Senran Kagura

>31 days remaining.
Will they finally make a good game?

Hanzo a shit
Gessen a best

31 days?

For the 5th anniversary of the franchise, Takaki has been teasing it on his twitter, so there probably be some kind of announcement or nothing at all.

Probably not, they have no reason to fix the many problems this series has when they can shit out a zero-effort DLC-riddled mission pack like EV and get rewarded handsomely for it.

Especially when it's been made clear that those slant eyed cunts want more garbage like EV.

And Yumi. Lots and lots of Yumi.

>Worst gameplay in the series.
>Barely a plot.
>Ending is DLC.
>Most clothes are DLC, almost no customization options otherwise.
>Music is so shitty that they let you play SV music instead, as DLC of course.
>Most missions take place on maps completely unrelated to where your characters are, just to drive the mission pack feeling home.
>Lots of reused maps.
>Lots of reused heart stories.
>Crimson and Hanzo completely reduced to walking memes that regurgitate their one or two jokes over and over again.
>Absolutely nothing done with Gessen or New Hebi to make them worthwhile.
>Only worth mentioning addition is some hilariously tacked on exploration that usually feels like you're going out of bounds more than anything.
>Turtles are made even worse somehow

I was expecting a slightly improved SV and they couldn't even manage that.

You forgot to add that on top of being walking memes, they were also non existent in the barely existing plot.

>floating in midair surrounded by bats

Man, they're pretty blatant in making her a Morrigan clone, huh?

I've barely played it yet but I already had the impression that it was more of an expansion than a fully fledged game. A shame.

And with PSVR about to be released, I can see some sort of VR Senran being announced and them not bothering with a new game for another year.

That's probably for the better, since whenever they did appear it was usually in scenes that made me hate them

It'll just be another game thats pretty much just some softcore wank material with jaggy 3d models, and desperate weebs will eat it up again.
Im always baffled that people above the age of 12 could get it up to this low quality shit.

i want to hug, fug, and marry the snek

Better not bother with a VR thing if they're going to reuse SV models again instead of making new ones.

Please don't remind me of that scene, it was awful.

I sure hope that isn't the case, it's been a little over a year since they announced a new game.

I'm going to marry Yumi!

They are cheap enough to keep using them.

>Scene with Hibari, Haruka, and best Sen

Figures siki posters have shit taste.

Yumi only dates Japanese men, user.

Oh fuck off.

Your precious little "uguu moe submissive housewife" is dragging down the whole series.

So is every autist in Japan

Sk2 models are better, just need a bit more polygons and better textures.

Why make a good game when you can rely solely on waifufags and sex appeal? It's the equivalent of why Walmart has shit customer service, they got them low prices.


It's literally the same as dynasty warriors and it's never the bullshit price of 60 ameribucks what are you talking about

Whats up with nips worshipping Yumi like it some kind of goddess. She is pretty much Yamato nadeshiko but goddamn, I still don't understand.

And SK2 also sold like shit because she wasn't in.Yokai Watch 2 also didn't helped.

That's it. Every man in Japan wants a cute, submissive housewife. Yumi is that in spades.

Daily reminder that Takaki tried to save the series, but Japan ultimately told him they just want more Yumi, more fanservice, and more DLC. From Takaki's notes back when he was talking about SK2:

>wanted the series to grow, in the sense that we'd see the girls mature, graduate, and even take on the difficulties of being a real Shinobi instead of a student
>claimed the Yoma were supposed to be some variety of terrifying Great Ones that were incredibly powerful
>claimed the Yoma seen in SK2 were pitifully weak due to a lack of sacrifices and being "newly born" (and had no time to mature), and that we'd be seeing some of the older Yoma in later games (AKA the one that killed Rin's squad, etc)
>loved boobs and ass, but said they ultimately needed to take a back seat to the serious plot (not that they'd be removed entirely, mind you)

Instead of this, Japan responded with:

>SK2 is too hard
>it doesn't have enough fanservice
>the plot is too grim for a fanservice game
>it doesn't have enough Yumi
>it has Murasame in it (they hated him)
>it has too much grinding to get the content (Yoma Nest, Mission Mode, etc)
>it's on 3DS (they said Takaki "betrayed" them by not putting it on Vita)

Which is why EV is the polar opposite of SK2: a lack of plot, fanservice out the ass, Yumi, and loads of bullshit DLC to further the fanservice.

I hate Japan...

Funny because I actually like all three of them, that scene just shows how south this series is going.

>>claimed the Yoma seen in SK2 were pitifully weak due to a lack of sacrifices and being "newly born" (and had no time to mature)

Well that makes a lot of sense, how come I never heard this before?

>it's on 3DS (they said Takaki "betrayed" them by not putting it on Vita)

Shit is ironic, because the series started on 3ds. I hope they keep the series on nintendo consoles just to make everyone butthurt again.

