He unironically likes GS

>He unironically likes GS

Why do any of you fuckers use this weapon? It's boring as shit.

Monster Hunter thread

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>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.

>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.

Paria is best monster!


Idk man, its comfy. What other people like shouldnt bother you kiddo.

I'm pretty sure he was nerfed from last entry.
Which is kind of sad.

>This is why normal shot is so much better than wide and long in Gen

This isnt saying much because Fullburst and GL is shit to begin with

I dealt with him better last game because the fov was not zoomed in on my hunters ass last game

>tfw burnt out

gonna take a break from the game for a while

I haven't noticed any kind of zoom between entries.

I beat all the village quests and did the argosy captains two ludroths in the guild hall

How come I still don't see the deviljho quest for the Hayabusa Feather?

See you tomorrow.

What the fuck does comfy mean anymore?

Fuck you, game.

I love canister shot so games that let me use such a gratuitously chunky round are always my faves. normal s 3 in mh. Lbx autocannon in mw....

At what level should I start working on getting an actual set together? At this rate I'm just going to stick with Tetsucabra until HR 6

I exclusively play GS
Send help.

>Jesus Christ user, I just want to have fun with a weapon I like, not speedkill the fucking monsters.

then don't ask for advice on how to play a gimped weapon, you retard

Please tell me that you're at least using guild style? If not, then you're beyond help.

Because it looks awesome, Hammer is great too.

Fuck you faggot

Any one have any real answers at all?

Not him but I've been taking a break for 8 months. Then again I did play it on and off since 2007.

Yeah, I haven't even tried the others.

Easily the highest dps output in 4u, Nothing rewards a monsters pattern knowledge like it. GS is fucking KING m8

Stop trying to fit in and let anyone use weapons they like.


GS actually is so fucking boring i dont understand why people like doing nothing but unsheth attacks

No one is telling him not to use GL, people are just telling him its shit damage while hes trying really hard to prove otherwise.

>tfw infinitely lance charging into najarala's huge hitbox

best feel in the game

OP here, I play a ton of GS and hate Adept/Aerial

My bait was weak

>me and friend duo together often and coordinate well
>fight this guy

>make lots of cool monsters and armors
>95% of them are fucking useless garbage that has no reason to ever be hunted
>weapons get shoehorned into maybe 3 weapons
>specific weapons like bow are stuck using goddamn meme weapons like Teo (just like the fucking Teo chestplate in MH4U)

When will this bullshit stop? I want ALL armors to be viable, not just a select few. Like what's the point of Gold Rathian armor?

Bring saved for HD release on PS4

I had to restart my game thanks to my ds dying.
So, I went with LS since Ive always liked the ramp up with spirit. Watched a video to refresh and understand the styles.

Am I retarded for liking Aerial LS? It seems to do great damage, I can get mounta ez and spirit level can be achieved fast thanks to an art. And its just fun. Striker also looks tons of fun thanks to the awesome arts LS gets like counter.
Also, is Adept the Boshido style? Or do you obtain Boshido later? Its not one of the styles I could select at the start.

Go do a 140 double deviljho with gunlance, then try with GS. instantly notice it's easier and you're killing quicker. And for some people that alone is what makes GS fun

I've been building sets all through low rank. Even got a small handful of clownsuits.

I want to try to get into SA.
What style is good on it? Playing mostly as a duo in local coop.

They're just comparing fullburst damage between long and normal, not the original poster who says fullburst doing 400 damage, are you blind?

This is why I can't take MHGen community seriously. It has become cancerous with "muh speedrun and muh minmax" shits. In 4U, there was even a guy who made a niche kinsect only build for fun and everyone was supportive to him, or at least, left him alone. But now, everyone seems like to attack anyone who doesn't conform to japanese speedrun build. I'm sick of this shit.

I pretend the Teo Bow and Hellblade Weapons don't exist.

Half the fun in making armours is taking a shit armour and seeing what I can do to redeem it.

The best armor for grinding mats?

Going from 3U to 4U, I really, really, really liked 4U's aura mechanic, and find it strange that others didn't.

Now not only are we back to 3U's aura, but with 4U's moveset and new arts, maintaining aura has become more tedious than any kind of enjoyable struggle, and I can't find it in myself to use the weapon this entry.


this isn't new. see 4U Cham Bow/Hero's Bow, 3U Kelbi Strongshot, etc

>Mfw Raths look cool and by all accounts you should like the monster
>but they shove in so many god damn variants and they all have such a shitty annoying moveset that you despise them

You know for all the dick sucking they get, you'd think they could get new movesets already

>no mention of 4u steve bow

JAPs have the JRPG mentality that there should only ever be a tiny selection of 'not shit' gear. They are under the mistaken belief that people will have trouble to these 'harder and therefore better' monsters when even shitters stop them in 4 mans. So they honestly believe that players will be happy with Heat cancel and speed sharpening over sharpness 1+ HG earplugs and Attack up L.

