What are your hopes?

What are your hopes?

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better controls

non-retarded friends who don't stand around town all day saying they don't feel like reading quests and have no idea what the plot is or the quests are and just want to be directed to the fights

They hire a writer or two, lose the blizzard aesthetic and don't bother having their voice actors put on accents. If they can keep up narrative flow then maybe the game won't stall in the first two hours of gameplay.

There's nothing Divinity does that rpg's haven't been doing since the 90's.


4 player is what I hoped for and they already said that's in.

what I want is decent unique skills for classes like clerics. It sucked how clerics were just warriors with that took healing spells in the last one.

I just want to burn things with holy fire and have more weapon options other than just a piece of wood with nails sticking out of it.

Pretty high. I mean, I didn't really like the writing in DOS, but I can't deny it was a good game. It's also pretty much the only CRPG to come from Kickstarter that didn't just pander to "old-school RPG" mentality and as a result feels like a modern take on the formula. They also have Avellone on-board this time, even if all he did was supposedly write the undead origin story.

Do you know what the plot was? There were certainly a bunch of fantasy power words and a reliquary involved but that's sincerely all I've got.

getting rid of the dreadful turn based combat that should have died at the turn of the century

Is that early acces true? cause damn that'd be nice.

Yea, they announced it like thirty minutes ago

Fuck, that's great.

Bait no you for you

Fun with 3 other friends

>Easier and better plotline
>Different revive mechanic
>Cool spells and stuff
>BETTER ARMORS (20hours in and havent found one single piece of cool gear
>Quest markers
i think thats it

I hate how DOS2 apparently focuses even more on the multiplayer aspect than the first game. Mainly because I have no one to play it and the few people I know that own the game (as in the original) like to do things at a different pace than me and the amount of time that we are available at the same time is very limited. In the end I am probably going to play through it by myself. Not that it's a bad thing, but I won't deny that I am going to miss out on certain coop aspects. I just hope the game has more replayability than 'try out some new builds :)))'

I just want a more grounded and interesting story, which the store page on Steam seems to suggest, and more interesting loot.

Maybe also tone down the humor a bit, although I couldn't help but smirk every time I passed by the merchants in Cyseal.

Are you me?


In the end, which version was better?
Original Sin 1 or the enhanched edition?

>Quest markers


A good story and better writing.

An actual CITY

not just something the NPCs call a city and is in actual fact 6 buildings and a market


I just hope it is fully voice acted so my friend will actually play it instead of just skipping through dialogue

I just want the first game except with more options and a non-shit story.

What? Cyseal is pretty city-like. I got lost a lot of times when I started playing.

>dat feel when they threw Dragon Commander under the bus so they could work on DOS

I'm still mad.

rocks that fell from the universe grant magical powers to you and your soulmate who forgotten they are immortal guardians and fucked up said universe by letting a super dick out of the box they were guarding and you and your soulmate become so emo that you forgot everything but now that you remember you just felt like busting a cap into every fucking ass on the planet because fuck nature

holy shit, THIS. the game play sucked

>Quest markers
go die

>early access


They should've just stripped out the RTS part entirely and turned it into a mix of VN and empire management.

I've got so many people to play games with and not a single one is interested in a game like this. I try to talk friends into the first game all the time, but they never want to.
I really want to play the second one online with 3 other people though. Maybe I'm gonna search online for people to play with maybe even people from Sup Forums .


Better story and less joke characters or much funnier story and extremely hilarious joke characters.

Tired of the lukewarm tongue in cheek stuff, I want Avellone's influence to show.

All the storyfags in this thread need to unironically consider suicide. The game just needs to have combat as challenging as the first one on Tactician and some imaginative side-quests and it will be RPG of the year.

>2 days after the Dead Rising port comes out


D:OS was early access too. They used the early access the way it's actually meant to be done, ie a paid beta with an actual release.

I agree. The combat isn't challenging and it's not fun. It's so boring and easy that even a cripple could succeed with this "combat."

>dead rising port
dead game

Good to see they kept the Ultima design for a lot of the containers. Now just show me the undead race, and better armor designs.

>Quest markers

You can't be a phenomenal RPG if your story is totally worthless, user.

Basically just more variety in everything.

>getting rid of the dreadful turn based combat
You tell them, breh. If only all videogames nowadays could have visceral action combat as complex and immersive as Witcher 3 or Skyrim.


Fuck those turn based faggots up their shriveled asses, turn based combat requires absolutely no skill whatsoever and only an autistic manchild can get immersed in such outdated gameplay.

Less words, more meaning

The story was meh, but they put in way too much padding

>There's nothing Divinity does that rpg's haven't been doing since the 90's.
That's the point of Original Sin though.

I have yet to play OS1
>tried two times with two different friends
>one dropped because of university's xams
>the other because he would rather play NMS or Siege
I just want to play with a friend.

>You can't be a phenomenal RPG if your story is totally worthless
Yep, that's why Arcanum is one of the best RPGs ever made.

Literally neck yourself.

Can I still beat my enemies by building a wall?

It's either 100% real time or 100% turn based. Real time with pause is the worst and literally diminishes the quality of any CRPG that has it.