>japanese players complains about grinding
>japanese players say senran kagura it´s 2hard4me
>my life was a lie about the japanese players

Japan always sucked at playing games.

>Well that makes a lot of sense, how come I never heard this before?

It was in a post-SK2 interview. Long story short, the Yoma were supposed to be put into classes like mook > mini-boss > boss > big Yoma > elder Yoma.

Takaki specifically said that the Yoma that killed Rin's squad (and ~50 other Shinobi) was on "a completely different level" than the Yoma we see in SK2, and that future games would probably have such Yoma. Alas, we will likely NEVER see this because of Japan. Notice how both SV and EV mention Yoma, but they never appear once on screen. This is because adding Yoma to otherwise fanservice packed games would be somewhat awkward.

>Oh we're fucking around on the beach and doing fanservice things
>suddenly Yoma

Unlikely. If I had to hazard a guess, we'll be seeing a new SK game on Vita/PS4 in 31 days. I have hopes that it'll be SK3 with a serious plot (and Yumi shoehorned into it somehow), but I don't think it's likely.

It'll probably be another spinoff game (Takaki really wanted to make a SK game with waterguns) or another Versus game.

Chances are whenever someone says "DUDE THIS GUY MUST BE ASIAN XD" they meant him being korean.

Fucking Japan.

Modern nips suck at videogames. Back in the days games were hard because devs themselves playtested the damn thing. So they good good at it.And because games were damn short, difficult was made up for it.

Can't forget all those butthurt Amazon reviews about how Yomi cleaned the floor with the nips.


Well at least there's an excuse for it now, even if it seems kind of half-assed.

>pirate JP SK2 on release
>kill Yomi after dying once (died due to not realizing that you couldn't spam like in Burst anymore)
>proceed to play the rest of SK2 by dodging attacks and THEN attacking the enemy

That wasn't very hard to figure out. I mean they couldn't have made it even more obvious: Yomi's attacks have massive tells, and she can be instantly stunned if you hit her while she's in the backswing of one of her attacks.

Post Mirai.

The only thing japs are good at are fighting games and even that is only a small number of them.


Stupid cat

Hopefully it's a game just about Yumi, I don't need those other fucking losers.

And somehow she became one of their favorites afterwards.
That would require them to do something other then button mash.

>Crimson and Hanzo completely reduced to walking memes
Not only that, SK2: Deep Crimson's character development supposedly grew many characters out of the jokes they still use in the Versus series.

Even if it wasn't much it at least required more thinking right? At least you could juggle her when she was stunned before the patch.

Best girl. I'm at work right now, don't have my folder on this computer.

Fuck off Japan


She already was top tier by then. All sneks are.

Shut up Japan.

>At least you could juggle her when she was stunned before the patch.

If you're feeling really adventurous, you can fix that bug AND play the game in English. In TL;DR format (requires piracy by the way):

>get SK2 .3DS (not .CIA) ROMs of both JP and US version
>decrypt both ROMs with Decrypt9 to obtain raw files
>find and extract US script files, inject into JP ROM
>rebuild ROM
>you now have 1.0 with harder Yomi, no sun bug, and English text

The downside is that you cannot update, and you cannot use DLC.

Well thanks for the info user.

That stun bug is so annoying.

>fighting Orochi
>stun her
>teleports to the other side of the map


>Ending is DLC


Mirai is pure! Pure!

They sold a part of the story as DLC

You can also use that same method to wear Naraku's and Kagura's clothes. However, they don't work well. Naraku's clothes clip with basically every hairstyle, and Kagura's dress just spazzes all over the place.

The true ending to EV is paid for DLC, and it's exclusive to the PS4 version.

pure slut

You take that back right now.

Cute robot is cute!
Sleepyhead is cute too!

The fish represents her vagina

>The true ending to EV is paid for DLC, and it's exclusive to the PS4 version.
Well, I'm glad I didn't bother to pick it up. I only have a Vita so that would've bothered me.

>PS4 exclusi e
O-Oh, why?

Takaki could've realized his dream to put the tittyninjas into games with harder content and a plot that delved deeper into the Senran Kagura's true mission to hunt down and eliminate Yoma

he could've chosen PC instead of Nintendo

>Valkyrie Drive under-performed
>Uppers flopped
>Takaki is now forced to make yearly Yumi Kagura games for the rest of his life

Just play SV on PC at ~80% speed and you have EV.

Because the mission has you play as Sayuri and fight every single girl. Apparently they said it was too much for the Vita to handle without serious FPS drops (the PS4 version already chokes on it), so it never got released for the Vita version.

>he could've chosen PC instead of Nintendo

Except the Nintendo games are the ones with the serious plot and harder content. The Sony games are the shitfests.

Because there's too many enemies for the Vita. I don't remember it exactly.


>The true ending to EV is paid for DLC

What are you talking about? I've seen all the dlc and none of it is an ending.

>Just play SV on PC at ~80% speed and you have EV.
I already played SV on Vita, so no real point in that.

