.

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real life

The Hunger games

i look like that except i havent got an ugly face, how do i get rid of dem titties? they aint gyno.

my diary desu

stop being fat.

Eat less, and better, and go fucking walk/run you fat shit

source: fat shit who is turning his shit around


Alexander 'Hitman' Johans

what do you wear when you go running/walking?
do you just leave your house and walk around?

lifting weights will turn your titties into pecs. just do dumbbells at home if youre too chickenshit to go to the gym

You beat me to it user

san andreas

How do you even let yourself become like that

Do you look in the mirror and go ''looks fine''

The Sims?
like just eat all day
dont exercise
fuck your neighbours wives whilst their husband is at work
like in a single room with a toilet and shower in the corner


i hardly ever exercised as a kid due to extreme depression and no energy/motivation/will to get out of bed
luckily i never got fat. saul good now tho

No testosterone,seriously he has less testosterone than a typical woman.

Do you have a beard/and or are hairy?


we poor people can't afford that much food, user

>tfw stretchmarks on the underside of my arms


you get raised that way by your parents who don't have the foresight to see how much it fucks your life up

You're confused. I don't mean homeless or lower middle class. I mean poverty, and frankly when you're experiencing poverty you have no control over anything. Your metabolism will dictate how skinny you will be when you starve yourself.

You eat all the time when you're poor, because your positively reinforced to do so, not knowing when your next meal is. Whether that is off the mcdonalds dollar menu or some shit you can toss together at the moment. People with shitty metabolism and severe eating disorders tend to get morbidly obese and they carry this with them through the rest of their life. It's something that requires therapy.

A boy and his blob


>people saying poverty

He lives in a rich family,the problem is that having no testosterone made him extremely lazy and fat.

the problem is he consumes more fucking calories than he burns

you niggers are so fucking stupid

Daily reminder that Alexander is not a virgin.

Fucking your autistic boyfriend's butthole does not make you a non-virgin.

Real shit, he has hormonal problems.

Gym shorts/undershirt/headphones with music. And running shoes obv.
You might have to do some shopping.

You take steroids/testosterone. Seriously, the guy in OP's pic has explained in his many hour-long autistic rant videos that his body produces 0 testosterone at all, hence the actual and literal tits that he has.

Also a bit unrelated but why do deformed autistic freaks always tend to be super liberal shits?

Its both. The guy legitimately has shit genetics. Some guy posted how he some some testosterone deficiency that like 1 in 10000 people have.

how do I know if I have low T? I think that might be a problem of mine. no thicc/high test memeing please, but I do fap to big TnA


Go to a doctor and ask.

Do you gain muscle well if you work out? Is your penis functioning (can you get firm erections, have a normal sex drive, etc)?
Do you like manly activities like fishing and killing things?

I came here to say that.