Ps4 Neo is coming out next month (unless you have a sauce that says otherwise) who here is buying it just to play Jap shit?
I didn't get a Ps4 since I'm a mustard race and we got most of your weeb shit already but Persona 5 is coming out in 2017 and no doubt a bunch of other JRPG's will be on Ps4 so it's time.
Ps4 neo yay or nay?
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i hate to admit but Anita's just keeps getting cuter as she ages
I'm on the same boat. Don't even care for the PS4 and the it's shit library but since Neo is coming out I might as well buy it at a cheap price. Also, there was no need to use Anita a the image. Now this thread will turn into shit in no time. See
>posts old photo
She gained about 20-25 pounds since 2012 senpai.
That said if there was more 'fan-art' of her I'd definitely pay attention.
She's fine as long as she's smiling. Sadly she's making an arrogant smug face most of the time.
so why post an old picture? She's chunky as fuck now. You can smell the grease on her.
>Don't even care for the PS4 and the it's shit library
Yeah same. The only thing I was interested in was Star Ocean 5 and that's coming to Pc. But eventually my rig will date and I don't wanna upgrade desu. I'm getting a Neo for the jap shit since I enjoy that more than anything atm. (Squad is cool on Pc but that's really it).
>Also, there was no need to use Anita a the image
I don't see how posting cute Anita's will make this thread any worse desu.
see Everyone looks better smiling as long as they don't have wierd teeth. Anyway Neo or not? That is the thread.
I can't find a good torrent for Boob Frequency. I thought it would be superbly available after the marketing.
Can you find a video? I've scoured the net and found not even a single shitty 480p vid of it. I've been wanting to fap to that for years.
>Boob Frequency
yay user,japshit is the only reason left to own a ps4,so go for it
I will hopefully late this year. I'll become a console pleb and enjoy muh anime tiddies in actual 60fps.
A parody prawn video of Anita made a couple years or so ago by a mistress who looked kinda similar to Anita (jew nose and all). Many anons here have been trying to find the video for ages but Anita probably got so buttblasted over it that she C&D'd it everywhere. Theres also a video where this parody Anita fuarks a parody Macintosh with a strap on. Again It's nowhere to be found.
I'm ok with thicc Anita but nigga just get a fucking PS3. It will have all the japshit you need.
post photo
She could stand to cut back on the popcorn.
I have a PS3 and a PSVita already. The new releases for PS3 dried up over a year ago and there are mostly just some bottom of the barrel bargain JRPG's on it now. Also the Vita whilst it does get some good releases still it can't hold out for much longer in reality. And yeah I know about the 200K. It's what she wanted to do before her Tropes vs women in videogames series, she just did that at the time because she's a basic bitch who sees games as popular hence views. She wasn't wrong though.
>being that fat
I still would desu but it would be just to say I did
Ps4 neo and Scorpio ftm will outdo any pc for price and performance for at least two years so it's a good idea, inb4 144hz @ 4k shitposters come in as if anyone is retarded enough to spend thousands of dollars to play games at refresh rates past 60fps
See & Popcorn is actually low in calories and fat as long as you don't put any butter on it and don't get some retarded sweetened version. I'm a /fit/ fag trust me on this.
low test
I find it really funny that someone would want to do porn of something like this and that they even know and brought Macintosh into the mix
As for the parody I think I saw some webms of it here, it was of this woman with the same shirt and earrings but with giant boobs doing lewd shit. Never really bothered to look up the real video tho
You do know Persona 5 will be on PS3, right? Breh trust me. PS4 neo is a fucking meme. Just wait until that shit price drops because you literally will not be missing any good games.
Also Anita should go back to this kind of hair. Unnfffff CUTE.
I'm getting one so I can replay bloodborne in 60fps
no photos of her fat ass?
So if I eat the popcorn that say they are "natural" flavored instead of "butter" flavor am I ok?
Ps4 Neo is coming out next month
wat? Neo and Scorpio are coming late 2017.
>will outdo any pc for price and performance for at least two years
Well they will play games on about medium with only basic anti-aliasing. But honestly if it's jap shit I don't care, there games are usually a bit behind the latest graphics at best anyway.
Too many games on Pc don't run at >60fps atm now because of shit optimization, there isn't enough on the market for me to put up with all the Early Access, indie, and crappy ports going on, and yeah I agree 4K is a fucking meme on pc still. As if I'm gonna drop thousands on an 8-core, Dual Gtx 1080 setup so I can run a few properly optimized games at 4k probably still not even at 60fps.
I said I still would you fag.
Well the video looked hawt from the trailers. Bear in mind all the buzz around it.
>P5 on PS3
only in Japan bro.
