This is you, right user?

This is you, right user?

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw this is me and my little sister



is this a dank new me-me


But are there lewds?


>tfw no imouto

>that girl has a Pokken player stand
I want my own pedo stand too ;_;


explain faggots


Can someone explain this new meyme please?

Why don't you have a seat, Sup Forums?


Post the webms

This is making me feel strange. What comes next?


It better be worse than this, because it just looks like some ugly teenager took his sister to a pokemon even. Not fair to trash the uggo for that.



>playing vidya gaems with my little niece sitting on my lap
>she's wriggling on my crotch




he may be reading this thread right now


Did Justin ever confirm that he goes on Sup Forums?

Is this really Justin? I don´t remember him being a fat lard.

You fags are too paranoid.

Pro-tip: contract your leg muscles. The blood will flow to them instead of your dick.

i dont know, i am just scared of the possibility


Sorta, remove the loli and add depression, you're in the right direction.

What are you talking about, hes always been a fat lard

Although now hes fatter than hes ever been

repeat after me


Ashley loves Wario's jew cock, the slut.

>my little sister always sits on my lap at church
>I always gets boner
>she knows

He was always kinda chubby but maybe you just remember him from his 2006-2008 years when he would make the biggest plays that still get posted to this date.

Still good but hasn't been amazing in close to a decade.

Isn't than an athlete thing? I swear I've seen coaches do it to their boxers or some shit.


Why does that glazed donut have two peppercorns on it? That's going to ruin the flavor.

>That worried guy in the background

>minus8 will never make another AshleyxWario animation
>even the pixiv guy stopped drawing ashley porn

Jesus that face she makes, like "please someone saw that right? call police"-face.

boy it's great to live in a society where a man interacting with young people is pedophilic

Pro-tip: stop being a fucking pedo she is your niece and underage!


It's not THAT bad but he was a bit overly feely with her I will admit. None of you faggots ever get an encouraging shoulder rub?

What? He's always been kinda chubby.

You're probably thinking:

Who isn't the same.

i mean, its the package, his appearance helps a lot the pedo meme

I really hope that it#s just the hot new meme, because if someone seriously was triggered by.... that... they REALLY need to readjust their sensors. Or better, jump from a high structure.

is she cute?

Yes but I am not a loli and not from a fat onii-chan looking straight out of a rape doujin

>its not THAT bad

It's not bad at all. If someone thought this was inappropriate it's their minds that need to be examined for connecting touching a young girl's shoulders with sexual affection.

Me and my niece. She's too lewd for her age. Constantly trying to hump and grind on me. Likes to play games like guess the color of my panties . She's always trying to kiss me on the lips. The first time she started to grind on my leg I freaked out a little because my sister, her mom was near by. My niece put her hand over my mouth, told me to stop talking, and to give her two minutes.

I see nothing wrong
Retarded murricans


You´re right. Who the fuck is this fat dude then?

Are they related? Because if it's his goddamn sister or cousin then fuck all of you.

>just sitting at home watching movies with dad
>mom comes in to see what it is
>asks about it
>after a few seconds she sits on my lap
>can't move away, her ass is too heavy and I'm stuck
>have to wait until the movie ends

You fags are worse than the SJW and feminists that you supposedly hate, bunch of repressed pedos.

I was when i was younger.
Little girls were clinging to me.
After I turned 25 they don't bother noticing.
Such is life i guess. Now i can only get sloppy seconds.

This is only a problem, because JWong is ugly af, prove me wrong.

It literally would be a no issue if he was even remotely attractive, and normies would even find it cute or endearing.

Why are loli so provocative?

thats hot

>le 4chin is full of pedos may may haha exs deer
El em ayy ooh

>Business suit on
>Decent looking
>Not fat
>Reading my presentation on a swing
>Mothers pull their daughters away when they ask me about things
Is real, you can´t go near children or go to parks if you are an adult.

Touching a woman is second degree rape.

Even worse, its full of numale betacucks whiteknighting for a little girl and getting trigerred at any kind of contact with a kid

Hang yourselves

If that loli was my imouto and that disgusting freak touched her I would have punched him in the fucking throat.

>I am not a loli
Get the fuck out of here then

>13 year old niece sometimes comes over
>alwasy sit on my crotch and play vidya on PC
>playing Street Fighter last time and she wouldnt stop squirming
>tell her to please calme down
>Why? are you getting a boner? *smuganimegirl.jpg*
>the little slut does it harder on purpos to throw me off
>make up some story that i have to go soon so she will leave
>masturbate to idolmaster doujins the rest of the day

Why are nieces such dickable little sluts?

[citation needed faggot]
[talk:and tumblr didn't count]

Justin Wong is asian, the little girl isn't. They're not related.

Id punch you back for being a rertard autist fuck

Go on.

You guys are ruining this fat otakus life with your meme.



Nice try OP.

you sick, sick bastard

The loli is his imouto user, not yours.

>El em ayy ooh

>calling out pedos makes you a nu male white knight beta cuck.

Describe your mom so I can fap to this.

>not replying, "yes wanna see it?"
Why are you such a fag?

he ruin his own life first we cant make it any worse

If this is a true story and she actually acts like that at 13 years old then you know what you have to do.

If she knows shes doing it with purpose.

Gods speed user.

You try not getting a boner from continuous stimulation to your dick. Happened one morning when the cat was sitting purring on my lap and I then had to get up and walk past my family with an obvious hardon under my pyjamas because I was getting nagged to get ready for school

Well at least shes exploring with you and not some stranger so she won't get hurt.

i have an urge, then wondering why there's no 'save as image' menu..

Then she stops you faggot. Are you new to this?

If they're related then it's ok. I doubt they are though, as he's clearly asian and she's not.

alo pdi

He wasn't as fat back during the EMP days.

>being dominated by a loli.

No? What the hell kind of advice is that