Been playing it for a while now, pretty good game.
Been playing it for a while now, pretty good game.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also streaming right now
twitch tv/hedoesit4free
game is coming out in a week or two
so what is this, another portal like first person puzzle game without the most interesting part?
kind of check out the stream I'm at the prologue
Will do.
this looks like a shitty viraling attempt
why would a shill give you the full copy of the game 10 days before release?
It's funny that a single screenshot is enough to convince me that I have zero fucking interest in playing yet another bland FPS puzzle game.
guess you're right didn't even register the link i need to be sleeping
Is this SP or MP?
Seem fun, thanks OP
>people copy portal
>without the thing that made portal fun
the portals
Looks boring as fuck.
>running through corridors and shooting at buttons
at least Haydee has enemies
>it's cool when we shill le sexy robot game
fuck you
>indie trash
I wouldn't play this shit if it was free
Cease all metabolic activity shortly
twitch tv/hedoesit4free
we here
Feel like fitting in yet?
seems like a good strat to me to build up hype on this board, so that more people end up buying this shit
honestly wouldn't be surprised if you were the dev
Played most of it yesterday
was really good, puzzles aren't too hard yet but they are still stasifing to solve
My biggest complaint is that the Player character says in one conversion that it's not safe for humans to be out the.
Like, what the hell kind of comment it that coming from an Astronaut who has willingly when to the moon of Jupiter and has been it deep sleep for years. Like fuck now you realise this isn't safe?
it erks me
about halfway in
>self-advertising this hard
kill yourself
I wouldn't be surprised if you're a braindead vegetable
how do you solve this please help i'm stupid
>was really good
OK if you are not shill then tell what was good about it because it looks super boring.
Pretty sure he's right tho
You're not fooling anyone, veggie-senpai
shill your shitty game harder
>no answer
so you are shill, huh?
try harder autist
Stop shilling your game, faggot.
Is this a puzzle FPS or an actual shooter?
Is it optimized well?
Must be pretty stressful, seeing shills around every corner ;^)
Pretty pathetic tbhfam
almost crazy people share different opinions on this board than you, huh?
you made the exact same thread with the same pictures and OP yesterday, makes you look even more like a shill
Been playing it for 30 puzzles or so, not really impressed or anything
If you keep shilling this shit we will 1 star the fuck out of it everywhere
try harder autist
Btw anyone know the code for the Captain's room before you jump into the pod?
Why do you keep replying though
So, how does it compare to The Talos Principle?
If it's not as good I'm not even bothering.
Bravo, OP.
it isn't
It´s dolphin porn, isn´t it?
Is it worth a shot or should I not even waste my time downloading this?
then into trash it goes
what is sage
it sucks, watch the stream
That's setting the bar so high, it's not even fair.
>what is sage
Wait, you're serious?
Puzzle only. There are 3 instances of shooting, 2 of them to drop cargo hanging from some rope and 3rd to kill the crew trying to shut down A.I.which is trying to save humanity.
well it is free and still nobody wants to play it
>posting on Sup Forums about time wasting
do you like puzzles?
do you want 70 of them for free?
holy chromatic abberation batman
twitch tv/hedoesit4free
about an hour in
twitch tv/hedoesit4free
come on lads
Jesus fuck OP did Pneuma sell like such shit that you have to shill your next game so hard?
You make shit games, deal with it and accept the consequences. Fuck off
>watching streams when i can play that thing myself
>No answer
I have more important things to do than validate your retardation
the atmosphere is good, the puzzles are well designed, and I like where the story is going
Why are you getting mad about a free game
try harder
Did anyone else have to lower post processing to remove that weird double image effect?
Is this just a beta build or the full game?
sage still works, your point retard?
full game
>This game has caused neurons in my brain to fire rapidly
>this game has some serious JJ Abrams syndrome, and I love it
>Wow... I can feel myself getting smarter by playing this game!
totally legit
>posting free games on Sup Forums is now shilling
That doesn't make any fucking sense. The only way this would work as advertising is if the game is so good people will feel compelled to buy it after pirating it, which I highly doubt will be the case.
you quoted my JJ post from play thread!
I'm honoured
>posting free games on Sup Forums is now shilling
exactly what it is retard
playing on ultra, the flag looks nothing like that
ughhh eewwww
>an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
>if the game is so good people will feel compelled to buy it after pirating it
It's not. It's not bad either but it's not Portal.
It tries serious approach, throws some philosophy in your face but in the end it's a few puzzles bound together by non important background story.
Also can someone tell me how comes the later part puzzles are only solvable when Ava end A.I. work together?
The whole beginning A.I. whines about how the puzzles were created to lock it out of the complex.
>an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
yes you posted the definition of OP
no one would have even heard of this game if he didn't do that
downloaded it from yesterdays thread and played today. its just a poor mans portal
not necessary a bad game but feels like a bootleg all the time
waste of resources ill say
Not the user you're replying to but how the fuck is posting whole game going to boost profits?
Every faggot and his dog at least a bit interested already downloaded the game.
Rest of lazy fucks watched the stream.
How does that help devs to get sheckles?
Word of mouth, maybe?
I dunno, ask OP why he's giving away his game for free.
Good advertisement for non pirate crowd all 5 of them here on Sup Forums :^)