Game where you fight giant monstrosities and larger-than-life humans full of power

>Game where you fight giant monstrosities and larger-than-life humans full of power
>They're all minions of some average height shmuck implied to be a lot more stronger
Why does Japan do this shit so often.

Because it's cool and Cirno is also cool,

user what is she going to do to Cirno ?


why does the right anime have diamonds for arms? is the poor thing limbless?

I believe she's going to get her lucky charms.

>hero sizehero power>monster power

>boss sizeboss power>monster power

I fail to see the inconsistency.

It's a good formula. You get all of the over the top possibilities of giant monstrosities, and it all comes down to a human personality you can connect with (the average height is just an outward sign of this). The fact that it's someone "like you" , as opposed to someone alien or strange, may be more stimulating.

All Cirno is saying is do it so who knows

Cirno is just proving how strong she is