> PS4 neo is a fucking meme
The Ps4 price has barely dropped in all this time, waiting a year for 50 pound less inferior version of the console doesn't make sense.
Also muh DICC!
I don't like Dark Souls would I like BloodMeme?
There are some side shots of her on stage in 2015/2016. Google is at your disposal.
>popcorn's not so bad for you as long as it tastes like shit
Even though it will never happen, imagine if she did some photoshoots in skimpy outfits.
Sure you said you still would just to say you did rather than because she's hot.
No I'm referring to when people make homemade popcorn and put melted butter on it or at the cinema. The store bought shit will often have a zero calorie flavouring option just get that.
Sugar free sweetened popcorn actually tastes really good if you get the right brand. I never liked melted butter on muh popcorn anyway.
>Even though it will never happen, imagine if she did some photoshoots in skimpy outfits.
Life is suffering user..
Paheal had a new pic of her tho so there is some hope.
She has nice lips, but the rest of her face looks too jewish.
English please.
I would bang Anita anyday of the week but she looked way hotter back in 2010-2013 when she was actually in decent shape. I guess age caught up with her and then feminism made it okay to eat cake every fucking day.
>too jewish
When will this meme die?
I'd buy it if it had Bloodborne in 60fps 1080p
People don't actually believe the rumors of 4k 60fps right?
Right? Nobody is that retarded right.
OP here. I'm gonna be gone for 1-2 hours. Keep the thread warm.
If you could discuss the Neo that'd be cool, but I won't say no to cute Anita pics.
See? Low test.
2014 anita is hot as fuck
My ideal grill is Ellen Page. I like petite grills makes me feel more dominant.
I'm on a permacut now till I hit
uh, google I guess, sry I can't provide any source I don't follow the console news. From what I understood, next month will be the ps4 slim. The exact same thing as the current one but smaller. The neo and scorpio are for late 2017.
If Neo makes FFXV more bearable to look at, I'll get Neo
2012 was better way less wrinkles and her shoulders weren't as big because she was a lot leaner.
>A girl physically stuck in age 12
Low test definitely confirmed.
>worse hardware than Scorpio
>no gaems
don't bother responding with some chapter 3 levels conspiracy shit that they faked it
You've obviously never seen her sex scenes she has some nice pert tiddies. If you want to bouncing against some McDonald meat fattie power to you, I'd bang the shit out of some chubbies too but I'd only waifu a QT like Ellen or Boxxy (if her face was nicer that bitch is overated)
This, but I also like small girls, but if I could choose i'd go with an impossible strong but thick girl.
Think fat natural tits and thighs with strong arms and abs.
If that's true then why the fuck is there an amazon page for Persona 5 for PS3 for $49.99?
Nice pair
She's got bigger tits and a fatter ass now though.
Ellen Page has the tits of a 12 year old. No attractive at all.
>Buying the Xbox
Nigga I have a Pc talk about a no geames machine.
>worse hardware
If your going console you already make that decision nigga. If you want decent hardware don't go console at all.
>They stick out further than her big nose with her head tilted forward
>She's got bigger tits and a fatter ass now though.
fat anita video please
>amazon page for Persona 5 for PS3 for $49.99?
Have you not tracked a Japanese - English game ever? This happens everytime. Atlus already confirmed the EU/NA release is PS4 only.
>bigger tits
>fatter ass
Yeah and a double chin, lunch lady arms, a gut etc. not worth it.
>Ellen Page has the tits of a 12 year old. No attractive at all.
Nigga you need to STOP looking at 12 y/o's. Besides I'm an ass-man not tits. Flat is fucking masterace.
>good bra hoiking up saggy tits
THis is why flat is better, ages nicer.
I got a ps4 for free a month ago, so I don't know if I'll be getting neo when it comes out, unless it'll have a real good price and shit ton of games already released (like bloodborne or destiny or something) are gonna have 60 fps enabled
Later than you.
>implying a gut is a bad thing
>ass man
>flat is better
Low test confirmed
tell that fuck to keep her fuckin mouth shut while eating, every toddler has better table manners than this degenerated mouthbreather. fucking disgusting. she moves her soupslit like it was fucking filled with a gallon peanut butter while EATING 1 (ONE) FUCKING POPCORN WHAT THE FUCK
I had a friend once who would chew with his mouth wide open and breathed through his mouth as he did it, so the sounds that he made while eating could kill any appetite. He would get mad at me for calling him out on it. I've stopped speaking to him entirely.
Nay, Sony is incapable of providing anything other than CoD, Fifa and a calvalcade of trash 3rd party games.
Neo only if will increase (I mean a fucking lot) the experience on psvr , no other reason to drop a 600 just because slightly better graphic.