They will never learn to make any non-main monster sets not complete shit. FUCK IM SO MAD NOW WHY DID YOU REMIND ME OF THIS

You should be aware that the Demon Riot / Energy Charge combo is broken-tier overpowered. If you pretend that Demon Riot doesn't exist, or otherwise can't combine with Energy Charge, then the weapon feels a lot better balanced and more dynamic.

Otherwise, most styles are good with it. I'm especially fond of using Adept in Axe Mode.

>This is why I can't take MHGen community seriously. It has become cancerous with "muh speedrun and muh minmax" shits. In 4U, there was even a guy who made a niche kinsect only build for fun and everyone was supportive to him, or at least, left him alone. But now, everyone seems like to attack anyone who doesn't conform to japanese speedrun build. I'm sick of this shit.

MH has always been this way, where the fuck have you been? Either ignore it or stop being such a little bitch

They already did that in Tri. In fact those were the only monsters that got completely changed in Tri.

Well they were reworked incorrectly

It's a handful of autists on a singaporean cave painting message board. Randos are just as bad as ever and the people actually playing the game don't give a shit as long as you aren't triple carting.

doesnt matter for mhg, whole game is boring as shit

Dude, you ain't been here for long if you haven't noticed the rampant, elitist minmaxing of Monster Hunter communities in general. Speedruns have been mentioned literally every entry.

Hellblade Glavenous was a fucking mistake. Fuck I still say BLAST/SLIME was a mistake.

>slime broken in 3U
>nerfed in 4/4U but still viable with variables in monsters giving different preferences

Generations can actually do one
Enjoy Bushido rolling through the whole game at 30 fps to realise you've run out of things to do at hr200

Nah. Tri's Raths were fine, and they were fine in 3U, too, until you got to Gold/Silver.

But 4U/Gen really made even the basic Rathalos super fucking annoying (Rathian's just the same as ever).

steve bow wasn't meme tier like Bow of Valor or Kelbi Stringshot. I was just bringing up the status rainbow bows that were retarded. Steve bow was just damage city.

Hellblade weapons would be fucking absurd even without Blast, or against Blast-resistant monsters

Too much raw and white sharpness in a game where Sharpness +2 is a massive pain to get.

>tfw no mhgenerations on vita

are you a gay retard?
steve bow > every other bow in the fucking game

>none of the GL sets have artillery skills (but CB has)
>it's best to just avoid the main gimmick after you've hit red gauge
It's still my favorite weapon and I'll go artillery expert just for the hell of it

Ain't a problem for me, I'm a set collector. I spent literally 2000 hours in Tri and collected damn near every single weapon and armour the game had to offer.

no at that point it would just be Grimclaw.

also I have a bad feeling Sharpness +2 is going to bleed into MH5 or whatever the next main title is.

MH4 was literally shelling forever and never poking ever, that's what they're afraid of.

the fov in this one is more zoomed in, it's really only noticeable when you compare

Portable 3rd had shelling with the autoguard talisman, that was a mistake

all you are doing is proving my original point that every main MH game has an OP Bow. I was just wrong about 4U usage.

So is the Steve GS good to use? I just built a GS set with Focus, Crit Draw, and Crit Up.

everyone should make at least one of each element for their fav weapon.

Actually, now that I think about it, staying in Bow's aim mode for the whole hunt feels a little awkward compared to the previous entry. I definitely remember having more screen space.

what GL should I get in mh4u? and what armor?

>*uses my tigrex GS with crit draw crit boost against the monster after GL toppled it with a fullburst, right in a benis for 300 damage*
>*roll evade, sheath cause if i follow it up with another charge i'll only do 215 damage and i'll be fucked if gunlance does more damage than I do*
>GL just pulled off another fullburst that motherfucker, okay here comes the crit draw!
>GL just pulled off another fullburst that motherfucker is doing so little damage what A RETARD
>*roll evade, sheath my GS*
>monster gets up, oh shidd lmao i cant hit its head while its moving around like this
>lmao gunlance just unloaded into its leg what a retard
>guess i'll try for that 50% hitzone head!
>oh shid da monster moved
>*hit doz forearms for 25%*
>gunlance motherfucker just landed another fullburst who is he fooling HE IS SO WEAK
>*roll evade, sheath my GS*
>*run around waiting for my OPPORTUNITY*
>here it comes!!!! CRIT DRAW CHAAAARGE
>oh shid da monster move
>completely whiff
>gl just landed another fullburst cause of explosion range but he doesnt know how PUNY his attack is lmfao what a retard
>oh fug da monster wriggled around too much and pushed me out of range just as i swung my crit draw
>monster is flyin now and i'm outta flash bombs o fuq
>look at GL shooting charge shells straight up right at its feet doesnt he know he's literally healing the monster with that tactic? I would totally KILL the monster with my mega slash right now if I could reach it so instead i'm going to run around in circles.
>*i kick gunlance from the hub*

Do you enjoy shelling? Then make Seltas armour. Razor Sharp, Artillery Expert, Hero's Shield (small monsters cannot flinch you).