>Naraku's clothes clip with every hairstyle
Funny you say that, because it does that in EV as well, and that was a official release.

What does this represent then?

Look again then. The Sayuri vs the cast mission is the true ending.

>SK2 undoubtly the best game of the series
>touching story
>fleshing out characters
>more serious tone and important conflict
>still with the right amount of humor
>much improved gameplay, approaches cuhrayzee games like sengoku basara and differences between characters in the play styles
>challenging difficulty, specially the bosses
>stable and wonderful multiplayer
>lots of customization options

>japs hate it because it didn't have enough fanservice and would rather have a shitfest like EV

Why they have such a horrible taste?
Now we will never see SK3 with cuhrayzee DMC-like gameplay and still we will just get braindead shit because of the japanese fans

I'm fucking mad, for real

Nintendo consoles get the mainline series, you know, story plot and gameplay. PS consoles get versus, fanservice and shit.

At this point I just want a new manline game, I don't care about console wars.

Enjoy your Yumi Versus: Now with more Yumi Edition. You can also buy Super Yumi for the low price of $49.99.

We all want a mainline game.

But the world is a harsh, cruel place.

He should move to God's favorite country

Or you know, have the primary audience be the west rather than shit taste land.

>Takaki reboots the series
>still the same premise
>only it takes place in MURRICA

So, it'd star Ashley, Izzy, Kathy, Helen, and....I have no idea what Yagyu would be.

What the fuck have they done with katsuragi? Her entire character in ev is "boobs! boobs lmao" all the fucking time.

Camera was truly horrendous in SK2, and unlike in the Versus series, you don't have a minor amount of auto-tracking and a good lock-on system to make it not matter that much. 90% of the difficulty with the final Dogen fight was simply because he was usually off-screen, with no way to adjust the camera and a poor indication of where he was, meaning you had major trouble determining exactly what he was doing and if he would hit you.

Unless you were playing Haruka, where you could just Love-vial him and prevent him from attacking.

Multiplayer was great because it was cooperative, rather than competitive. In competitive, the only things that matter much were the strongest characters so you just see Daidouji, Rin, and whoever else is particularly broken at max level and that's it. With cooperative, players can pick worse options and lower-level options and not worry too much about power differences, because the two are working together. Heck, even minor stuff like the Partner-Health-Regen stone or Partner-NinjaArt-Regen stone were really good at working together.

I would hope that whatever game they come up with next would have both competitive and cooperative multiplayer, so it doesn't just turn out dead like the Versus multiplayers quickly end up doing. Also, if they're planning another psudo-sidescroller, then take some cues from existing side-scrollers in how to handle the camera, so that the bottom 70% of the stage doesn't go off-screen just because you are doing something at the top.

And SK3 needs to put the girls together in random groupings, so that we see some more interactions past the standard pairings we keep seeing in the games so far.

Seriously, fuck PvP in SK. Co-op is so much more fun.

>Mirai is touted as a somewhat popular writer who publishes her work on the internet
>Going by Murasaki's reaction, the game wants us to think she's good.
>Get to Ikaruga's shinobi heart story in Estival Versus.
>Mirai thinks a good villain name is "Badwoman".

It was on this day that I realised Murasaki has some seriously awful taste, and I need to find a different best girl.

She's still better than Yagyu. "Hibari! Hibari lmao" non fucking stop.


Found your problem, Versus make everyone pretty much retarded. Flanderization at best

Most SK characters have a bad habit of falling into some sort of stereotype when the writing team doesn't have anything for them to do. Just take a look at SK2: her lines in the first chapter were basically GHEE HEE HEE and trying to grope someone, while in the middle of a stealth mission. It wasn't until about halfway through the game when she started taking things serious and relating to the other characters reasonably.

I don't mind the lol boob chaser aspect of her character - Katsuragi's SV heart mission was amusing - but only when it's a side aspect of her character. Not when it is the entire presentation of her character. And that applies to pretty much everyone else too, who all fall into the same generalizations when the story isn't focused on developing them.

I've heard that EV tends to do that with pretty much everybody, though.

Who the fuck cares about the plot in these games anyway? Looks and voice are the only thing that matters for the girls.

It does, just refer to the image that posted.

>Game has a main story mode
>A grand total of fucking nothing happens over the course of over fifty missions

I've gotta hand it to them, it takes skill to make a game that feels this fucking pointless

The only Hanzo girl that wasn't retarded on EV main story was Ikaruga, and even then the only thing she did was ask questions.

These are still kids, so being good/popular may just mean that Mirai has some popular fanfiction or something similar, as opposed to best selling novels. Also, some writing can be silly or amusing even with - or even because - some very cheesy moments. An evil villain organization called the "Badwomen" wouldn't be any sillier than Team Rocket or the Evil League of Evil, and those certainly weren't unpopular.

Also, heart missions are intentionally sillier than normal, and EV wasn't exactly the best at character consistency.

Shut up Japan.