In the end I think you need to make up your mind whether or you want your first playthrough to be solo or coop. Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages. Consider what playing through the game by yourself and in the company of e-friends might entail and figure out whichever will give you the most joy.

>Tactician difficulty
>Lol have some extra monsters to come along with everything
I don't mind difficulty but tactician felt really cheap seeing as most of the difficulty came from the sheer amount of enemies you faced rather than individually strong opponents. I did a 100% playthrough on the EE version but ultimately never got around to do honour mode since I didn't feel like redoing certain fights of the game again. I can understand that it's tought to balance everything perfectly, but I pray that they give the big enemies more depth rather than just giving them an army of fuckboys to permastun your party.

Are you guys serious? Then go the plethora of other games that are considered action RPGs. We don't have enough turn based games.

>There's nothing Divinity does that rpg's haven't been doing since the 90's.
Wrong, retard. It has good and actually challenging turn based combat. Name me a RPG with encounter design as challenging as DOS DC on Tactician.

>I don't mind difficulty but tactician felt really cheap
Didn't read the rest of your verbal diarrhea. This was enough to understand that you're a casul shitter whose opinion is worthless.

I haven't played arcanum but story and agency is important to me if I'm going to sink a hundred or so hours into a game. I'm impressed by the things you can totally ignore, good for you I guess.

I was lucky enough to play it all the way through on tactician with a friend. That was so much fun, took us about 25 hours to do it. Going to be playing OS2 with them when we can aswell.

To be fair it really doesn't support multiplayer very well at all as far as quests are concerned. I wish some global voice in the sky said what your friend hears, instead you have to rely on a eavesdropping mechanic, it's easier to just work in parallel in towns doing what you need and just giving clip notes of a quest if you get one.

>plethora of other games that are considered action RPGs
You mean games like Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity, and Divinity 2?

more dynamic early game and less having to rely on shitty summons so your characters don't get overwhelmed and raped

>>Easier and better plotline
>>Quest markers
Spotted the console-shit.

Avernum II
Escape from the Pit
Age of Wonders

And the combat has some challenge in these games too. Just because it's pretty doesn't mean it's better, kiddo.

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

thanks for the social currency


But this is correct


What are you bitching about? That's basically the foundation of a RPG.

>Avernum II
>Escape from the Pit

>Age of Wonders
That's a 4X game, not an RPG.

none of those games are exceptionally hard, you fucking mongoloid. The only RPG that beats OS on Tactician when it comes to combat difficulty is Baldur's Gate with Tactics and Ascension installed, and arguably some Temple Of Elemental Evil encounters, but BG2 is not a true turn based game.

Actually come to think of it the entire Avernum series and most spider games use the same combat system with just more available character builds. Other than effects it's not significantly different


>That's basically the foundation of a RPG.
This is why you never ever discuss RPGs on Sup Forums with a strait face.

I didn't play until the end.. I think I have so much more to do in OS1 but I just didn't want to play alone anymore, I'm scared of missing stuff that would be much cooler with someone else.

>started the game with my best friend
>was actually fun in the beginning
>he starts getting bored because the game is to slow for him
>starts killing random people and robbing everyone
>mfw can't get into the first town anymore with him
>stop playing with him and find someone via steam to play with
>we instantly start playing
>after 15mins she needs to go offline because reasons
>isn't ready to play the next few days
>tells me 5 days later that she doesn't wanna play the game anymore because it's boring

I understand your suffering.
Wanna team up?

I'm pretty sure that I want to play the game coop. I like the idea of two different players with two different ideas of progressing through the game but need to work together, no matter what.

Are you serious

Avert thine eyes from this.

Are you going to give an actual argument or just be a passive aggressive bitch?

>Good combat

top kek

Furries are literal all-consuming cancer, more news at 11.

you're just an underage retard who doesn't really like rpgs

>tfw no OST by kirill



A UI that isn't complete shit.

Curiouser and curiouser.



Does realtime turnbased mean the horrid shit that fallout tavticsvhad?

what if I'm genderfluid?

>Another DOTA game with different title lol

>Dragon Age
>aka "the decline of western RPGs, chapter one"
>wins the poll
>literally the single greatest inspiration for Larian
>scores the lowest by a large margin

Why doesn't the world just die?

Are you EU or US?
Mic or not?

They're putting in his songs as a tribute.

>realtime turn based with pause
what does this even mean

Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. Icewind Dale 1 and 2. Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2. And so on.

They probably mean shit like Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights, where it looks like real time, but the mechanics are still turn-based under the hood.

>muh Ultima
I'm not gonna play a videogame where I can reach an unwinnable state 2 hours in but only realize it after 40 hours

Games like Dragon Age Origins.


That's real time w/ pause, it isn't turn based in the slightest


I played Divine Divinity as a child and played it again later on and I'm still in love with the game.
>starting OS1
>going into the tavern
>hear this song
>I've heard this before..
>realize it's from DD

How the fuck is DA turn based.

Not trying to be edgy, but he was way out of his prime in OS. His best works are all from Divine Divinity and everything past that just felt uninspired and soulless.

The change of the composer will most likely do this series good.