Keep in mind that it has no slots.

>more tedious
what? in 4U it went straight from red to none, and finishing the spirit combo wouldn't refresh it. It's blatantly better in Gen.

Hyper Tiggy is better with Crit Draw enabled.

so shelling is the way to go in mh4u? thanks user, will try that

I beat all the village quests and did the argosy captains two ludroths in the guild hall

How come I still don't see the deviljho quest for the Hayabusa Feather?

He said 4U, but I do suppose it still has the same shit save Hero's Shield

Nigga shiet there are better ways to show your butthurt than typing up this nonsense

there are definitely better GS's, but the steve GS is amazing for soloing

Hyper Steve is great for any weapon really for soloing.

I got tired of GS after 300 hunts now. I'm currently grinding for Narga S (fuck deviants grinding) because I'm having a blast with Seregios SA. Holy fuck, Demon Riot and Energy Charge are broken as fuck. Might as well call it GS-lite.

Anyone has one of those plushies? How good are they?

Are there any good quality key chains?

>I main Striker GL
>hunteranon friendo uses Aerial GS w/ Lion's Maw

find a less assravaged GSfag

Maybe try doing a random quest to forward the game by a day

Yes, more tedious. In 3U, it was an enjoyable struggle to keep red up, because the moveset hadn't been expanded yet.

In 4U, the aura was changed to go back to nothing, but the expanded moveset made it easier and quicker than ever to get aura up despite that. Also, I approved of the larger period of not absolutely having to get the finisher off every 30-45 seconds just to keep Red up. The end result was that the flow of battle for the weapon felt fairer and more interesting to me, keeping aura up was still an enjoyable struggle - but not too awful - and the weapon controlled a lot smoother, making up a whole lot for the new aura - in fact, it could even be said to be thanks to the new aura. The fact that Red lasted two minutes instead of one, and also was a 30% boost instead of a 20% boost also went a long way into making up for dropping to nothing. Not HAVING to do a finisher for two minutes, meaning not HAVING to get a full combo unless the damage was worth it, was a worthwhile blessing even if it took another minute and a half to get the aura back up afterwards.

In Gen, we've got 3U's aura, but with 4U's moveset, making it the easiest aura to maintain period, there's no struggle. On top of that, we've got Sakura Slash. Now, maintaining the aura is a matter of course. It's low level tedium, a mindless thing you do to get that finisher every 30-45 seconds, it's not even a slight struggle. I don't enjoy that. Also, the red boost is weaker again, and just as short as before.

It would have been better to fix what was bad or unenjoyable about 4U's aura than ditch it entirely.

>I'm bored of one meme weapon so I moved on to another one

let us know when you move on to Aerial DB or Status SaS.

Maybe its because I was burnt out by the time 4U rolled in and Im used to 3U Aura/Spirit but I do not find it tedious. And going Aerial and having arts, building the guage up has been quick and a blast. The 1 Art youre allowed helps ramp up or chaining instantly from white to red. Loving it honestly.

Can we just talk about how good going aerial Steve SA is?

it takes a special kind of delusion to not acknowledge pure mockery but hey GS has always been good in every game surely just by tradition alone its still absolutely the best the best the best, right?
>Wolfs Maw for DB increases attack by 30% for 2 minutes
>Dragons Breath for GL increases shelling by 10 raw for 3 minutes
>Unhinged Spirit for LS increases to full spirit +20% for 3 minutes
>Limit Breaker for CB increases ultra burst damage by 100% for 2 minutes

>Lions Maw for GS increases the next single attack by +33% regardless if it hits or misses.

Hmm worth a shot

How do people stand sword mode SA? I don't use SA much but I mainly go high raw SA and stick to the axe.

>Hunter walks in using Deathprize
>Victory is assured

why did the devs narrow the viable Para weapons so much instead of nerfing paralysis in general?

They're alright.

A lot of us have been conditioned to only ever use the sword mode for several entries now because otherwise we'd be doing sub-par damage. Demon Riot doesn't really change this trend.

>read that SA got a nice buff
>try it out
>realize how much i hate having to learn new weapons
>stay with bow


Do you even energy charge lll m8?

anyone up for a rotation room?
I'm just a HR5 scrub but anyone is free to join.

ID: 67-6071-6069-0426
pass: 7243

How do you play GL without Guard or Evasion? Without guard to take the hits or evasion to take advantage of backhop invincibility GL is lacking in ways to dodge/block enemies. Do you just carefully backhop around the monster and stab as it's near you, never putting the shield up since it compromises movement? Or maybe utilize a hit and run unsheathe playstyle?

the fuck you talking about? SA takes maybe 2 hunts to master lmao

Gen was a mistake